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GenerationA47 last won the day on March 11 2021

GenerationA47 had the most liked content!

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  1. “.., save that he rhymeth with “suck a bee””
  2. A shocking day.. England fans only in the sense of “fanatics from England”.. as they definitely had no interest in either football or supporting our team. Even debatable if they were truly fans of their own country... as with most self-styled ‘patriots’ they brought further shame and detriment on us compounding the history of colonialism … no pride. Anyway since (patriotically!) they’re both my countries, hope it’s a draw!
  3. Could have sworn you were making this up for elaborate comic effect, till the clips proved it!
  4. I may disagree with the contents but this is great
  5. Ha! But aren’t you meant to be taking a break, because your head hurts or something …?
  6. I concur, and know nothing* about the league or its clubs which means football conversations with others tend to be mercifully (for both parties) short. (*Unnecessary disclosure: for context I know next to nothing about the Championship) However, it’s good there are folks on here who are more broad-minded & self-educated than me. I read their PL views and factoids with interest, purely in respect of its status as a feeder league 😊
  7. Thirded here. An odd mix of shoot-from-the-hip controversialism and shoot-from-the-hip telling of truth to power. He skirts the shores of oafdom and sails the high seas of sagacity
  8. Not the blistering pace, then? Ah. Got it. Hairy nape.
  9. Watford’s shirt sponsor is reminiscent of Arrested Development’s ‘Mr F’
  10. The detail of their injuries is a matter for them and their travel agents
  11. Let’s all just agree on ‘Binner different poster’
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