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Danke bitte

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Danke bitte last won the day on January 28 2023

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  1. what are you expecting? It’s been a few months unpicking Wagner’s tactics. We certainly don’t deserve to be 4-0 up. Players are trying to gel and understand each other so patience is required.
  2. And at Carrow Road… it’s Friday, get some drinks in, and it’ll fade away 😁
  3. Ron I completely agree. It’s entertaining, snappy passing, sloppy mistakes. Kamara looks off the pace, Rowe is sensual.
  4. We move the ball quick af. Something I’ve not seen since the Farke halcyon days. It’s wetting my whistle
  5. I hope it doesn’t go Titz up and don’t make too many boobies around at the back.. (a piece of me died whilst typing this)
  6. I don’t like to read this, especially from you! Can you unpack a little more. We saw Idah with Farke who predominantly played possession football and I can’t say I was blown away. I keep reading different pieces on Thorup’s style of play and I’m not going to lie, I’m confused. Have you written a Medium article yet on what to expect from Thorup?
  7. Way too early to say. Depends on the state of the squad end of August. Shorn of a Sara then I might be feeling a little tentative. Ultimately, Thorup has a season to work his plans. Obviously if we’re dreadful and near relegation then it’s a different story.
  8. Saudi or U.S. is a great shout. He can be a big fish in a relatively small pond (in terms of football quality). The glitzy lifestyle that comes with both would suit his. And the level of grind probably isn’t as high in those leagues. I say good luck to him. A real shame he didn’t kick on from his time here but doesn’t seem to want to knuckle down. A man caught up in himself.
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