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S_81 last won the day on February 10

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  1. Same people singing the war songs are often the same folk proudly singing about our German bloodline royal family. And even reading the Nazi sympathising Daily Mail.
  2. Any manager that thinks Grant Hanley or Shane Duffy can pass the ball out from the back clearly has a lot to learn. We don’t want to be relying on either this season, even from the bench. Former should get into coaching. Latter needs a coach as he can’t drive any more.
  3. For a club of our size and spend, if we are to pay such wages for players at the end of their career we need them to still bring consistent benefit in the first team. Barnes and Duffy haven’t done so enough. Former more so than the latter. Latter should certainly be transfer listed for that reason + his off the pitch behaviour.
  4. Finally a nice away kit. Well done
  5. Lampard would be utterly dreadful.
  6. At this point there’s a giant element of jealousy, passed off as mockery, with a tinge of nervousness that they’ll actually stay up. I sincerely hope they get relegated, but I’m envious of what they’ve built in the last couple of years and also some of the signings they’re making. Can only hope that we once again build the right way, rather than wasting high wages on geriatrics. And that our manager proves to be as successful as theirs.
  7. Really cannot see Southampton staying up. I think they’ll actually be bottom.
  8. Ipswich being in the top flight makes it all the worse.
  9. You’re just as bad for starting a clickbait thread
  10. I still think Mumba will prove to be worth a lot more than 1m, in time. Selling Kamara for another low ball offer would also be stupid business from a club that’s meant to be developing youth.
  11. A decent man. But tactically far too defensive when it really mattered. Italy was particularly the missed opportunity. But even Spain weren’t at their best and it could have played out differently with a bit more bravery. And boy oh boy did he get the luck of the draw. It’s highly doubtful we’d have got to finals had those draws not been as favourable - given his record against the elite teams. I hope the FA don’t show such a lack of bravery in the next appointment.
  12. He let that team play as it should have tonight, with Foden in the right position. And his subs were spot on. Please please let’s have a go again on Sunday and not be scared of the Spanish.
  13. Looks like Villa are having a go at taking Philogene from under their noses
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