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lake district canary

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lake district canary last won the day on January 18

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  1. As @Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man says, less teams in the league then. The schedule is too tight as it is. A 20 team league (38 games) is what is needed to fit in all the ridiculous international weeks - and just one international break means effectively two weeks out of the season. Many championship teams have multiple players who go off to internationals, so if that is the case, then the championship needs less teams to deal with that - 20 teams would do it. I don't like that, but this early start in August while the transfer window is open is ludicrous.
  2. It's still a totally daft situation The other way of looking at it is to delay the start of our season two or three weeks to match other countries. The EFL August start is ridiculous - and yes that means more fixture issues in a crowded season - but it only represents two or three extra midweek games and squads are that big, they should be able to cope with that.
  3. I'm not going to hold my breath on that one! The various authorities that run football seem to be so thick when it comes to running the sport. There are so many obvious improvements they could make, but they don't do it. In this case, it seems so obvious that once a season starts, in whatever country, that in that country no more transfers are allowed. It's beyond stupid that clubs can't plan their season around the players they have. It's anti-football. Some people say, it is what it is, get used to it - but when it is so ridiculously stupid, then changes ought to be made. I wish football fans could club together and create a lobby that has real effect on uefa, fifa, the FA or whoever. It's been going on for decades - and it is always fans that get the short straw. Change is needed.
  4. I've criticised Cantwell many times, but I also sympathize with him. Loads of talent and in the right environment he could still do well. He had that at Norwich, but his head got turned by all the adulation following his good start to that first PL season, from fans, media and people like Klopp (who has history of bigging up players and who then struggle to live up to it). That has lead to falling out with managers, thinking he knows better than them, most recently demonstrated by his being hoyked off the field in a Rangers match for not following instructions. There are plenty of players out there that get too big for their boots, but still do well when they find the right club for them - and I hope he finds that club. I also hope he sees that what he is doing with social media unhelpful and counterproductive and gives it up, or cuts out the cryptic stuff, which only winds up his detractors, fuelling the negativity. The advice by any sensible mentor would be - keep your head down, cut out the social media stuff, train hard and do what your manager direct you to. The rest is just noise.
  5. Stamping his authority......or stifling democracy more like. MPs should be able to vote how they want. And he has no real authority in my book. His party got less votes even than Corbyn in 2019. His majority comes from the fact we have a system of voting that denies the will of the people to get the representation they voted for. In a fair voting system, Labour would not have a significant majority - they would have had to work with other parties to be able to govern. So what do we get? A massive labour majority that is obviously so insecure that it cannot take anyone stepping out of line - or thinking/voting for themselves. It's the same old, same old............the party comes first.
  6. If you are fabulously wealthy like the top PL stars are, then it gives you choices. If that fabulous wealth has sucked you in so all you are interested in is more wealth, then that is not a healthy outlook for anyone. However, if you intend to do something with that wealth that would benefit others - like helping people in poor countries or the developing world, like Federer has done in Africa, then that is something else.
  7. This is more like it. About time a few more fans protested about it. Everyone complains about it, but most people just settle for that and don't do anything to actually about it.
  8. Well with Lampard and Dyche high in the list of likely runners, anything is possible................
  9. The more I think about it, the more I think he would be just the person the FA might go for. Nothing would surprise me.
  10. Yes, typically there is no media circus around the England national football team, none at all. Yes, but there are limits.
  11. Klopp? Are people serious? It would become a circus with him in charge.
  12. Agree with most of that, but I think you're being a bit unfair to Hugill, who if nothing else, put himself about a bit....a bit more than Kane did in this tournament!
  13. Middlesborough after Michael Carrick moves to Man Utd.
  14. No you haven’t touched a nerve. You’re a faceless nobody tw4t on a forum. If you insult me I’ll insult you back. Other than that, you’re nobody as far as I’m concerned. I tried that after receiving bad treatment on here and it took me a while to realise that all that happens is that you get dragged down to the insulter's level. For years now, I do the opposite and try and treat the insulters with patience and stay completely calm. Replying to insults with insults only makes you look as bad as the person doing it. It was quite interesting the day I stopped trying to outwit/out insult one of my main protagonists on here, who had been making posting on here for me almost intolerable. He immediately turned on someone else and was banned within two weeks! Show the other cheek, old boy, show the other cheek - it takes the wind out of their sails and it will make posting on here much more pleasant for you (unless you enjoy the insulting game of course, in which case carry on). And it makes for a better looking forum than when it is littered with pointless battles.
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