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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/23 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
    OMG they've done it! Thought they deserved it over the course of the season, the play-offs and today. Well done Luton.
  3. 3 points
    Fair play to them both,but my god how bad is this?Either of them won't know what hit them next season. Proves how bad the Chump has been this year.
  4. 3 points
    No, no and no from me. Christ on a bike even when he put in an odd appearance or two he was underwhelming.
  5. 3 points
    There’s no evidence other than Webbers word, he’s a journalist he’s not there to believe things people say without corroborating evidence. Claimed is correct.
  6. 2 points
    Can't fault the effort but it shows how badly we underperformed if these two finished ahead.
  7. 2 points
    I’m just bumping this above Cambridge’s unnecessary duplicate.
  8. 2 points
    Sorry for responding so slowly, I haven't been around for a while. Shafer is an exciting young player, who has been injured a lot lately. He picked up three injuries since November, and has been mostly out for the rest of the season. Although his latest injury seems to be a light one, and will probably be fit by the start of the season I don't see why would ha want to play Championship football instead of Champions League with Union Berlin. I'd rather recommend another Hungary international, Callum Styles (who is actually English with a Hungarian granny 🙂 ), who plays in the same positions, but a bit more versatile, plus with some 130 Chumps games under his belt he know this league in-and out. He spent the last season on loan with Millwall from Barnsley, who are willing to sell (around 3m) or loan him out again. On basis of the Hungary internationals I saw involving one or the other player I think Styles is as good as or better than Shafer and a more realistic target for us.
  9. 2 points
    He's now available. Just saying...
  10. 2 points
    Sara is the only decent player we have left at the club....sell him and i genuinely think we're in relegation trouble At thd moment off the top of my head I'd say only cardiff birmingham rotherham and huddersfield are teams that we 'should' finish above. Thats how far webber has allowed this squad to have been neglected
  11. 2 points
    Luton all the way (my grandad played for them in the 50s).
  12. 2 points
    That Benjamin Mensah would be a really intelligent signing...
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    It's almost impossible not to hire an ex-Watford coach these days, though
  15. 1 point
    Let’s hope Luton “give it a go” 😉 <- winky emoji.
  16. 1 point
    Luton have deserved it. They have been everything we haven't over this season. Humble, determined, united, a whole which is much greater than the sum of its parts.
  17. 1 point
    Looked pretty decent to me 😉
  18. 1 point
    Looks like the least worst will win this game.
  19. 1 point
    It doesn't say much for us as a team but this could easily be confused with a L1 final.
  20. 1 point
    I’ve been and would recommend it. Sounds a bit strange but you would have a chance of a ticket for champions league group games as German fans find them expensive in the posher areas of the ground.
  21. 1 point
    He can’t cover if injured. Hayden was a coup if he was fit, a genuinely talented DM with PL experience. I may be wrong but I don’t think he’s going anywhere in the Championship to play backup so that means we need someone else of quality to be backup if he’s injured again. He may play circa 40 games for someone next season and that’s the risk but I don’t think it’s necessarily a risk we should be taking.
  22. 1 point
    I don’t know that ‘people’ did - we, as supporters, rarely got to see him. He wasn’t part of the main playing squad as there were others ahead of him, so we sold him - that’s perfectly reasonable. That he’s come good elsewhere shows he’s worked hard. Good luck to him.
  23. 1 point
    So much drama about a bloke who talks for talking sake on the TV. The world is nuts.
  24. 1 point
    Not for me. We need a DM that we can rely on and build a midfield around so we can bring out the best/better in our creative players for the next 2 or 3 seasons. Normann and Hayden had an injury history that we were prepared to gloss over. Perhaps it will be a case of 3rd time lucky but please not Hayden. PS I don't see where people have seen that quality - he looks very ordinary.
  25. 1 point
    @Badger such qualifications are rare; the auditors are basically saying they are signing off the accounts but are relying on the Directors word that everything will be okay, pointing out to the readers of the accounts that they can't place reliance on the assurances given about certain transactions, so don't come sueing us when those transactions fail to manifest! So readers are put in the position of asking themselves do they trust the Board given the auditor's clearly have doubts? Very few will. If I was a company that had been selling services to them, without a written assurance from a Board director or better still payment up front, I would steer clear!
  26. 1 point
    So Hayden is the second "experienced" player coming in then. I mean, it would make sense. He is a good player when fit. No transfer fee, wage demands are probably lower now.
  27. 1 point
    I doubt thats how they would operate considering they tend to pinch staff from local papers, far more likely he may end up covering East Anglian teams or something. Nancy Frostick was brought in as the Sheffield Weds correspondant and now covers the EFL. They brought in writers based on club size rather than league position it seemed but you may be right, an extended run in Championship purgatory may see the end of him exclusively following Norwich, off the top of my head there's West Brom and Watford correspondants as well in similar positions. I think what was interesting with that article was that it was authored by the UK Athletic Staff, not Bailey. Now maybe he pushed for it, but it read like an Editor had picked up on it and wanted a wider reporting of it as a broader than Norwich issue about views of the women's game.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    I'd have booked him for taking that long to get off the pitch.
  30. 1 point
    I am not sure he was written off, i just think at the time we won the FA Youth Cup there were not that many opportunities for him at Norwich. His career shows what can happen if you drop a league or two and work hard.........
  31. 1 point
    A match to determine who we won't be playing next season. I can't wait.
  32. 1 point
    The biggest issue for West Brom fans is that their owner (Guochan Lai) has, in effect, borrowed (taken?) from the club. West Brom, as a business lent £5 million to another business that Lai owns (Wisdom Smart Corporation) and apparently there is little prospect of getting it back, although he has said that he will.* The auditors have been unusually frank (imo, perhaps one of our accountants could clarify). They have said, “Given that such funding or player trading is not guaranteed, these events or conditions indicate that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the group and company’s ability to continue as a going concern.” However, Lai is a multi-billionaire (estimated £2.8 billion) and Chinese, so to some is obviously a better owner than our pauper owners. *“At 30 June 2022 and at the date of the approval of the financial statements, the company has yet to receive payment and so the full amount totalling £5,059,000 has been impaired to a carrying value of £Nil,” the accounts say. https://theathletic.com/4365308/2023/03/30/west-brom-guochuan-lai-loan/
  33. 1 point
    Ha, 78% of Express readers think we'll be getting 3 foot of snow next week.
  34. 1 point
    I guess what ‘might’ be worthy of discussion is that the chaps chosen seat isn’t available for sale as a season ticket. As far as I’m aware, nor are the red seats at the back of the Barclay, normally designated for police presence. However, they’ve been made available for City Elite to accompany the drumming. This has led to there not being a police presence in that area for the first time in eons, the influx of their associates who clearly don’t have tickets in the vicinity, the overcrowding of the area, blocking of gangways, ST holders being displaced and all with, seemingly, the stewarding being complicit. Now, trying to boost atmosphere should surely be applauded, but, I’m not sure it should be at the sacrifice of season ticket holders who’ve been there for close to 30 years and that their disabilities should be ignored. Genuinely believe this is problematic for the club. They appear to be willingly encouraging breaches in regulation. Previously, folk in that area have been reminded that persistent breaches of ground regulations could see areas of the ground closed temporarily. NOW, it appears that the club are wilfully ignoring said regulations to accommodate the lads with the drum. We’ve seemingly come a long way since The Beast was throwing out the back few rows for standing up and reading the ground regulations out of his little book. Will this come back to bite? As these lads don’t have stadium tickets, how are they gaining entry? And why is the overcrowding being summarily ignored by security and the police if it isn’t instructed? Anyway, if we start winning regularly, nobody will be worried if the drum is there or not… Right???
  35. 1 point
    Spot on ,right on the money 💰 nutty. It's a changed game. Remember when five subs were brought in the amount of negativity from some was hilarious. Its been like this in many other countries for quite a while. Yes its a squad game now. The first eleven does not real ly exist anymore. It's the first sixteen now. Reserves is almost a redundant word in top class football. In theory everyone of that sixteen are on an equal footing. Tactics.
  36. 1 point
    That'll be the Sargent that got 13 league goals last season despite spending considerable swathes of it planted out on a wing to accommodate Pukki. He should be the spearhead next season. If he stays fit, he'll go past 13 next time out. Might even hit 20. Barnes won't get as many, but from what Burnley fans are saying he's excellent at bringing others into play when he's not scoring. Don't need to get into a bidding war for someone who is probably a bench player at best. Can spend that money wisely elsewhere. A couple of good centre-halves and a defensive mid for starters.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Im just going to focus on the ones I think Sam's got wrong: Hanley - There's no way we'd be able to sell him given his injury, we'll be keeping him for better or worse. Kamara - Keep, because there's no way we'll buy 2 new strikers after Barnes, and see below. Idah - Loan away from Carrow Road. Needs game time, an opportunity away from the crowd to find some goalscoring form. His confidence is shot to pieces. Sargent - Sam thinks sell, I think he's off his rocker. We've lost Pukki already and he wants to cash in on the only other player who for a period this season knew where the net was? Crazy. Sarge needs to be the tip of the spear this season.
  39. 1 point
    I see absolutely no problem with that.
  40. 1 point
    Should be banned for life. That is close to match fixing.
  41. 1 point
    Managing egos and different personalities is the key job of any manager, regardless of profession. The problem is some real top performers will often have egos and personalities that need managing. I’m sorry but your two options are inherently flawed. Just because bigger stars often have bigger egos doesn’t mean stars at all levels aren’t similar. If you can’t or won’t manage talented people because they require more work you lose out on a bunch of talent and diversity in a team that can help you. Because guess what, the sort of personality who is going to have the guts to stand up and tell the manager things, who is openly frustrated when things are going wrong, who has differing opinions etc. is a similar set of traits to one that’s going to hold their teammates to account and push them, who hates losing, who will fight against the odds and run into brick walls through sheer stubbornness. There are no good or bad personalities despite popular belief, personality traits can be good or bad depending on how they are managed and leveraged. I’m not convinced Farke was good at this despite all the many other talents he had, and it’s key to most top managers success.
  42. 1 point
    The ground in large part will always fill with happy clapping day-outers. It always has.
  43. 1 point
    Your are an utter moron. It’s ok not to like women’s football, but the rest of your post is just the ramblings of a disgruntled incel. Fortunately your predictions about Tzolis show that your last comment ‘we’ll succeed’ is (like your predictions about Tzolis) going to be proven wrong too. You’re an embarrassment
  44. 1 point
    It's not just about ball retention is it though? What we all want to see is possession with purpose. Without a creative midfield and with a powderpuff attack, much of our possession, in recent times, have been achieved by passing around at the back. Followed by a big punt up front by Gunn, at which point we lose possession.
  45. 1 point
    Really good to see and if all those who shout online about how they haven't renewed are telling the truth, then fantastic to see a good percentage of new season ticket holders who'll hopefully give it more than 10 minutes before booing the team for passing backwards. On a personal note its the first time my younger brother has been able to get a season ticket with us so I'm chuffed for him (well, subject to match performance)
  46. 1 point
    Wonder who got Richard Balls’s ticket..
  47. 1 point
    Surely that means they’re not giving 100% to their clubs?!? 😡
  48. 1 point
    What is it with people writing street poetry today? None of this rhymes either. Let's have a little jiggle around here: "I think that's a factor, if he took the job aiii'right, But the reason he resigned, may have differed in da'night, Man got dem respects, he big up the club homies, That's why the boardroom motherf****s had him on loanees" Yeah, take your point, bro.
  49. 1 point
    Ruddy Aarons Hanley Bassong Olsson Tettey Howson Sara Hoolahan Redmond Pukki
  50. 1 point
    Sometimes I feel I’m on another planet. Yes it was a gamble due to his injury, if he’d recovered and played regularly he could have been the DM we’ve all been banging on about and we’d be in the playoffs now at least. I know it didn’t work out, but it’s over, we don’t have inflated wages like a millstone for years like we did with Naismith.
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