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Fen Canary

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  1. The Germans don’t care, at least none of the ones I met in my younger years did. They knew any jokes from the Brits or the Dutch (who were always much worse) in regards to the war was just that, a laugh. It was only ever others getting offended on their behalf
  2. Depends how big it was, somebody else might have felt the consequences of it swinging around too
  3. We need more helicoptering at matches
  4. As I’ve said previously though, I don’t believe we had a good defence that season. We didn’t concede many simply because we had a majority of possession in most games so the opposition didn’t have the ball to launch an attack. However whenever they did I was always fearing the worst as the inevitably waltzed straight through our back line without a decent tackle going in and got a shot away, fortunately Krul played out of his skin that season. It was a victory for the tactics rather than having a solid defence. Its been a long time since we’ve had a back 4 who could control the opposing strikers and actually snuff out attacks
  5. Only in England would some pleb describe celebrating the nation winning a decent haul of medals as jingoistic
  6. So we’re on to insults now? What exactly is the point you’re trying to make? All I’ve said is that some people milk the benefit and it’s possible for people to occasionally get a trip or holiday abroad while on them, both of which are statements you’ve agreed with
  7. So you’re arguing that people on benefits can’t holiday in Spain, then say that you’re sure some people on benefits do get to Spain? What exactly is it you’re arguing about?
  8. I’ve no idea what B1 is, probably Brummie standard
  9. So if they can afford a holiday each year why is it so hard to believe others can manage a week in Spain? I’ve had flights to Spain for 40 quid.which is cheaper than driving to the coast. I’ve never made any comment on the generosity or otherwise of the benefit system, I was merely pointing out that trips abroad are entirely possible on it
  10. I’m not sure if the new visa requirements have a language test as part of them, however that obviously wasn’t the case with the freedom of movement laws
  11. It’s not a new problem, though I think it will undoubtedly get worse if we don’t slow the numbers down. I was doing a shop fit out in Peterborough and we had a young local lad from the agency with us. About halfway through the job he was off for a while because him and his brother had got a kicking because they’d walked through one of the Pakistani housing estates and this was 20 years ago. As you say some groups simply don’t want to integrate and prefer to live in ghettos. I’m not sure what the solution is to be honest
  12. Care to explain why you think that? The YouGov survey I linked to clearly states that currently a majority of the public (and all age groups) think that immigration over the previous decade has been too high
  13. A rather childish response. Do you not know a single person who milks the system?
  14. The current attitude is that immigration during the last decade has been too high
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