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Kenny Foggo

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  1. I would see Nunez, Rowe and Sargeant before Sara who had the biggest impact last. I understand the need to sell but its always the key people we shift on. Impossible to build.
  2. I blame the new set piece coach
  3. Football governing bodies are toothless and clubs like Sheffield Utd, Bournemouth make a mockery of the rules. Who said cheats don't prosper?
  4. I trust Knapper & Thorup to do the best they can with the resources at their disposal.
  5. I think it will and they'll be amazed at the impact that has on attendance
  6. They get a bad rap because their party is full of bigots and ex BNP supporters. They lie about the true cost of brexit, they have absolutely no fiscal responsibility and Nigel Farage is an ex Conservative, hedge fund manager who just has to drink a pint of beer in a pub to convince people he is one of "them". Immigration is a worldwide issue that is not going away soon and needs an adult conversation by all countries to help get a sensible solution. Farage's zero policy would hit our ability to raise taxes, run the NHS and provide social care for the elderly. He is a one trick racist pony (example said he feels uncomfortable hearing non English voices on the underground). I hope Starmer does the country good and having constructive meetings with both Conservative & Labour majors fills me with a small degree of hope. Also good to see that they intend to stop the frankly pointless "culture wars" (as trotted out by Farage and co) and are concentrating on speeding up house building, prison reform and things that actually matter.
  7. I wouldn't sell for less than £10m. Sarge has fitness issues so need another physical presence up top
  8. Its pretty solid security wise with Fences that stop people digging or climbing in... lots of security checks.
  9. I went this year and had a ball.... I find the only people that slag off Glastonbury (It's not the same... no its not they have to appeal to a younger audience but there is so much to do.. 127 stages) are the people who have never been. Went "dancing" at Block9 and bought the collective age down 30 years. Loved Dexys. Breeders, Squeeze, Last Dinner Party,steel Pulse, Don Letts DJ set, Gypsy Kings (yes really) and finished the Sunday with Basil Brush unleashed 😄 Go with mates, you'll love it
  10. I hope our player of the season is still with us come the new season. With a younger squad he is exactly the sort of player we need. Also very flexible when injuries high. Would be a big mistake selling him IMO
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