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king canary

Something a bit personal

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Hi all,

Wrote something a bit personal for Along Come Norwich about my Dad, football and our relationship. Can''t make it clicky though.


Sorry for the plug.

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An enjoyable read, sorry you lost your Dad in June.

Didnt realise you on twitter & King on here were the same person lol

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Really sorry to hear of your loss KC. You''re right about the family thing. One of my most abiding memories will always be going to Orient with both my grandfathers and my Dad when we won promotion to the old first division for the first time. I hope you feel able to return soon.

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Sorry for your loss KC. I imagine Wembley will live long in the memory all things considered and i''m sure that was a pretty special moment to share. 
Can completely understand you finding the concept of coming to CR a bit difficult currently. To be fair, I can''t really imagine going along without my mates let alone your situation.
Should you fancy it though, you''re more than welcome to tag along with us whenever you do fancy coming to a game!

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Sorry for your loss but what a great story Kingo. I can''t relate to sharing football with a dad because I had to make my own path. But I can relate to sharing football as a dad so I know how precious that time with you at football would have been for your dad.

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Good piece kc, I''m sure a lot of us can resonate with that. I can understand the Ipswich connection and not feeling too vitriolic towards our country cousins as my Dad was moved to Ipswich after I left school and followed the local football there with interest, while remaining a Norwich supporter, so I developed a certain tolerance to them.  I hope you get back to the football soon!

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Sorry for your loss.

I lost my dad when I was 19, I love a good 3 and a half hours away and still go to Carrow Road on my own, as it is literally the last connection I have with him. My family from Norwich are all dead to me after getting financially ruined by them. I question what I’m doing, I’ve even had a season ticket at the most local team to me (West Brom). But it’s always going to be Norwich, I sat on my own Saturday and will be there this Saturday.

My point is, keep the connection with Norwich, as it is a long lasting connection you will have with your dad. Take your time mate. Your dad would be so happy knowing you have these memories with him and would want you to continue going.

Hope you’re ok.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I think this season is going to be one of mainly away games for me - I did get to Birmingham on Saturday for instance - and we''ll take it from there.

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I can understand why you cherish those times.When I was younger my dad was never a City fan.Instead he liked watching local football and as my older brother was a fairly decent player he would follow him around.I was more into playing rugby but he never came to see me play in fact on one occasion I was actually playing practically on the next pitch to my brother but my dad didn''t even acknowledge that I was there.

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My dad was a cricket man, although he did take me to my first game to see “a proper footballer “ as he called him. It was Denis Law playing for Man City.

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[quote user="king canary"]Yes Diane we are one and the same![/quote]
I enjoy reading your tweets, so keep up the good work.
Are you coming to the fans forum on the 16th, would be good to meet you[:)]

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Although you feel lost at this moment in time king canary please remember that nothing will ever take away the memories no matter what comes along next and i am sure your dad would not want your seat left empty at Carrow Road for too long.

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A well written, bittersweet and evocative article. Thanks for sharing.

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What a great read. And something I can completely understand having lost Mrs Sid (Chellecity on here) in January. The feelings you describe are exactly the ones I had. The good memories will always be there, however dark things seem right now.

So sorry to hear of your loss. Keep hold of the good times if/when you return to the Carra.

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It''s a great read and I''m sorry for your loss. I lost my dad 3 years ago and it still hurts.

My dad was born in Bethnal Green and licved their during the war until his family was evacuated to Foulsham. He joined the navy and met my mum while she was working away in Chelmsford. Finally they married and set up home in Norwich. Dad took mum to just one match where she got soaked to the skin in the River End one game and she said never again. He took me to my first game about 1962/3, I can''t remember anything about it! For several years dad was not well enough to go to the games but listened to all of them. Every game I go to I thank him in my mind for what has been a thoroughly enjoyable rollercoaster over the years! I''m sure that time will heal things and the good memeories will bring you back home.

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I just wanted to add to the appreciation for your writing KC.

The family thing is funny. My love for Norwich was accidental, certainly not from my parents who had no interest in football. Both my kids were born in Nottingham but have a little bit of yellow and green blood. My son texted me in excitement last night after seeing the EE advert with Delia wearing our scarf.

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Really nice wistful & understated tribute to a lost parent. Always find your pink''un posts worth reading and your views rarely predictable - good to see you can write (essays) too. Sorry for your loss and good luck with the journey.

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What a lovely piece this is.
You certainly had a smashing Dad. Anyone willing to put their own team''s support second to that of their child especially when the two teams are Ipswich and Norwich is something of which to be especially proud.
In time I hope you can enjoy returning to Carrow Rd again.

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