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East Rider

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East Rider last won the day on September 23 2020

East Rider had the most liked content!

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569 Excellent

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  1. That is a shame, but the best team won................... unfortunately.
  2. Norfolk's Alfie Hewett has just beaten Spain's De La Puente in the wheel chair final at Wimbledon. Good man C'mon England
  3. Indeed you are not. Borefest on route me thinks
  4. Selling KM without a proven replacement is absolute folly
  5. Boring and pedestrian from England, need to wake up. The crowd are drifting off and I don't blame them
  6. We certainly could have done with his power and pace this last season in numerous games where we struggled to hold on. He was missed, that is for certain. Right attitude and a committed player.
  7. Exactly. Which is why unfortunately, he will be sought after. You simply don't get many JS type players popping up within our budget range.
  8. My thoughts as well. January was telling. No big money signings or decent loans for Wagner to use and silence from the SD. Suspect we will between now and August, see the change in direction planned over the last few months, take place. Will it be successful? God only knows, but people will need patience, that's for sure.
  9. I know why the general saying is 'dirty leeds' however, I refer them as that due to their cretins attacking decent supporters over the years without provocation. So, why don't you just fu(£ off and join in with your other cretins? You have become boring and irrelevant very quickly #moron
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