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  1. I'm not sure he is PL standard so £15m would need to come from abroad or a champs side where that sort of money isnt generally available. Of our 3 'stars' Rowe would be the least damage if he were to go but he isnt worth £15m. Sara possibly is. How desperate are we to plug that hole @Capt. Pants refers to or can we manage without doing so until January when we will know more of what we are likely to achieve and that transfer window opens?
  2. @Kathy and @nutty nigel time to pay up my pledge. Could you let me have the bank details please and I will settle up
  3. No that was some beefy bloke who had bad feet corns
  4. to think that leader of the 'free world' is either one who is too old and past it or DT is scary. Biden is a front man who delivers (or is finding it increasingly difficult to do so) the will and policies of his party and advisors and the other who seems content to decide his own agenda. Its a very dangerous world and either option doesnt fill me with any confidence. Hopefully a Biden replacement who could beat Trump has to be better
  5. He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drinkHe drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drinkHe sings the songs that remind him of the good times
  6. Classic example of matching ambition with funding - sadly whilst we had some of one we had little of the other
  7. I personally like the all yellow kit - with the touch of green of course
  8. I take it that I am not alone in feeling totally apathetic towards the way this England team are at the moment
  9. Is any analogy between Foxes and Chicken Coops worth a thought?
  10. Bit like mine after a small altercation in the Barclay back in the day
  11. Are you offering any odds on how long that will be?
  12. He looks like a strong lad but will need to improve his distribution and not get caught in possession based on that clip.
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