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Wagner has gone nuclear

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9 minutes ago, Badger said:

I don't think it is 5,000 Jim. The 20% figure for "boo boys" was always an exaggeration. Many times this season, since the minority shareholders ill-considered statement, a small section of fans in the Snakepit have tried to rally the troops with attempts at "20% you're having a laugh" but with very little response - a couple of hundred if that.

The truth is that the last few seasons have tested the patience of 100% of fans, we have had to endure some dispiriting stuff, but the small hardcore of "boo boys," who boo everything that goes wrong is a far smaller community.

If this group of non fans were to stay away, it would, in my opinion, be the best thing that could happen for the club.

You definitely weren't in the Barclay last night if you believe that. Sorry but it really is about 20% , but that's the ones that still care.

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58 minutes ago, Mr Tea said:

As perhaps one of the older posters on the forum im kinda trying to get my head around what these boo boys and girls want.

im guessing they think we have a legal right to boss the league like we did for a few years with DF ?

 God only knows  what they would think if they came back in time and watched some of the crap I’ve seen over the years !!!!


So we didn't boo then? 

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1 minute ago, Sufyellow said:

So we didn't boo then? 

Or chuck cushions on the pitch?

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7 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

Mainly the same fans , or did the other 3 stands start getting vocal? You can disagree with a moment in a game , but still vocally support your team. What players were they abusive too? They didn't like his tactical change, he also had every right to say trust me , look it worked. He had no right to say stay at home, unless you want 19 thousand crowds next season? 

I think you'll find that even in the same stands, the fans in there are actually different people from each other. Someone started the booing and others joined in, then someone else started pushing back and others will have decided that was a better idea.

The people who led the booing are the real problem.

Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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56 minutes ago, Mr Tea said:

As perhaps one of the older posters on the forum im kinda trying to get my head around what these boo boys and girls want.

im guessing they think we have a legal right to boss the league like we did for a few years with DF ?

 God only knows  what they would think if they came back in time and watched some of the crap I’ve seen over the years !!!!


The mid-late 90’s under Megson, Ricoh and Hamilton were some of the most forgettable seasons you could imagine, turgid mid table mediocrity, and the less said about Roeder’s loan packed relegation the better.

I fail to see why these fans think we should be dining at the top table constantly, and where this sense of entitlement comes from. In the last 30 years (almost) since we originally came down the only time we’ve stayed in the top flight for more than a season was surviving twice under Lambert and Hughton 

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1 minute ago, Sufyellow said:

You definitely weren't in the Barclay last night if you believe that. Sorry but it really is about 20% , but that's the ones that still care.

The entire stand only holds 6,000!

The ones that care would not seek to undermine their team. As I said above, the club would be better off without those that do undermine it.

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1 minute ago, Conrad said:

Or chuck cushions on the pitch?

I can't recall it when we were 8 games unbeaten at home and in the process of scoring 4 goals!

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The comments by Wagner were unwise, but I can understand his frustration given the recent run of results.  I did find some of his tactics peculiar, but ultimately they worked.

Lots could be debated, but my biggest concern is that discontent spreads and deters from a fantastic opportunity make the playoffs.  I'm desperate for another trip to Wembley and we should now all get behind the team to achieve that goal.  

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2 hours ago, S_81 said:

Wagner being carried by a handful of our talented players isn’t just a fair conclusion, it’s an obvious conclusion. He got out of jail, again. 

Isn’t every manager carried by a handful of talented players? Take Buendia away from Farke and we were relegation material. If Lambert lost Holt and Hoolahan for half a season we don’t win back to back promotions. If Worthy has Ashton for a full season rather than half then we would have stayed up comfortably.

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9 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

You definitely weren't in the Barclay last night if you believe that. Sorry but it really is about 20% , but that's the ones that still care.

I wonder how many domestic abusers have told themselves nobody would ever love their victim as much as they do?



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27 minutes ago, Badger said:

I don't think it is 5,000 Jim. The 20% figure for "boo boys" was always an exaggeration. Many times this season, since the minority shareholders ill-considered statement, a small section of fans in the Snakepit have tried to rally the troops with attempts at "20% you're having a laugh" but with very little response - a couple of hundred if that.

The truth is that the last few seasons have tested the patience of 100% of fans, we have had to endure some dispiriting stuff, but the small hardcore of "boo boys," who boo everything that goes wrong is a far smaller community.

If this group of non fans were to stay away, it would, in my opinion, be the best thing that could happen for the club.

The 20% figure is a massive, massive underestimate. It was intended to represent the section of the fan base that are disillusioned. It’s way over 20%

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im guessing they think we have a legal right to boss the league like we did for a few years with DF ?

I’m guessing this group are the same group that wanted Farke out in the first place, ironic. Us so called happy clappers were ridiculed for saying he should stay. 

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32 minutes ago, littleyellowbirdie said:


How stupid.

For goodness sake. We have problems with people being removed from the forum because of abusive behaviour and even a thread being closed because of behaviour like this. 

You may not agree with @S_81but can't you be a bit less rude and a bit more constructive? He has a different opinion to you and he may be right. 

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With the benefit of hindsight and the final score, the booing seems idiotic. But sat there watching the momentum of the game slip away from us then removing the two most effective players on the night certainly seemed complete lunacy. I didn't boo, but there were definitely people in the South Stand who took offence to those subs and were booing. It doesn't take many motivated voices to start to resonate around the stadium, especially once the part of the lizard brain kicks in.

TBH I was just really sad to see Onel have to traipse round the pitch to boos when actually he'd had a very good game. No way should he have been hooked for Fassnacht at that point in the game. Terrible decicision at the time, but DW got lucky.

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2 minutes ago, Jim Smith said:

The 20% figure is a massive, massive underestimate. It was intended to represent the section of the fan base that are disillusioned. It’s way over 20%

Simply nonsense Jim: there is no way that 5,000 people join in the booing.

Do you go to games or are you one of these fans that don't go on principle?

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1 hour ago, canarybubbles said:

Like many fans, I like Wagner as a person, but I have doubts about aspects of his managerial abilities. Having said that, I think we have to be realistic. Just as we can't expect our full backs to be peak-Maldini or our forwards to be peak-Messi, we have to accept that our managers will not be peak-Ferguson or Wenger. Wagner seems very good at the human side of his job with the players, but IMO badly overthinks things tactically at times. Like almost all head coaches, he's a mixed bag.

Almost certainly he is going to be here until the end of this season at the very least, so I think we should get behind him. This does not mean refusing to criticise or call out decisions which we think are poor ones, but just accepting that he's not perfect and giving him some leeway and recognising the improvements in our recent results and performances. Whoever is to blame for the split between the fans and the club, it's certainly not Wagner. Until last night his behaviour towards the fans has been exemplary - unlike his predecessor or our ex-SD - and I hope this latest development doesn't sour the relationship even further. Dean Smith and Webber have gone, and both we fans and the club have to try to rebuild goodwill. We've got no chance of the playoffs if Connor Southwell's 'civil war' continues. 

Excellent post - agree with pretty much every word. No matter how surprising it might appear, we now have a genuinely excellent chance of getting in the play-offs. Time for a truce at the very least.

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13 minutes ago, dylanisabaddog said:

For goodness sake. We have problems with people being removed from the forum because of abusive behaviour and even a thread being closed because of behaviour like this. 

You may not agree with @S_81but can't you be a bit less rude and a bit more constructive? He has a different opinion to you and he may be right. 

A rebuke from none other than one of the same frequenters of the non-football side who quietly accepted Squit doing this to me on an almost daily basis without any comment.

Love it.

@S_81,  he's right. Nevertheless, it's ultimately players on the pitch who win or lose games of football. People even argue players playing for the manager is a key requisite of being a good manager. That's why I think your statement is ridiculous.


Edited by littleyellowbirdie

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No matter what, the manager and staff should never  turn on the supporters, it’s just made his and the teams job 10’s harder. …Bring back the cushions 

He should try explain himself,  give them a bit of old bulls **** etc etc. Delia too, unless they want to be the next Chase, Roeder or Webber, but keep them onside, they will be your 12th man very soon.

Might sound harsh but that’s the game, keep the supporters onside at all costs, it’s what comes with the ( well paid ) job and the ones who boo are inevitably the ones who travel far and wide and will be there to the end. It’s always been like this and always will unless you wish for a sterile passive sit on your seats say nothing atmosphere.

We need more revolt and protest in general and not just at football matches, get over it !!

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42 minutes ago, Fen Canary said:

The mid-late 90’s under Megson, Ricoh and Hamilton were some of the most forgettable seasons you could imagine, turgid mid table mediocrity, and the less said about Roeder’s loan packed relegation the better.

I fail to see why these fans think we should be dining at the top table constantly, and where this sense of entitlement comes from. In the last 30 years (almost) since we originally came down the only time we’ve stayed in the top flight for more than a season was surviving twice under Lambert and Hughton 

the last game I went to the really discontented fans where all young uns so to speak 


they have known nothing other than romping the league/promotion  I had this discussion with my autistic nearly 18 year old 

he does not even have a living memory of losing to the Binners 


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38 minutes ago, Badger said:

I can't recall it when we were 8 games unbeaten at home and in the process of scoring 4 goals!

That is not my point. My response related to the original post which stated that supporters had not booed in previous years when times were bad. Suggesting that showing dissent is a recent innovation. 

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Just seems very clear to me we now a have a set of so called fans that are really nothing of the sort. They have their own agenda, fueled no doubt by social media echo chambers plus vacuous ignorance and are only there apparently to get a childish kick out of abusing the manager and players winning or losing. Any 'excuse' will do. It's simply a cult now. Nowt to do with football.

We all have our views on substitutions, tactics and indeed the manager, players and staff but true fans would never boo during any match, least of all when winning and on a significant run. 

Edited by Yellow Fever
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im guessing they think we have a legal right to boss the league like we did for a few years with DF ?

I’m guessing this group are the same group that wanted Farke out in the first place, ironic. Us so called happy clappers were ridiculed for saying he should stay. 

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34 minutes ago, Jim Smith said:

The 20% figure is a massive, massive underestimate. It was intended to represent the section of the fan base that are disillusioned. It’s way over 20%

It certainly was last night. The booing and chants of 'you don't know what you are doing' from all 4 sides of the ground suggest more than the 20% were not happy. Whatever people's opinion on the rights and wrongs of booing, there is a considerable proportion of the crowd who are currently dissatisfied. The number of empty seats evident last night helps supports this. In time past the ground would be full and the crowd rocking if we were in this league position, despite the weather and the game being on Sky. Something needs to change in order to get everyone supporting the team again. 

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25 minutes ago, Sheva said:

No matter what, the manager and staff should never  turn on the supporters, it’s just made his and the teams job 10’s harder. …Bring back the cushions 

He should try explain himself,  give them a bit of old bulls **** etc etc. Delia too, unless they want to be the next Chase, Roeder or Webber, but keep them onside, they will be your 12th man very soon.

Might sound harsh but that’s the game, keep the supporters onside at all costs, it’s what comes with the ( well paid ) job and the ones who boo are inevitably the ones who travel far and wide and will be there to the end. It’s always been like this and always will unless you wish for a sterile passive sit on your seats say nothing atmosphere.

We need more revolt and protest in general and not just at football matches, get over it !!

He hasn’t turned on supoorters - he was very clear about that. He’s just fed up with the whining a-holes - as no doubt plenty are. I think everyone has a threshold and he reached his.

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10 hours ago, littleyellowbirdie said:

Then you're clearly not one of the people he's talking about and don't want to be one of the people he's talking about. So why are you taking against him in favour of the people he was talking about?

Because he should not be making the same mistake as Delia and attacking the fans, any fans (the volume of the chant "You Don't Know What Your Are Doing" was not a minority.). Listening to Canary Call on the way home Dean Ashton was of the opinion that what Wagner said was a dangerous thing to do and I agree with him.........

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16 minutes ago, Paul101 said:

the last game I went to the really discontented fans where all young uns so to speak 


they have known nothing other than romping the league/promotion  I had this discussion with my autistic nearly 18 year old 

he does not even have a living memory of losing to the Binners 


Genuinely think this is part of it. My nephew is 14 turning 15 and is very much like that, any time we're not in the Premier league or on a real promotion push, he loses interest. 

Trying to tell him that I started going in 98 and how things were then and then the Grant/Roeder years falls on deaf ears. 

Instant success is the way of football for the kids now. There is no long game. 

Edited by GodlyOtsemobor
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42 minutes ago, Thumbbass said:

With the benefit of hindsight and the final score, the booing seems idiotic. But sat there watching the momentum of the game slip away from us then removing the two most effective players on the night certainly seemed complete lunacy. I didn't boo, but there were definitely people in the South Stand who took offence to those subs and were booing. It doesn't take many motivated voices to start to resonate around the stadium, especially once the part of the lizard brain kicks in.

TBH I was just really sad to see Onel have to traipse round the pitch to boos when actually he'd had a very good game. No way should he have been hooked for Fassnacht at that point in the game. Terrible decicision at the time, but DW got lucky.

Once again, it made perfect sense as 1 was f***** and the other feared he had an injury, both asked to be subbed as they couldn’t carry on. 

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1 hour ago, Fen Canary said:

The mid-late 90’s under Megson, Ricoh and Hamilton were some of the most forgettable seasons you could imagine, turgid mid table mediocrity, and the less said about Roeder’s loan packed relegation the better.


I was only a kid during those manergerial reigns, but my god I remember some truly depressing games back then, it was awful. Pretty sure we only got home gates of about 13k as well, certainly for a night game.

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I suggest we identity the "boo boys" put them in the stocks and hang the leaders so those "real" fans can enjoy Carra with no interrupting of their relaxing one view City. Off with their heads..

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1 minute ago, Kenny Foggo said:

I suggest we identity the "boo boys" put them in the stocks and hang the leaders so those "real" fans can enjoy Carra with no interrupting of their relaxing one view City. Off with their heads..

Could be half-time entertainment? Boo, hiss. Seems about their level.

Edited by Yellow Fever
  • Haha 1

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