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TheGunnShow last won the day on July 25

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About TheGunnShow

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    Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth, dwi dal yma!

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  1. Got my warm-up event for Dresden (which is at the end of October) lined up, and signed up to run it again after it was called off in 2021 due to the pandemic. I'm pretty sure there won't be many Brits in the field for the Prishtina half-marathon in Kosovo in September, but I'm going to have a lot of fun wandering around.
  2. Meanwhile, Sampdoria play in Serie B and got beat by a German regional league side in BFC Dynamo. Must be bricking it at the thought of playing Magdeburg tomorrow then.
  3. Oh, if they put me on it and serve up something spicy then the language used will be the only thing that's spicier.
  4. The bar stood who invented predictive text should funk king rot in hello.
  5. No-one's said they know what's going through his head at that moment, but they are saying he may have lost control in a stressful position where clear thinking is required and where they are - or at least should be - very much trained to that effect. And if we use your phrase "gone into meltdown" then he's patently not fit for the job as despite the training (if indeed that is good enough) he can't be trusted to keep a cool head when it's most sorely needed. We've all done things we regret when stupid. We still face the consequences. If this officer is guilty, then he should get the rap. That's precisely what the investigation should be about. Incidentally, the family of the victim also have police officers in their family. They might have more of a clue about the demands of the job than most. Anyway, it's under investigation, let's see what comes out in the wash.
  6. Rowe. Young, home-grown bonus (more money from another English club), and the most mercurial - on the one hand he's the most likely to produce something from nothing but he's also the one most likely to go missing a bit.
  7. How can he kill someone, or indeed be a threat of any sort whatsoever, when he's lying unarmed, face down on the floor, and with his arms by his side? And as I said before, this background is precisely what the investigation should be focusing on. We'll find out if there's been a major transgression soon enough, but that's definitely the first question I would expect to be posed - what's stopping him from sitting on the suspect and handcuffing him there and then?
  8. Depends on which part of the Goatherder's Guide to the Galaxy that was left on the cutting room floor they choose to "quote".
  9. Ah yes, and how many kids did ol' JC Superstar himself have? Or indeed should we mention how God used Mary as a surrogate and musta caused a heck of a domestic with Joseph. Real "family values", that.
  10. Usually German sides will have a reserve team that plays at a lower level in the same league pyramid. My guess is that they've sent two mixed teams out, or will put those who only have a shorter stint in this game tonight on for more time in the Sampdoria friendly. Not to mention, their Sampdoria game is at home, so no doubt many players there won't have been on the trip and will be at home. (Incidentally, Miss TGS might have done radiology work on some Sampdoria players. They seem to be staying in that part of Germany as they're facing Magdeburg and Jena in pre-season friendlies. Wonder if they're staying at the same complex the England team did for the Euros at the Weimarer Land resort in Blankenhain??).
  11. That was precisely part of my thinking - a lot of American cops don't get very much training and they're armed to boot so it really isn't a surprise that they can appear a bit trigger-happy. IIRC in Norway you need a university degree in policing to become an officer and much of the training is all about conflict resolution (maybe @Olano could confirm this?) I can't blame an officer for acting poorly if they're not trained properly in how to do the job, or if they are part of a culture where this is somewhat endemic. But again, that's for the investigation to discover.
  12. The whole point about good training is that you override your base impulses and work effectively under those much more stringent pressures. No-one's said that being a police officer is a simple job at all, and no-one's said that any of us can make ideal decisions in those conditions, heck - I even said explicitly that when defending an average citizen apprehending someone like that. As for whether it was a big error of judgement, that's what the investigation is for. But why didn't he try to just handcuff a guy who was lying down on his front with his hands slightly behind his back instead of trying to kick his head out of Terminal 2? If he'd been struggling with the officer at that point then sure, plant one in his kisser. But he was just lying there. Now if their training is insufficient, that's a different story entirely.
  13. Precisely this. Police officers should be properly trained for this. If this was someone who'd apprehended a burglar and did this, I'm A-OK with it. In fact, if it was a common citizen who apprehended this chap at the airport before the cops got there and did that, I'm still A-OK with it as they probably won't be trained, but they are clearly trying to be proactive members of the public in helping maintain law and order. But trained professionals should be held to a higher standard. No-one answered my question of "why didn't he just handcuff the guy lying down?" and that spoke volumes.
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