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Inch High aka Inchy..

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About Inch High aka Inchy..

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    Inch-High aka InchY If you are not on Rays funds why not?

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  1. Where is Big Vince/Keith what's his face(both 1 poster) when you need them pushing their negativity. Or Dean Coney's boots with his "Sarg is sold" crap? It's just one win but I think most fans can see what is going on at the moment. It's a rebuild and that will take time to get up and running. With the glass half full glasses on , it's one loss in four games.
  2. What/who will you be coming back as Buh?
  3. Yes, was a bit surprised that the seats were not locked in the up position so could plant my backside for 10 mins at half time.
  4. Who'd want to spend a week in DCB's life. It must be so depressing.
  5. The knuckle draggers aren't brave enough to protest in Luton.
  6. Let's see what happens with the money from the Sara transfer before judging the current regime. If it is spent wisely then we'll know we are in safe hands, if not then panic!
  7. Nah! He'd be stuffing food down his throat until the pub opened.
  8. Albania, I'll unpack my suitcase now then and tell the wife the promised holiday is off. 🤣🤣
  9. Kjetil Knutsen. Go get him, just the sort of manager we need.
  10. In terms of percentages Wagner comes at about number 9 in our top ten all time managers knocking Worthington out of the top ten and relegating Ken brown to number 10.
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