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6 minutes ago, Kenny Foggo said:


If you think the way forward is with twice failed premier league players, more fool you.

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5 minutes ago, Cowboy said:

I don't think it's going to happen, for that very reason. Can you envisage the combined lack of nous at the club in that scenario. It's frightening.

I'd rather a sporting director with a forward looking vision and a young bright manager than all the usual "experienced" managers hawking round the same tired & old tactics and man management.

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1 minute ago, 7HAR1980 said:

If you think the way forward is with twice failed premier league players, more fool you.

Are we in the premiership next year? NO. Has he proven his worth in the Championship? YES

Can he play in a number of positions? YES. Are there a host of our players to be shifted on before getting rid of the POTS? YES.

Getting rid would be daft and won't happen unless the offer is good.

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1 minute ago, 7HAR1980 said:

I respect that people see the game differently. F uck off yourself.

On what basis do you want to get rid of him?

It can't be his performances - he's had the best season, both statistically and to any reasonable football fan watching - in his NCFC career. 

It can't be for tactical purposes. He's performed admirably in around 4 different positions in this season. 

Where do you propose we get the money to replace him? We can't afford to replace players who actually need to be replaced, let alone someone who has proven himself an integral part of the team. 

People do see the game differently. But everyone should be able to agree that this isn't sensible, rationale or reasonable in any way, shape or form. 

You are just ****ing nuts. 

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1 minute ago, Kenny Foggo said:

Are we in the premiership next year? NO. Has he proven his worth in the Championship? YES

Can he play in a number of positions? YES. Are there a host of our players to be shifted on before getting rid of the POTS? YES.

Getting rid would be daft and won't happen unless the offer is good.

He's a big part of our failure for the past few seasons.

You're expecting our club to appoint a fresh new up and coming forward thinking manager, yet, you want the new manager to trust players who have failed multiple times?


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3 minutes ago, Terminally Yellow said:

On what basis do you want to get rid of him?

It can't be his performances - he's had the best season, both statistically and to any reasonable football fan watching - in his NCFC career. 

It can't be for tactical purposes. He's performed admirably in around 4 different positions in this season. 

Where do you propose we get the money to replace him? We can't afford to replace players who actually need to be replaced, let alone someone who has proven himself an integral part of the team. 

People do see the game differently. But everyone should be able to agree that this isn't sensible, rationale or reasonable in any way, shape or form. 

You are just ****ing nuts. 

Again, he's the epitome of failure on multiple accounts. As is a few others in our squad.

He's played consistently this season, that is all. Consistently out of an average bunch.

How do you rate his last 3 outings? He did revert to his usual pointing I suppose.

As our captain and POTS, did you expect more? 

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19 minutes ago, Kenny Foggo said:

I'd rather a sporting director with a forward looking vision and a young bright manager than all the usual "experienced" managers hawking round the same tired & old tactics and man management.

A completely inexperienced 'manager' under a completely inexperienced (apart from SvH-lol) SD and two-fifths of bugg*r all decent footballing experience/knowledge in the boardroom would be an absolutely massive risk, with a serious potential for a further degeneration of the club. An experienced manager has to be the next step - you need at least one person in the chain of command who knows what he's doing.

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Not sure if it would be Cuesta as that would be a bit of a coup, but it'll be another young, hungry, progressive manager in the Worthington/Farke/Lambert/Neil mould.

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53 minutes ago, Terminally Yellow said:

Give our player of the season a free transfer? **** off! 

You’re right, at least get a million for him. 

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1 hour ago, king canary said:

I don't think it is an Ipswich specific thing though- we're seeing more and more clubs preferring taking a shot on young, progressive coaches rather than the experienced managers- Rohl at Wednesday, Carrick at Boro, Cleverly at Watford etc. 

Arteta at Arsenal.


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1 hour ago, canarydan23 said:

It's a little embarrassing as it's clearly as attempt at replicating them down the road. And this guy has an even more impressive CV than McKenna and is clearly massively intelligent (speaks half a dozen languages).

I'm excited by the prospect, but equally aware it could end up being a total disaster. We've some proper arrogant people in our squad (people don't like to hear it but I've heard it directly from someone who has dealt with the first team that Duffy and McLean are, and I quote "total ******" in his experience). How are people like that going to react to a 28 year old telling them to stop being so ****?


Freeze them out or transfer.

Duffy has to go after this drink driving stuff anyway 

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If it is Cuesta or anyone else for that matter then they must have total say. If that means ditching Kenny so be it.

He can't stay here forever and I suspect we wouldn't turn down a reasonable offer for him. After all Wagner binned Sunderland's player of the season. No reason it won't happen again.

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Would Cuesta result in the same accusations as our last appointment, in our SD simply appointing "his mate"?  😉 

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Just now, hogesar said:

Would Cuesta result in the same accusations as our last appointment, in our SD simply appointing "his mate"?  😉 

It’s odd isn’t it - in this instance it seems everyone is calling it a great idea because they are good mates.  It ain’t necessarily so, as the song goes.   I’m more interested in whether the guy can do the job.

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The Telegraph says that Cuesta isn't under consideration at this moment. I guess that could change depending on how Arsenal's season finishes.

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2 hours ago, king canary said:

I don't think it is an Ipswich specific thing though- we're seeing more and more clubs preferring taking a shot on young, progressive coaches rather than the experienced managers- Rohl at Wednesday, Carrick at Boro, Cleverly at Watford etc. 

Alex Neil and Daniel Farke at Norwich… It’s more like the binners were trying to emulate us.

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2 minutes ago, hogesar said:

Would Cuesta result in the same accusations as our last appointment, in our SD simply appointing "his mate"?  😉 

Nothing wrong with having the right mate! And to be fair Wagner got a mid table squad into top 6. 😉

Familiarity is a good thing, means those you get in buy into what you’re trying to achieve. It won’t be a quick fix but it would be nice to see a positive change in playing set up.


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John Percy from the Telegraph, who is normally excellently connected, says that Cuesta is not under consideration. It feels like Cuesta's agent went big around the new year telling any journalist who'd listen that a host of Championship clubs wanted him. No club has made a move for him though despite apparent interst.

I don't think he'll be the next coach, but wouldn't be surprised.

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Just can't wait to see our progress. Very interesting times ahead with manager and players current and new.

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2 hours ago, Branston Pickle said:

There’s some logic there - but I would hope Knapper has a wider address book than just Arsenal contacts!

Acting quickly as we have certainly suggests someone is lined up - I’m not totally sure Cuesta would be my choice, it is a huge step for what could be a bit of a rebuild, but it would be an interesting one.  Hopefully whoever it is is one that we can all get behind from the off (for once).

You don't think a good relationship with the team that has come from nowhere to push Man City to the final day of the season constitutes having good connections?

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Im up for Cuesta - there is no guarantee that whoever we get in is going to be a success all we can do is steer clear of those who we know will not fit or be a disaster (ie, Rooney, Lampard) although possibly contradicting myself by saying there is no guarantee but you know what I mean 

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55 minutes ago, hogesar said:

Would Cuesta result in the same accusations as our last appointment, in our SD simply appointing "his mate"?  😉 

Slight difference in that Wagner had failed at his previous two before Webber headhunted his mate. Compared to Cuesta being a highly rated one for the future.

Webber also conducted interviews and then apparently still felt his old mate was the most suitable. Highly suspicious and doubtful.

Mcnally headhunted Lambert so i have no.issues 'if' Knapper headhunts Cuesta

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26 minutes ago, Positive_Canary said:

You don't think a good relationship with the team that has come from nowhere to push Man City to the final day of the season constitutes having good connections?

Of course it could - but football is a hell of a lot broader than having connections to just one team…you need a network.  No doubt Knapper has built that over the years, so hopefully it will bear us some fruit (but it didn’t gain us anything in the January window to help push us).  SvH isn’t the best advert for him to-date, but it is early doors.

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1 minute ago, Branston Pickle said:

Of course it could - but football is a hell of a lot broader than having connections to just one team…you need a network.  No doubt Knapper has built that over the years, so hopefully it will bear us some fruit (but it didn’t gain us anything in the January window to help push us).  SvH isn’t the best advert for him to-date, but it is early doors.

I doubt Knapper wanted to risk using Arsenal or any other contacts he might have to bring in a young prospect, given Wagner's reluctance to use them. That contact might not have been much of a contact after we sent their player back with nothing but splintered bum-cheeks and their highlight being getting a nice clap as they warm-up in front of the Snakepit.

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1 hour ago, Branston Pickle said:

It’s odd isn’t it - in this instance it seems everyone is calling it a great idea because they are good mates.  It ain’t necessarily so, as the song goes.   I’m more interested in whether the guy can do the job.

I don't think it is that surprising- Webber had less rope at that point because he'd already fired a fan favourite, ballsed up appointing his successor and the 'mate' in question had last achieved anything of note in 2019 and had been binned off for failing in his last two jobs.

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4 hours ago, canarydan23 said:

It's a little embarrassing as it's clearly as attempt at replicating them down the road. And this guy has an even more impressive CV than McKenna and is clearly massively intelligent (speaks half a dozen languages).

I'm excited by the prospect, but equally aware it could end up being a total disaster. We've some proper arrogant people in our squad (people don't like to hear it but I've heard it directly from someone who has dealt with the first team that Duffy and McLean are, and I quote "total ******" in his experience). How are people like that going to react to a 28 year old telling them to stop being so ****?

Not really the same. We already have the contact and, if it happens, would be recruiting from a successful club-not Man Utd.

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He is very young , with no playing experience. 

Cuesta will need some help with his assistants. . At 28 he is going to struggle to man manage older pro's. Different being Arteta who played a decent level.  

Big gamble in my opinion. 


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Cuesta makes sense as Knapper probably knows a fair bit about him as he also arrived from Arsenal. Would we really be able to afford his wages though considering he’s already an assistant at a big PL club?

Apparently he has a more impressive CV than McKenna - if he’s still only 28, surely that’s only working with young kids?

Could he just be another Farke though - someone who works alongside the head coach at a big club that regularly plays in Europe so probably has an attacking style of play, but does he have a defensive Plan B if we get promoted?

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47 minutes ago, Graham Paddons Beard said:

He is very young , with no playing experience. 

At 28 he is going to struggle to man manage older pro's. 


If senior pros can't cope then they're part of the problem. That also applies irregardless of the coaches background. any dissenters need removing.

This is a key reset so we need the majority core to be behind the chosen direction.



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