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  1. Totally agree, That’s what the weak minded lemmings are for! The price of brainwashing in the name of a non entity but do harm on the innocent! Thought by those who are full of hate towards others!
  2. That’s the key driver, the innocent loss of lives and the destruction is disgraceful on both sides. Intolerance of humanity.
  3. Amazing, having watched the last three games it’s noticeable just how good Fisher, Cordoba & Doyle have been, all three exceptional in movement and covering, personally Duffy hasn’t look bad at all but just look back and he’s the one link who gives the ball away causing pressure on us! I think people are overrating Duffy by those around him, you could play Hanley there and you’d be no worse off. Cordoba is the one who’s really changed it up, high energy, no nonsense and gets forwards at pace, solid start from him. Doyle & Fisher have been excellent.
  4. Are you trolling again, baiting your hook CC ? Go on then, I think you need to read up your history, pre three decades! just because you restrict to the last three decades you leave out the centuries of atrocities of Christianity! Not to mention the decades of Israeli enforced land grabs and the displacement of Palestinians since 1948! Each religion has its extreme views and people who teach and hold onto them to Brian wash the weak minded to do harm onto those they cannot tolerate! Ideology is dangerous when it’s allowed to be forced on anyone from day one on this earth! Religion should be a choice for humans not enforced, unfortunately this isn’t allowed in some areas of the world! Not one person has said that Israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself, what it doesn’t have the right to do is break international UN laws in how it applies it’s retribution killing nearly 50,000 innocent people, displacing over a million people and annexing millions into ghetto style Gaza sections without aid, food or water! There’s a reason Netanyahu has been designated a war criminal!
  5. The saddest thing in all this, the entire religious belief system is based on brainwashing people in believing there’s a cause to kill, extremism is a disease of humanity. Those who lead these extreme hatred views shouldn’t be followed by those in their beliefs, they should be cast adrift! I always thought religious people quote morals yet this war shows they have little morals but hatred of each other, I’m an agnostic atheist until it’s proven you might as well believe in Father Christmas!
  6. Well he’s not alone, the war criminal in charge of the ongoing decimation of innocent people needs to be accountable for his war crimes allegations the same as any other under the UN…. It’s sad that such people are allowed to take this utterly abhorrent choices. Where will this extremist stop? Will he nuke Iran? Unthinkable but I wouldn’t put it past him, Netanyahu has gone rouge!
  7. Very true Purple, until the US decide to intervene there’s no peace! As long as Israel believe and are supplied by the US they will carry on now displacing hundreds of thousands of people! Their aggressive nature is as bad as that of the abhorrent atrocities of last October from Hamas! Both sides from extreme views of Arab nation and Israel don’t recognise each other boundaries or respect each other! The land grabs over the years is on par with Ukraine invasion by Russia, illegal and that land has never been returned to Palestinians, this war has given Israel the exact excuse it wanted to now obliterated Gaza and the West Bank and then rebuild it as Israel land. Two state will never happen unless the US steps in.
  8. Indeed! Can’t see it as a second yellow for a red card! But daft of Trossarde!
  9. Best game Fisher ever played in our yellow shirt, he was up against pretty decent players too. Good performance.
  10. That’s so funny coming from you! 😂😂😂 Oh my word the one poster who loses it and had regular meltdowns calling everyone everything under the sun! Oh please carry on your comedy value!
  11. Hawaii was a monarchy until it was forcefully annexed by the US as a key strategical importance and now a US state! If they wanted independence I’m sure the US would just say yes! Of course not, as you point out the mechanism of unequal exchange.
  12. I’ve never made a direct comparison, you’re jumping on that! My point is how certain people’s personal views can manipulate the masses with corrupt lies! Whether that’s, Hitler or Farage or Trump or Boris! Extreme views at the right circumstances can drive a poor choice by the masses! Control is the ultimate goal not what’s best for the people!
  13. Absolutely, but his ability to manufacture and manipulate the situation is my point, a lot like Farage & Boris did! The problem Is in a fair democratic system it’s generally those with wealth and power who gain leadership, you don’t get many normal people looking to be presidents or prime ministers! So the reality is Trump can buy himself into power and make up ****e, lie and instigate a mass mob, just by his stature, the reality he’s as crazy as a bat! How is he anywhere near to leader of a superpower?
  14. It’s quite telling that both extreme left or right are in nature the same, fixated on power and control, it’s the nature which defines them! I’m involved in carbon capture projects & renewables as well as oil & gas, it’s been very played down exactly how much China has focused on this, yes their population size still requires massive amounts of hydrocarbon generation and their carbon footprint is t great by for the last 20 years they’ve done more than the west in reality. Puprle and others have made some very good points in a debate which has been very good, LYB raised it and I commend him on it. It should be said 80% of the population are middle ground, only small pockets are truly extreme, but the issue is not to be led by these extreme people 1936 Germany should never be forgotten just how easy a nation can be led down a very poor path to destruction. We have too many leaders now with seriously narrow visions, a dangerous world!
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