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About Harry53

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  • Birthday September 25

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  1. Why buy to replace them? Have you seen the young talent we have in reserve? Play them. They might need time to get up to speed but there are some quality lads in the camp
  2. I agree but I would keep Onel to see his contract out as he makes things happen. I would never start Barnes or Duffy or even Grant, as we need to get our young players experience and they are the future. Barnes offers very little to the team. If Josh and Adam both stay then Adam could make a great 10.
  3. I have been really impressed with Montoia, I think it will be a real shame to loan him out. Keep him as number 2 at lb with Doyle. We have a few cb so if Hill partners Duffy or Hanley, Cordoba could step across at lb.
  4. I totally agree, he was put on the spot and wasn't going to say anything else. I think he really wants to go, and seeing some of our youngsters playing in friendlies, they may not be upto Kennys standards, but I think someone could replace Kenny. He didn't look at the interviewer and really wasn't comfortable answering the question
  5. What a ridiculous post. I am not a Norfolk guy and find the Norfolk accent strange and I am pleased I don't speak the same way. You see that is as about as uninteresting as this thread. Does it matter? NO.
  6. Did the refund go in your bank account? I haven't had anything, but it's not too important. At least we can see Idah play during the first 30 minutes on Canary tv
  7. I expect Adam to start as Josh is away and Johannas needs to assess him. If we lost Josh then Adam is our natural 1st choice no.9. He needs to show what he can do. Should be a tough game and looking forward to seeing it
  8. I don't know how many tickets they sold but a few people missed out on a ticket. Did they sell 20000?
  9. All this talk of selling, but what if we keep Rowe, Josh and Gabbi? Maybe we don't raise money but we start with a great squad. If Josh goes Johannas may decide Adam is perfect as our key striker, so there are many permutations which may yet surprise us
  10. Apparantly we have a promising left back in the Academy they are looking at. It's no point having an Academy if we don't use what we have. If we introduce the younger less experienced players into the team, they may take time to get up to speed, but how else are they going to learn and be a benefit to our squad? With less money available I am pleased to see this happening, but we have to be patient and support any youngster. As it has been said, this rebuild might take two or three years, but for me, as long as I see progress and an entertaining style of play, I can wait.
  11. As we all know he has signed for Stoke. So your man way off. £1m a year too. It will be interesting when we play Stoke next season to see if his game has changed
  12. Barnes is a luxury to have at a 10. There must be better, younger, and more effective players than him we can play behind our 9. He is not our future at his age and needs to warm the bench next season.
  13. Yes I realised that after I posted, but I thought I saw that he was going. These long contracts for over 30's were not a good idea.
  14. Not necessarily. We have a new manager that believes in youth, maybe Hanley and Duffy will be back up
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