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  1. With all the talk of stats being used to recruit players one would have thought that the same process would be used for head coaches. If this is the case wouldn’t one stand out above the others and all the interviews would be unnecessary.
  2. Doesn’t sound as if they know what they want at present. They knew Wagner was going would have thought the replacement would have been lined up.
  3. I agree with the above and would say now we can see the damage Webber has done to this club. Let’s hope in Knapper we have a forward thinking person with a football brain.
  4. Agreed we also seem to miss the point that after promotion Farke asked for 3 or 4 quality signings and got what Webber wanted. Last night showed what he could do with a bit of quality.
  5. I think this shows what a mess Webber left this club in. A group of players that don’t compliment each other, a head coach that only has one method of playing (didn’t Webber say with a Sporting Director a change of head coach shouldn’t be noticeable!) and a large debt. Well let’s hope Knapper knows exactly what is required and acts quickly.
  6. Didn’t Knapper say in his first interview that his football would be played on the front foot. Not seen much evidence of this so either Knapper or Wagner must move on.
  7. He’s gone let’s move on and forget him. The training facilities may have improved the football certainly hasn’t.
  8. There must be a head coach out there that can get a better performance from those players that was embarrassing.
  9. Wasn’t that the ref that sent Sainz off.
  10. He should have been booked twice in match time just weak refereeing again.
  11. Wonder what he could achieve with our set of players.
  12. Mehmeti stuck two fingers in Sara’s neck before they went head to head but don’t expect that ref to see it.
  13. We don’t know what Knappers brief was when he was appointed, was it to trim wages, was it to promote youth, was it to keep Wagner. Knapper must have a clearer picture of what he has to do now and let’s hope it is for the better he has already said his football will be played on the front foot but that’s not always the case with Wagner. Here’s hoping.
  14. It makes me wonder if Howard Webb is the right man for the head of PGMOL.
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