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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/24 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    How sad. As Shef says, people from our younger days are starting to leave us now. I know some of the younger ones think we're a bunch of old farts but the John Bond years were the best of times. It was a joy to watch. Exciting football and some larger than life characters.
  2. 5 points
    I must admit I do like the idea of the following attacking 4 Sarge Sainz, Sara and Rowe with Kenny & Nuenez backing them up. That’ll be very interesting. Attack is the best form of defence in my view.
  3. 4 points
    Hi all. I would, very politely and very cautiously, urge everyone to be very careful with some of the speculation. Thanks all.
  4. 4 points
    Well, as far as I can see Knapper has ridden on Webber and Wagners wave into the playoffs. Wagner rightly points to what they did in the summer window. Kappers contribution in January has done nothing to help in that respect. Knapper must surely be wanting to appoint his own man. I think it would have been easier for him if we hadn't made the play offs. But I should imagine he'll still want his own man. But there's a different pressure now. If we fail to go up, the play-offs will be the bar any new manager has to live up to.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. 3 points
    Elphicke is slightly to the right of Gengis Khan. Odd that she feels more comfortable with Labour. And even odder that they have accepted her. Diane Abott, take note.
  8. 3 points
    Hi all, according to a combination of my dodgy maths and Soccerway I make it £116 in earnings, which I'll round up to £120. Cash on it's way to you Eddie! 💛💚 Apples
  9. 3 points
    Yea I’d much rather he plays Rowe if Barnes is unavailable and moves Sara inside (or Rowe to be fair) than put Nunez in the 10 and play Sorensen there. The Nunez/Kenny partnership has been fantastic and Nunez has really grown into the role. We need to beat Leeds and to do that I think you’ve really got to get the guys most likely to score and create goals on the pitch.
  10. 2 points
    This is Norwich City at the highest peaks of the world. Including Everest Base Camp. Ive climbed to just under 7000m on Ojos del Salado, Chile.
  11. 2 points
    Shame we don't have disappearing binners. Plenty of them about lately.
  12. 2 points
    Hopefully 20% haven’t bought their tickets.
  13. 2 points
    It isn't really about getting a 'tackle in', more about making sure Summerville doesn't get space and time. Onel is great dribbler, but he switches off defensively far too often, as does Rowe. Fassnacht is better at carrying out his defensive duties in tracking his man and making sure he doesn't get to double up on the right back.
  14. 2 points
    That doesn't change the fact he was calling himself a Man U fan not that long ago. He's like many Ipswich fans who disappeared when the going got tough but have leapt back on the bandwagon in the last couple of seasons when it seemed like they might be on the up.
  15. 2 points
    He'll defect to the Whigs.
  16. 2 points
    Binner!! 😀.................
  17. 2 points
    I think you’ll find that West Brom are also selling to their away members first. The clue is in the name of the scheme!
  18. 2 points
    If you had told me another Tory had defected to Labour and asked me to guess which one it was I think we would've been here a long time before I said Natalie Elphicke. Given her past, I'm surprised Starmer didn't turn her down but the siginificance of it being the MP for Dover and her criticism of the small boats policy makes it a publicity coup for Labour.
  19. 2 points
    I have to confess that this thread is one of the very few reasons I still post here so will miss it badly. I'd like to put on record the joy this thread has provided me over the many years and for that I thank Eddie and all you regular posters on the Rays funds page each week. Should anybody come up with a less time consuming(for the organiser)idea for raising funds on here in the future then count me in.
  20. 2 points
    I have the same opinion on the money grabbers (champions) league. A competition manufactured out of money, greed and self interest by a small number of clubs. Who could possibly be interested in it except those clubs. At least football at ridgeon league level is played for the right reasons ie love of the game, and not pure greed and self interest.
  21. 2 points
    Interestingly Parker is one that I'd avoid like the plague, toxic personality and a poor brand of football. Football is all about opinions as the old saying goes. It will certainly be an interesting change if it happens. I can't shake the feeling that Knapper and Wagner's long term visions do not align.
  22. 2 points
    Think big or always get left behind. Norwich would easily pull in crowds of plus 31,000 for consecutive season in the PL. We comfortably pulled in better numbers than Brighton and Leicester in the Championship.
  23. 2 points
    Is that wise ?...............
  24. 2 points
    I shall miss this @nutty nigel 🙌 Thank you for providing the opportunity to do good, to help others, to have some fun, a little competition, a bit of skill challenge and interest ….….most of all a bit of community, a bit of purpose, a bit of meaning. You did that 🦮🙏🏼 Parma
  25. 2 points
    I always find myself thinking 'wtf are you actually on about' every time I read your posts
  26. 2 points
    We also won 24 points from losing positions. Only Leeds and Ipswich managed more. Brilliant job, Mr Wagner.
  27. 2 points
    I make this the goals by defenders so far this season, so £24 total. I'll up it to £15 for each goal scored by defenders in the play offs. Stacey: I Duffy: I Batth: I McCallum: I Sorenson: I Gibson: I
  28. 2 points
    He tried and fell short. Fair enough, if your body doesn't let you, you're wise to listen to it. Let's hope he raises plenty for his cause.
  29. 1 point
    Just letting supporters of a certain vintage know that Viv Busby passed away yesterday,following a stroke.Had been living in Spain. He was 74. RIP.
  30. 1 point
    Thanks so much Graham, you're a star ⭐ It's added in to the totals in memory of Lapps....
  31. 1 point
    Only done 4 PL games this season and I think it said 35 Championship games, 8 red cards including the Leeds goalie. I guess he has been selected as no VAR so they will have to make their own decisions, which he will be used to doing rather than leaving it for Shockley Park.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Not according to some binners 🤣🤣 I just see this posted on the Norwich fans forum on book of faces... The comment is then form the original post...... " Current players are better!!??? " 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  34. 1 point
    To be honest, if you offered me a penalty shootout at the end of two legs against Leeds, I'd probably take it.
  35. 1 point
    "Plastic binners" I like what you did there.
  36. 1 point
    We all know Farke's weakness is at set pieces. I wouldn't be surprised if Duffy scores against them.
  37. 1 point
    There seems to be this view that Wagner should have done as well with the players out as when they were fit. I heard Jack Reeve say something like finishing sixth was par for us because we had the best keeper, the best defender, the best midfielder and the best striker in the division. So the strogest spine. Even if true, which I doubt, that ignores the time these players were injured. It's just another example of moving the failure bar to suit the results.
  38. 1 point
    This is the third trip to the playoffs in my lifetime. 01/02 we were huge underdogs who scraped in on the last day due to goal difference. Nobody went into that season expecting a top six finish, so we were playing with house money at that point. 14/15 we weren't underdogs- if anything we should have been aiming for automatics. But the change of manager sent us on the run of a lifetime and we went into the play-offs hot and with a chance to knock out our biggest rivals who'd limped into 6th that year. Our fans seemed super confident at that point due the form we were in and the players we had. This year we've maybe, kind of, met expectations by finishing 6th but got there with some weird runs and ended up limping over the finish line. Positionally we're more like 01/02 in that there is a big gap between us and the team in 3rd and feeling like we've got a weaker squad than most in the playoffs but we aren't the overachieving underdogs coming in on a wave of good feeling either. I'm still excited about the games but I'm in a weird place where I'm both not very confident but also not feeling like I'll be gutted if we lose.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Tbh if you're from Thetford you're probably a little simple
  43. 1 point
    Master Qui gon? Yoda taught me to commune with you! I need guidance. Anakin has turned to the dark side, I don't know if I have the strength to face him. He is my brother! I cannot do it master!
  44. 1 point
    Yes, all clubs use this to report their attendances, although of course that really isn’t what they’re reporting at all even if they like to pretend it is. Number of tickets sold does not equal the numbers in attendance, although for away matches it’s likely to be a lot closer.
  45. 1 point
    On what basis? Didn't Wagner do the double over him this season and that's why we finished the one place above them? I'm not a particularly big fan of Wagner, but certainly don't think that a manager who managed to be beaten tactically twice this season by Wagner is the man we should be giving his job to. Rosenior is just another Russell Martin, talks a very good game while failing.
  46. 1 point
    Reading all the posts on this thread, and then the thread on Rosenior, I get the feeling that hardly any fans (or clubs) are happy anymore. For all except the top few clubs, I think this is because we can't dream. So there's a strange mix of desperation to get to the promised land (clear in Hull's decision to sack Rosenior and Birmingham's ridiculous sacking of a good manager who was doing well and replacing him with a big name) allied with fans of clubs like ours knowing we'll be nothing but whipping boys if we get there and the very best we can hope for is to survive in sixteenth for a few seasons before sinking back down into the desperate chasing pack. I think this is the main reason why for many on here the enthusiasm for getting to the top table is so lukewarm. There's a malaise in English football that runs deep and perhaps it's not only affecting the smaller clubs but starting to hit the big boys too. Unless Villa come back from a two-goal deficit away against Olympiacos, there will not be a single PL representative in the three European finals this year and Villa were the only semi-finalist. Perhaps the PL's indifference to football at the grass roots will eventually strangle the game in England. Not that the PL gives a damn about that. It's also interesting how many people who were dead set against the ESL have now changed their opinion and would happily see the big clubs leave, as long as they really do leave and have no way back. (But that won't happen - they'll want their cake and eat it, the bastards. And they'll get it, of course.)
  47. 1 point
    I've rated Rosenior ever since his punditry on the Football League show - has a great tactical understanding. In fact I think I suggested him as a potential option when Smith went. By all accounts he was the brains at Derby during Rooney's tenure (damning with faint praise I realise) and he has done a decent job at Hull. Albeit he went down a little in my estimations after some of his post-match complaining. He's spent about £12m plus some loan fees and recouped about £4m on a Hull team that was closer to relegation than the playoffs last season. Half of that on Philogene who has certainly appreciated in value. So I'm not sure that they spent a fortune per se. I'll be interested to see who Hull think is going to come in and do a better job. As posters have suggested on other threads, 3 of the top six spots were pretty much nailed on before the season started and it is only really the Binners that are a surprise in the final table. So take them out of the equation and he has got Hull as far as anybody could reasonably expect this season IMO.
  48. 1 point
    oxymoron: Thanks for the grammar lesson, DM, as I always thought it referred to a stupid person who was a waste of fresh air. With BKS, however, it works in either the correct version you have quoted, or my alternative misunderstanding.
  49. 1 point
    of course the players who booked holidays in Leeds are golden! no need to change their plans
  50. 1 point
    No - zero interest. Have remarked to friends recently the same thing. It's a sign of how broken football is these days. How can our fans look at this team, understand the amount of money that would have to be spent to even get it remotely competitive in the PL, and then be excited for the prospect of another PL season? Which teams have genuinely managed to establish themselves in the PL and start competing for European football? Once upon a time, people would've pointed towards Stoke or Portsmouth..
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