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Commonsense last won the day on December 31 2021

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  1. Or a proper decent human being who is repulsed by the need for certain individuals to behave as though it’s still the 1940s. Shame his view is contradicted by a moron on this forum.
  2. Yes, I got a new one as well. It’s strange to do that this year if as suggested they are looking at replacing them with electronic ones next season.
  3. No it‘s bollox. He needed a club-They offered him a job -simple as!
  4. What do you expect ‘ Norwich have a better chance of promotion, but they didn’t want me so I’ve come here instead’
  5. It was capped at a level which enabled all group 1 members to buy. Those in other groups who wanted it could have chosen it earlier as a match pick. Realistically Oxford and Luton are likely to be the most oversubscribed, and therefore the most logical match picks.
  6. Even in your world it would seem extremely strange (person C) to buy an away membership if you only intended to go to one away game.
  7. TBH I’m sure it’s made no difference whatsoever. Do you really think an early pre season game with not all the players available gives any indication at all for the season, in particular as it was against Bruges who will be far more match fit as their season starts on Friday
  8. If the club only sell 50% of the available tickets as match pick, we must have at least 600 members in group 1, and in reality more as some of those would have been in the match pick as well. I thought last season we had relatively few.
  9. You don’t need to because some people think it’s worth posting it on a message board.
  10. That’s because the former is very unlikely, the latter would be a miracle!
  11. Whatever else you are, surprised you are not with a certain person on the forum!
  12. They’ll do them on the same day if they have enough tickets to cover both and separately if they don’t I would think, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to guarantee the match pick!
  13. ‘Barely string 2 sentences together’ - He can’t even spell his own name!
  14. But they don’t! I’ve yet to meet a Scottish person who hates us-the football rivalry is amusing, but isn’t hatred. By the way if you think we don’t care at all, can you explain English fans singing ‘ They’ll be no tartan army in Berlin’ amongst other things.
  15. Maybe that’s because he has done well in all the tournaments they’ve played in. Most other England managers have failed to qualify at some point, let alone reached the latter stages.
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