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Yellow Fever

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Yellow Fever last won the day on December 28 2023

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  1. I thought a lot of people who were working got universal credit, not just the feckless.
  2. I always think these simple silly questions get some silly answers yet people avoid all the caveats. I would guess if asked most people would prefer less immigration - same as less tax but that's a long way from blindly lowering either with all the downsides. Do you wish for a staffed NHS, do you wish for an NHS or free education at all? We need both immigrants and taxes etc! Same as the 'Brexit' vote. Nobody knew what it really meant in practice (soft, hard etc.). Ask a silly question and get a silly answer which people run away with.
  3. I have to own up to that one though - my fingers new better than my mind.
  4. Predicitive text - smarter than me !
  5. Saw this and thought it quite inciteful. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/26/donald-trump-americans-vote-psychology In many ways there are parts of the same trick that Farage is trying to emulate
  6. And the Tories and Liberals (whigs)
  7. Disreali was of course born Jewish ( became an Anglican) but yes a Tory "one nation" PM
  8. What's the phrase - "Politics is the art of the possible." This was just idiotic grand-standing "look at me" opposition to what was ostensibly their parties clear policy. These 7 or 8 will never be in power, never be in a position to influence policy - always in 'opposition' which lets be frank is what they are used too. They'd of been far better off abstaining and arguing to make whatever changes from within - when possible!
  9. The loss of the whip is now nothing to do with the 'cap', when or how it may change or indeed removed. The loss of the whip (they are now independents and can vote how they wish - nobody cares) is simply that they decided not to be part of this Labour government or movement - and uphold its King's speech as written. Perhaps they can form a new 'Corbyn's' party of eight MPS with Corbyn himself to represent their views - rather like Farage and 'Reform'.
  10. Yes SC. She'll always be an irrelevant protester but never in power. On the two child limit - apparently about 60% of the population agree with the cap as is - its not the child benefit (that carries on) but a limit (for most) on universal credit. Must admit I'm in two minds about this - we have to make parents bear some responsibility for being able to bring up their children but of course it's not the child's fault at all! Perhaps limit it to 3 children (above the 2.1 current replacement level).
  11. I did wonder if Trumps deal for peace in Ukraine was giving Putin Alaska back too (with Palin).
  12. Am I the only one who really isn't much interested in the Olympics? Bidding for the Olympics is always the one I want to lose - as per many other countries. Unless you want to wave the flag (c.f China) it just ultimately costs billions and for what? I suspect many Parisian bushiness are wondering just that at present with the lock downs! What else is on the telly (in full grumpo mode)
  13. Exactly. It's not as even if SKS isn't open indeed receptive to ultimately removing the 'limit' and he's allowed abstentions. Simpy it was an absurd thing to do by an unprofessional 7. Got what they deserved (if only several Tory PMs from May onwards had been more assertive in the past!) . In government now not powerless banner waving opposition.
  14. I think we can all agree that the world is a far more dangerous place and that we need a defense review plus more money into the front-line military. That however bring to me another question (or indeed thread) that I've often thought of posting on - no doubt it will cause outrage in some quarters - particularly the officer class. My experience is that the military because of lack of any commercial competition and being an institution/world unto themselves have got very used to enormous sums (perhaps 1/2) being wasted on over generous high salaries for officer back room staff, very early retirement (with huge pensions), frivolous balls and general wastage. It's a way of life it seems! This is not to disparage the active front line soldiers but more the 'entitled' culture. It really needs a proper commercially minded managerial review and we then might then find large sums that could be better spent on actual fighting 'kit'.
  15. To be fair the pollsters in the US always talk about the 'black' vote or the Hispanic vote (or even the White working men vote) etc. Clearly Harris is well placed to capitalize on that and female vote in general, plus of course many of those 'undecided' or 'exasperated' who couldn't stomach Trump but thought Biden too old (ergo may not of voted at all) will now be energized by Harris. The real concern I have is that all other sensible politicians steer clear of commenting on the US elections - needing to work with whoever is elected. Farage is clearly partisan and frankly more interested in that election than his own Clacton constituency. Poor sods who voted for him. Drowning men grasping at straws.
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