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GodlyOtsemobor last won the day on May 6

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  1. Rowe, the most replaceable, we barely missed him during his injury
  2. Good job people are there to watch the pitch and not the stands then.
  3. I doubt the real Fabrizio would have @infarkewetrust as his handle. Lol
  4. I dunno, that cassanova got past the word she. That's hard to compete with.
  5. Not as impressive when you realise it's against our own defence 😉
  6. In myself? Totally toeing that fine line between confidence and cockyness as always. In the team? Too early to tell until the squad is finalised and we actually see a competitive game.
  7. Absolutely fantastic!!! Best marvel film in aaaaaages. ( Helps that Deadpool and Logan are my favourite marvel characters ) But it worked from start to finish, jokes hit every time, cameo's and appearances were great! One massive surprise. Pure brilliance, definitely going to shape the MCU going forward into secret wars.
  8. Maybe Ryan Reynolds got him a role in Deadpool Vs wolverine to sweeten the deal..... Wait..... Has this solved the who is cast as lady Deadpool debate!!!??? It's not Blake lively, Taylor swift or Bella Thorne..... It's OUR TODD!!!!
  9. Love the athletics, can't wait, watch diamond league regularly. Makes the missus laugh that I very rarely follow any GB athletes though 🤣 I follow the person rather than the nation when it comes to athletics.
  10. Deadpool & Wolverine tickets booked! Buzzing!
  11. Have to say, loaning 2 left backs is questionable, possibly why the approach was rejected? Parent club wanted more game time etc.? I would of thought there's a decent lower league left back out there for a few hundred thousand to sit on the bench if we really want to loan out montoia ( and Doyle is a done deal )
  12. That would mean uprooting the Wendy house from outside Zoe's.
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