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  1. 19 points
    In true Ricardo style some thoughts on todays match Yobocop made a last minute decision to take the relatively short trip to Northampton from Knebworth Herts, parked up outside the ground for free as the attendants card machine was on the blink. Result Bought a ticket from a little grey portakin was in the ground with 5 mins to go, a good turn out in the away end as always, the Northampton fans clearly still in England mode and one stand under construction. The teams came out to the tune they play at Stamford bridge (the liquidator) and I have to say I was very impressed with how the kit looked in person, including the rainbow keeper kit someone in the crowd was wearing. Norwich started much the better side and a few take aways from The first half were fassnacht playing upfront didn’t work, Kamara needs to work his way into the team a bit more and Sainz playing centrally was a masterstroke. hills and Montoia didn’t look out of place in defence, we seemed to also play quite direct at times, yes plenty of passing in and around the box but was effective with an outlet first goal a great move with Sorensen knocking the ball out to Stacey who’s lovely cross met the head of Rowe who found the top right hand corner, shortly after Rowe scored again after beautifully rounding the keeper. Despite Norwich’s full control in the first half, Northampton shut up shop a bit and made it difficult for Norwich to break them down and a Gabby sara free kick was the closest Norwich came to extending their lead there were times during first half where Stacey found himself the furthest player forward which was definitely a ploy to create more room on the wing for Kamara a half time which lasted just over 20 mins, Yobocop went for a comfort break and decided not to join the mile long queue for refreshments a touching moment when a young Norwich fan was handed some goalkeeper gloves from the Norwich goalkeeper coach which must’ve made his day second half both sides made 11 changes and to be honest the game was a training exercise second half, fisher in at defensive midfield was a surprise but he played well, other notable mentions for manning and adeboyega. Aboh scored the final goal but did precious little else but he was starved of service highlight of second half was when the a Norwich fan shouted ‘you’re S**!!’ To the northampton goal keeper only for said goalkeeper to promptly boot the ball out play. as always with preseason games very difficult to take anything away from result or performance but interesting to see how Thorup operated and how he set out his team and have to say i saw some impressive glimpses both on the touchline, during the warm ups and tactically. Yobocop called into his friends house in Daventry and enjoyed a home made curry before travelling back to Herts see you all at Oxford
  2. 15 points
    I'm somewhat baffled how people can watch football and still not get that you can't just say to contracted players 'we don't want you anymore' and they are magically gone.
  3. 15 points
    You forgot to add fans prematurely pant wetting
  4. 13 points
    We won 6-3! That's a league and cup double this year for our CP team. What a great result, congratulations!
  5. 12 points
    Must say I'm feeling surprisingly emotional about tonight. I lost my father during the 2018 world cup and I remember thinking that in some ways I didn't want us to win- it would have felt unfair that he had been taken from us before he got to experience and celebrate it with us all. This tournament in some ways has come at a perfect time for me. My eldest son is old enough to understand a bit about football and home important this game is- for a treat tonight he'll be staying up and having a late bedtime to watch the game. Celebrating the wins with him has been a brilliant experience and in turn reminds me of some of the great times I had watching England games with my own father before cancer had its way. I wish he was still here to watch this with me and my kids but I'll be raising a glass to him if they finally do it tonight. C'mon England.
  6. 12 points
    I'll take it over a dodgy Cypto company or your classic '123gambleyourlifesavingsaway" anyday
  7. 11 points
    Not as impressive when you realise it's against our own defence 😉
  8. 11 points
    Selling a talented young player because we've already got Tony Springett and Christian Fassnacht would be one of the dumbest decisions we've ever made.
  9. 11 points
    Did the job with dignity, integrated plenty of promising youngsters, played a part in ensuring future generations play football in a more cultured manner, and created a splendid atmosphere that players wanted to play in and indeed wanted to play for him. Kept meeting reasonable expectations, but couldn't quite go beyond and get that little bit extra out of his men. Said before I don't think he's a club manager, but if a country needs a pathway establishing to focus on developing young talent, he'd probably not be a bad one to go for. DoF could be well within his capabilities as well.
  10. 11 points
    On the train on the way back to Eindhoven for our flight home. Flew in there as £23 return from Stanstead. We are due back for semis if we get there and we were planning the final again if we get there, but that could well be the fanzone for at least some of us as tickets will be at a premium. After reading this thread to pass the time, you have to say hilarious ! There must be a few of you crying your eyes out at 95 and 120 minutes, it certainly seemed you had made your own headlines. Would just like to say to @......and Smith must score. fantastic 48 hours thanks, nothing like you are describing, didn’t beat the Germany game or the final 4 years ago for atmosphere, but we have some great memories thanks, you must have a sad life taking the pee at your fellow countrymen for something you only wish you could do. And to @Keith Scott whether people think Southgate should be manager or not at least go by the facts and not your myths and rubbish. Far from not backing Southgate, loads of fans wearing Southgate masks tonight to show their support ( even if I booed a little bit ( quietly ) ) when he brought Tony on. Second thing is you should not make up rubbish about him, I believe the stat is ( happy to be corrected ) is that he has now won more knockout games than the previous 12 encumbents combined. And where he finally needs the respect is what he has done with English football. There would likely be no likes of Foden, Bellingham, Saka, Palmer to name but a few had he not demanded change to the whole academy system. This also effected our own club Norwich ( I appreciate Scottie is a binner ) who by using the category 1 status have had the opportunity to develop some of those ourselves. Anyway, absoloutely exhausted now, so I will get round to answering some of the tosh I’m sure I will get in the morning, although I must say still absoloutely buzzing, people wanted exciting and however you feel about systems, who plays where etc it certainly was exciting. I will have happy dreams tonight thinking of Bellinghams equaliser, but I guess for some of you that moment will be a nightmare.
  11. 10 points
    He's a miserable so-and-so, if reports are to be believed. We need a kinder Bueno.
  12. 10 points
  13. 10 points
    Andrew Cave-Brown Troy Archibald-Henville Gary F***ing-Doherty
  14. 10 points
    Hey, don’t want to be detract from debate about serious stuff BUT this is a transfer rumour thread. And before you know it, it’ll be 44 pages of a slanging match about who is woke who isn’t etc. Can we stick to what this thread is for please?
  15. 9 points
  16. 9 points
    Labour got hardly any more votes than usual, less than when Corbyn lost the election last time, so the country didn't come together to put them in power, it merely finally saw off the tories. To think Labour got a huge victory is to be totally deluded. Yes, they got plenty more seats, but in our electoral system, as usual, the real wish of the people as a whole is totally ignored. The real wish of the people was to have more representation of differing views. Labour got 33% of the vote. So 67% of those that voted - the vast majority - are not represented. Thats like a result of Norwich 2 Ipswich 1 and Ipswich getting the three points........ Wonderful. If there's any fresh air, it is that hopefully in five years, Labour will have been seen to be as useless as the tories, we will get an election that will see the end of the first past the post system and we will get a democracy that actually is some kind of democracy, politicians will have to actually work together and we will move to a better system. Optimism? Barely - half the job has been done - to kick the tories out - the full job will be to kick out labour and end the failed first past the post system forever.
  17. 9 points
    Isn't that normal? He was 18 5 years ago, so it isn't like he will be the finished product anytime soon after that. I suspect this is why it is hard for young players to come through at their own teams, fans hear about them for years before they are at the level they can make a real impact. Unless, it is one of the few like Aarons who can emerge first team ready, fans have horribly short patience with youth players. If Kamara or Aboh don't start performing straight away I suspect we will hear grumbles about them being 'overhyped'. It is already beginning on the thread about Aboh before the lad has kicked a ball. Idah is 23 and with little game time under his belt so far, he has the potential to continue to improve.
  18. 9 points
    The pedant in me feels the need to point out that even if we do sell a couple of star players, we will replace them, even if the replacements are free, on loan, or cost very little. I see your point though. I have no doubt that we will sell a couple of key players and replace them with much cheaper ones. Do we need to be softened up though? This is to be expected for any Championship club. As soon as a player becomes too good for the division, or it's clear that they have the potential to be soon, they always get sold and replaced with a much cheaper player. The only exception really is if a club has already sold a couple and they have no need/desire to sell any more. This isn't a Norwich issue; it's how the Championship operates. Yet some still think that we are the only club in the Championship which sells its best players and it's all being instructed by an 83-year-old lady who puts the money in her own pocket.
  19. 8 points
    If you're in the ruling party you don't vote against the Kings Speech, you don't vote for amendments to the Kings Speech.
  20. 8 points
    Longs a decent keeper, he did well in the cup games last year. He’s a backup, you get what you get with that. The amount of stick he got for not being as good as Gunn was stupid IMO. He’s someone who’s expected to spend most of the season happily waiting on the bench to be called upon, if he was as good as a first choice he wouldn’t be doing that.
  21. 8 points
    One of my biggest disappointments of the Wagner era is what happened to Gibbs. Thought he was really coming along under Smith (somehow) then disappeared into the ether, only to be randomly deployed up front for a few minutes here or there. Granted-McLean, Nunez and Sara are three of our most important/ saleable players, which makes it hard to get him in at CM. Hopefully he's either in with a genuine shout this year or out on a good loan, very little point being sat on the bench for another year.
  22. 8 points
  23. 8 points
  24. 7 points
    Those 7 stood as Labour Party candidates and knew exactly what Labour Party policy was on this issue. They knew they would defy the whip over this issue after the election so should have shown some integrity and stood as independents. Of course, they knew full well they wouldn't have got elected into their £90k a year job had they done so, so they didn't. There have always been those on the far-left of the party who privilege the adoration of their comrades for ideological purity, over actually getting things done to improve the lives of the people they claim to fight for. This is nothing more than smug posture politics. Starmer has done exactly the right thing.
  25. 7 points
    at 3 foot 7 inches Wee Billy would drastically reduce the average height of the Brighton team
  26. 7 points
    I think if you examine our periods of form, they coincide with Barnes and Sargent being in the team and fully fit.
  27. 7 points
    Have they got any Os? No, Os ….garden Hose.
  28. 7 points
    What did you expect him to say? "Well, my contract didn't get renewed at Norwich. So I'm just glad I've got another job. I wasn't first choice at Norwich, which will probably be the case here too. Because I'm not that good, really. Though if we do get promoted, I'll still get a pay rise. So, you know, kerching!"
  29. 7 points
    Normal preseason for 99% of clubs
  30. 7 points
    I was genuinely disappointed we lost Sunday’s final but was over it in ten minutes. That said the 92 F.A Cup Semi defeat to Sunderland hurt far, far more. Am I in the minority or do others feel the same?
  31. 7 points
    I wonder how they feel about Ceuta and Melilla?
  32. 7 points
    how do you get to work? Bintercity?
  33. 7 points
    That is just laughable. He gave the 18 year old a chance and included him in the squad. He played some other players in the position and Mainoo did well when he got the chance and Southgate stuck with him. We weren't the best team in Europe and did not deserve to win. Southgate got us closer than anyone ever has.
  34. 7 points
    Kenny is hugely underrated in our side, and until replaced arguably has higher importance than many think
  35. 7 points
    The most one way national rivalry, it really amuses me. Most English people don’t seem to care about Scotland and are actually quite pleased to see them do well…I think that must be even worse. Imagine hating your rival with a visceral passion and them not even acknowledging there is a rivalry and instead being supportive of you doing well. Must be maddening 😂
  36. 7 points
  37. 7 points
    Looking forward to what people put on this thread in place of "yeah, fair play, maybe I was wrong about him."
  38. 7 points
    I have to say the comments on that article are very disappointing. They’re all complimentary, no-one is complaining about the size of the transfer fee, how the club sells all the best talent or that they haven’t bought anyone yet. They need to get on here and pick up some tips ASAP.
  39. 7 points
  40. 7 points
    Say what you like about the quality of the Saudi league, the one thing you can't say is that he's playing for a pub team 😉
  41. 7 points
    Baloney. Webber inherited a squad that finished with 70 points and a +16 GD, Knapper inherited one that finished with 73 points and a +15 GD. And the squad had within it the Murphys, Pritchard three players Webber was able to sell for £10 million +, and Maddison and Godfrey who would go for over £20 million. Lewis and Aarons were also waiting in the wings. And Wes Hoolahan. We've got just 3 players that would fetch seven figures. And no Wes Hoolahan. Significantly better? Nope. No way.
  42. 7 points
    On face value, getting Onel Hernandez to model a Norwich shirt with blue on it inside the soccerbot seems specifically formulated to **** several sections of support off at the same time.
  43. 7 points
    I really want this story to be true: Even during a general election campaign with projections of historic – even unprecedented – results, people cannot always be relied upon to give their full attention. “We met a guy who said he was going to vote Labour but wouldn’t now because he had just heard that we were taxing condoms,” said Labour’s Karl Turner, who was first voted in as the MP for Hull East in 2010 and is standing for re-election this time. “I said, ‘condoms?’ ‘Yeah,’ he said: ‘I just heard on that [pointing to the TV] that you are taxing condoms, and I’m not having it. You’re not getting my vote.’ It was Terence [Turner’s parliamentary assistant] here who worked it out. “‘We’re taxing non-doms, not condoms,’ I said. ‘Oh,’ he said. ‘Like the prime minister’s wife? Ah.’ He calls out: ‘Margaret: they’re taxing non-doms, not condoms.’”
  44. 6 points
    Nah, Fisher and Gibbs much better players.
  45. 6 points
    The longest sentence was 5 years. The maximum sentence for this offence is 10 years (used to be unlimited) Given this was his 11th offence and he had a suspended sentence hanging over him he might think he is lucky to get half of the maximum. We don't get to choose which laws we obey and which we break; we dont get to ignore the judge who gave us one last chance to reform when we hit double figures; and we don't get to choose which people miss flights, or cancer appointments, or funerals. We don't get to decide that 750,000 people are inconvenienced because we feel strongly about something; and we don't get to distract and endanger the police who probably have more important things to do than pander to middle class vanity. Climate change is a real and existential threat but that doesn't mean anything goes.
  46. 6 points
  47. 6 points
    Now on official site. Choose any six from the list of following 12. There's a certain name missing from this list that I must say does not surprise me...
  48. 6 points
  49. 6 points
  50. 6 points
    Football can be incredibly frustrating when the 2 teams you support are Norwich and England. Woeful half.
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