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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/24 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 6 points
    "This club lacks ambition as do the fans" "I WANT US TO LOSE TO BRISTOL ROVERS"
  3. 6 points
    Solo ark-builder forces stormtrooper eastwards into tropical fruit, creating City transfer target? (3-4, 8 )
  4. 5 points
    I find it quite strange that so much focus has been put on AI this season bearing in mind is previous injury record and nobody else getting a look in otherthan Pukki for the previous 5 years. Had it not been for Sarge's injury he probably wouldn't have been getting much of a look in. Supporters of our club are probably the most impatient there is when it comes to writing off young players. Idah, Gibbs, McCallum, Springett, even Fisher getting a pasting now. It really doesn't bode well for the future. It's a bit of a daft quote from Mourinho about a 17 year old although I suspect many never knew it existed.
  5. 5 points
    And yet Hwang still showed more promise as a striker than both Idah and Barnes
  6. 4 points
    Trouble is we could sign any of the world's best players but once Wagner gets his hands on him they'd be as bad as anything we've already got. A new Head Coach could breath new life into our squad. We're playing with shackles on at the moment and facing our own goal.
  7. 4 points
    As soon as we’re Mathematically safe, we should forfeit the remainder of our games because it’s just so embarrassing. God, what if we struggle to get the points and have to play all our games? Has anybody got a paper bag? Im hyperventilating…
  8. 4 points
  9. 4 points
    Here's a radical idea, perhaps he wants to actually fix things? We keep getting told how rotten the club is on the inside, that doesn't come from the manager. We are in a transition of owner, not really in danger of going down this season and if we went up totally unsuited to compete. Perhaps he is keeping his powder dry to identify what else needs changing and address more than just the manager when we actually have the new owner in a better position to provide a foundation to build on for a sustainable promotion.... Or I'm just an idealistic optimist, either works...
  10. 4 points
    So strongly in favour that he hasn’t donated his shares to such an enterprise. I know plenty of the Trust on a personal basis and know them reasonably well. A good number of them, I would trust implicitly on a personal level. That said, my own personal feeling is that I’d rather make my own choice regarding my small shareholding and as such, how could I commit wholeheartedly to the trust? If I was truly bought in to the collective then holding a personal stake has always struck me as being a conflict. Of course, should point one of the elsewhere mentioned “5 considerations for the board” be taken seriously, then both my own personal feeling and that of the Trust becomes inconsequential. Mr Attatheoddgamehereandthereio will sweep the board clean and will own the lot. Which, in my humble opinion, makes the whole list of demands, well, daft. How do you/we/I propose that happens? There must be every consideration given to the fact that the current 40/40 arrangement currently suits MA; perhaps better than it does Smith and MWJ. I’ve pointed out before that there must be some difficulty for the previous majority holders in that they have a responsibility to the minority shareholders; one that MA can’t possibly share. It, however we like it (or not), is a period of serious transition. One that many have been calling for over a lengthy period. It appears to me that we’ve little choice but to let it play out. Though it also strikes me as remarkable that all the ill of the club was firmly at the door of Webber so recently, yet now we’re to (again) believe that Delia Smith is the omnipotent, dictatorial problem for all we see. There have been some heartfelt and passionate articles released this last couple of weeks, so much that we can all empathise with. However, such is the perpetual negativity that to pen a successful piece currently is pretty much painting by numbers. Everything is bad. Owners out of touch. Webber still pulling strings…etc etc. Yet when I was talking to someone that spent Saturday afternoon with the Directors, he was adamant and clear that they’re entirely aware of the current malaise, are demonstrative and passionate still regarding their care for the club’s fortunes and remain fully committed to “correcting” the situation. Not my feelings or words but those of someone that had spent time with them discussing concerns. And so we go back to point one of the demands for board consideration. The speeding up of the handover to MA. Explain how we do that - unless this is entirely against the will of MA, which I understand currently many will lap up - unless, of course, we all just hand over our holdings to expedite the process. You first, Essex?
  11. 3 points
    He is certainly not crap. Just to get to this level in football means he must be quite talented and had obviously worked very hard to do so. Seeing posters write off a young player just because he is not 100% ready for the first team is frankly poor especially with some of the disgusting comments.
  12. 3 points
    I want us to win. Then I can get a half and half scarf.
  13. 3 points
    Why didn't we play full strength on Saturday and win? That was the solution but DW obviously over estimated the squad quality. We didn't. He didn't even have quality players on the bench to change the game if needed. DW and others have made this club look so pathetic
  14. 3 points
    It takes all sorts. Some just aren't destined to be lifetime supporters.
  15. 3 points
    This follows the nonsense of hoping Southampton thrash us which followed the pantweetting about the binners game. The whole thing is now about the match needing to fit the narrative. Whinge all week and hope to lose. Perhaps that's something that's come since football was something you watch rather than something you do.
  16. 3 points
    We've already had the promised thrashing at Portaloo Road so a humiliation at Anfield is a stonewall certainty ..........
  17. 3 points
    He's a bit meh, but can't help but feel that we've just lost our second best striker.
  18. 3 points
    Nope, Idah considerably better with a better goal return too, oh and Idah is considerably younger. Clueless.
  19. 3 points
    From today's The Knowledge (an aggregate daily newsletter)... The Post Office scandal: a sign of things to come It should not have taken an ITV drama – Mr Bates vs the Post Office – to shame politicians into caring about the Horizon IT scandal, says The Independent. Due to a software glitch, more than 700 subpostmasters were falsely accused and convicted of having their fingers in the till. Many were jailed; others were bankrupted. “At least four died by suicide.” For years the Post Office and Fujitsu, the Japanese firm responsible for the tech, did everything they could to “obfuscate and deny justice”. Politicians and civil servants utterly failed to hold the organisation to account, not least Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey – as postal affairs minister when the issues came to light in 2010, he had a chance, “rarely for a Lib Dem”, to actually do something. The government must ensure not only that victims “receive belated justice”, but also that “those guilty of wrongdoing are held responsible”. What’s scary, says Hugo Rifkind in The Times, is that Horizon is just one example of many. In recent years, all around the world, automated systems designed to spot fraud have ended up making baseless accusations. In Michigan, a computer falsely accused 34,000 people of welfare fraud between 2013 and 2015. More recently, in Australia, the so-called “Robodebt” scandal saw fines issued to 470,000 people on benefits, leading to at least three suicides. The problem in these cases wasn’t just the “abrupt, unfair demand for life-ruining sums”. It was that when the innocent victims tried to talk to an actual human to put things right, they found there wasn’t one. And the more we automate, the fewer people there will be who understand what’s going on. For now, there is still some guilty techie lurking behind the code. “Hound them. Blame them. Just as importantly, though, make sure they’re always there.”
  20. 3 points
    some of these seen hovering over the NR1 Boardroom
  21. 3 points
    Hmmm. No, sorry, you've got me there
  22. 3 points
    I think the bottom line is if the football was decent and we were putting on a good show nobody would care what was going on behind the scenes. It would appear the present head coach and his staff are unable to deliver anything resembling entertaining football and while that lasts the bickering will go on.
  23. 2 points
    Yes and no. We aren't hunting for a world class DM. We are hunting for a mid table champs standard midfielder who can actually read the game, put rhe ocasional challenge in and not wander off all over the pitch like an 11yr old. Even a gary holt / Gary oneill type would do
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Should the match stats include Expected Governance?
  26. 2 points
    NCFC lottery Normally drawn by Wagner 2 hours before kick off
  27. 2 points
    Can't believe they weren't selling them on Saturday to be honest. Gutted.
  28. 2 points
    You confuse supporters with attendees. I expect you have seen umpteen ups and downs, Many on here have not and delude themselves that we have a right to be in the PL as do similar glory hunters at Swansea, Boro, WBA, Hull, Blackburn, Bolton, Cardiff Wigan, Birmingham, Stoke, QPR, Watford I wonder what the unifying factor there is. Lack of ambition, or seeing their income more than halved since their parachute payments dried up. The answer I would suggest defines whether you are a supporter or a whiner.
  29. 2 points
    And if Idah had made contact with the ball when it was crossed ...... I wonder what the whiners would be grizzling about today.
  30. 2 points
    Examples of quotes from the same kind of fan. I echo the sentiment, it's embarrassing around here at the moment Of course we should try and beat Rovers and then go and give Liverpool a go.
  31. 2 points
  32. 2 points
    He'll be a decent Championship striker and spend most of his career in the Championship. He'd already be a decent Championship striker if he'd gone out and got himself 30 starts in League One. And we're a slightly below average Championship side with no signs that we'll progress beyond that any time soon, so we're probably a decent match.
  33. 2 points
    I rate him above a 31 year old pervert who has half the amount of goals this season than Idah does. But some seem to have some weird dedication to hating Idah. Each to their own 🙂
  34. 2 points
    Not really. Idah has scored more and arguably both him and Barnes contribute more to the team. Hwang probably paid twice the wage as Idah, has suspect hamstrings and of course has that little off the pitch issue to sort out. Sensible decision to bin him off.
  35. 2 points
    Bit of a shame, in the games where Wagner opts for 2 strikers as opposed to a midfield 3 (or 5 at the back)..I think Hwang may have proved a decent pairing ,playing just off Sargent
  36. 2 points
    I think you may be right there. This morning there's been two lots of Sparrowhawks over the moors (a pair and a threesome) next to two small woods where they live. There's a bit of a easterly which they're using to soar against. Clearly, winter means greater hunger and the mice need to be careful! They don't half screech when in the trees. Seem noisier than Jays! We've also a Barn Owl that you see every now and then. Sits on the stone walls and dives into the grassy ground. I think it's my favourite bird to see (is there such a thing really?) because for me anyway, a rare sight. Much like a Kingfisher. The nuts and blocks of suet are now strung out in the back garden. At last winter has properly arrived and such easy and convenient food sources are very popular. Anyway, that's my nature summary for January 😌
  37. 2 points
    Certainly more movement, yes. In a different Norwich team, better organised and with more going through midfield rather than the wings, I think he could have done well.
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
    I think a lot of people underestimate the impact Kieran Scott had on our successes under Webber and Farke.
  40. 2 points
    On form there Rob - excellent effort
  41. 2 points
    Brilliant name. Good enough for me. Can't wait for the crossword clue.
  42. 2 points
    Coming out to bat for Webber like this for free is proper embarrassing. Ive got proper second hand cringe seeing it tbh
  43. 2 points
    That is almost certainly not the first time you have not been the first to notice something…
  44. 2 points
    That’s the spirit. “On The Ball, City!!!”
  45. 2 points
  46. 2 points
    Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m far from a sycophant. Rudeness and abuse gets you nowhere.
  47. 2 points
    ITV's next few series lined up, hopefully. Mr Bates Versus The Brexit Conmen. Mr Bates Versus The PPE Suppliers. Mr Bates Versus The Water Companies. etc. etc. etc.
  48. 2 points
    Hope that sounded funnier in your head buddy!
  49. 2 points
    Just so you're all aware, Norwich canary is a binner
  50. 2 points
    What amazing supporters you all are. He's not up to first team standard and probably needs a loan. To call him "truly awful", "crap" and hope you "never see him in a Norwich shirt again" is more reflecting on the sort of **** level of supporter we have at this club than anything else. Disgraceful.
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