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  2. I bet you loved looking at that bloke showing his **** to women and children. How dare you skip that and call me a moron!! You’re a NONCE simply put
  3. The Germans don’t care, at least none of the ones I met in my younger years did. They knew any jokes from the Brits or the Dutch (who were always much worse) in regards to the war was just that, a laugh. It was only ever others getting offended on their behalf
  4. But **** to kids is great stuff. Nonce
  5. Or a proper decent human being who is repulsed by the need for certain individuals to behave as though it’s still the 1940s. Shame his view is contradicted by a moron on this forum.
  6. Depends how big it was, somebody else might have felt the consequences of it swinging around too
  7. Yawn, some lefty who squeaks about a few choice songs but is quite happy for a bloke to show his **** to kids and the fans from his own team.
  8. Less games equates to less chance of tv income and reduced gate receipts, which in turn leads to an increased financial 'hole' and/or an increase in ticket costs. The club's will not vote for that.
  9. Obviously unacceptable as well but that's one person who rightly feels the consequences.
  10. We need more helicoptering at matches
  11. On the other hand you had a Magdeburg fan whipping out his meat and veg while stood near kids. You get bad fans on both sides.
  12. Today
  13. After enjoying the game tonight (despite us being poor), me and a friend enjoyed some beers with some of the opposition German fans tonight and they were nice people. However, on my way back to Guildhall taxi rank there were 3 instances I witnessed of Norwich "fans" singing World War 2 songs at innocent groups of the German contingent. These German fans were literally minding their own business with their colours showing proudly but were met with such abuse I felt embarrassed to be English and a Norwich fan. The people we met who support Magdeburg were really nice and couldn't say a bad word against them. I am not against banter and having a laugh but these German individuals on these occasions had literally offered no offence to those offering it. By all means, have a laugh but I genuinely felt sorry for those given the abuse. Not a criminal offence in the slightest, but I just wanted to highlight that this is something we shouldn't seem acceptable without provocation and not at all brilliant to hear.
  14. As I’ve said previously though, I don’t believe we had a good defence that season. We didn’t concede many simply because we had a majority of possession in most games so the opposition didn’t have the ball to launch an attack. However whenever they did I was always fearing the worst as the inevitably waltzed straight through our back line without a decent tackle going in and got a shot away, fortunately Krul played out of his skin that season. It was a victory for the tactics rather than having a solid defence. Its been a long time since we’ve had a back 4 who could control the opposing strikers and actually snuff out attacks
  15. We’ve got too many old Legs
  16. They may bring consistent benefit to the first team that we don't see. Much was the case with Paul Crichton, for example. They've also not been as poor on the pitch as are being made out to have been.
  17. We only conceded 36 league goals in 2020/21, the joint lowest total in our history. In terms of goals-per-game, that was the outright lowest in our history.
  18. Only in England would some pleb describe celebrating the nation winning a decent haul of medals as jingoistic
  19. 5 pages on the main Leicester site that they may be interested
  20. How do you know? I thought you only bothered asking your MP and that was it.
  21. Any manager that thinks Grant Hanley or Shane Duffy can pass the ball out from the back clearly has a lot to learn. We don’t want to be relying on either this season, even from the bench. Former should get into coaching. Latter needs a coach as he can’t drive any more.
  22. I don't mind a bit of Celine, but she had been sounding ropey for a few years, but she smashed that
  23. TBF, and I’m not a fan, she was great especially considering she’s not well.
  24. Yeah, so Michael Johnson clearly thinks it was **** 🤣
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