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  1. Monty. You are spot on !!! The ego has gone. Absolute Tò§sèŕ. It feels so much better.
  2. Aye ,aye, how did we fuuuuuuçķ up the Tzolis . Oh I remember, sometimes we think or certain people think they are utter geniuses, what a waste of time effort and money. Not the boys , fault that's for sure.!
  3. Overpaid Charlatans ,overpaid Agents (charlatans). DO we really need agents. Looks like there is dead wood all over this industry stealing high, very high salary. WHO pays, the fans.
  4. Please, you really need help you are very confused indeed . Your words: not previous seasons with other clubs and players, that he'll be capable of keeping us in the premier league. oh you are such a silly billy who just gets worse by the minute. Now politely just evaporate will you. Don't text me ,your boring.
  5. Yes ,punctuation . Ha ha. DESPERADO ; you ReAlLy ArE. . TaKe a chill pill please, or just go away.
  6. Your embarrassing yourself . Honestly !!! Cmon Wagner ,repeat what you did before. I think you can replicate the same scenario as you did when you took Huddersfield to the premier league.
  7. Your point is invalid as he had a different set of players, staff and club management. Oh you Really are scraping the barrel. ,It's only a game. No need to feel embarrassed 🤣. Invalid. Ha.ha. OMG.
  8. I agree so much of what you say. Nothing is written in stone. We now have the opportunity to progress and then who knows. Yes , fans seem to worry about so many things that are out of their control. A new era is happening now, MA on-board. Who knows if he will invest enough to make a big help ? Again it's all talk with us fans. WE , as in Norwich City are about to embark on another roller coaster era. As you say , if we loose the playoffs, then what? I don't know? For now let's hope DW can get us up. Just like he did at Huddersfield and stayed there for two seasons . Lightning might strike twice in the same place. Let's hope so.! Yesterday's game was all about staying injury free. Now , we are at the serious days ahead. THE mindset has to be 100% to progress and yes, it's more than possible.
  9. Exactly this. SPOT ON. On our day, anything is possible. It's ours if we want it.
  10. and then from the Championship in 2017. They spent two seasons in the Premier League, before being relegated in 2019. Who was that. Oh. Huddersfield Town managed by , no it couldn't be our coach D. WAGNER. I believe it was. Unbelievable . He can do it again then. Let's do it🎯
  11. I think your guess is probably spot on. How much did the players raise 12k. Yep it was always about a huge ego .
  12. 2-1 for Norwich City. Marching on . Here we go.
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