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Excited Canary

Warnock interview

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Could his constant finger pointing (Johnson today, Van Persie on Saturday & Holt every other time we''ve played them) and excuses suggest that maybe his team fail because he actually isn''t that good as a manager?


Thank God we''ve got Lambert.

Dignity, integrity and star quality.

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Cantiaci, that is a classic example of Nail hit firmly on head!

Why doesn''t a reporter actually say, ''well Neil, he didn''t actually go down'' and take it from there!

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[quote user="CDMullins"]I was chuffed with the way BJ reacted.


Did you see the incident then as my stream went down about 5 mins before that?

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Yeah, no real ''headbutt'', but Barton pushed is head towards BJ''s.BJ pulled his head away, but no falling to the floor or grabbing his face.Unlike Tierney at Bolton

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Colin is good for a laugh, he sees everything so one-eyed it is amazing - on the back of his RVP comments and Barton''s antics vs Arsenal you really cannot take him seriously at times. You do have to wonder if he feels under threat - he''s spent a lot and their recent form is abysmal, including being doubled by us :-) .

Simple fact is we won 2-1, Colin - live with it!

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Diverts attention from his own club''s shortcomings to keep himself in a job for a couple of weeks more.  Priceless.

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[quote user="Mister Chops"]And unlike Barton at St James''s when Gervinho barely touched him.


We all know Barton and Warnock are the biggest whingers and get the gold for lying, Barton according to my  Stream made a move towards BJ with his head BJ moved back tp prevent a black eye or worse if BJ didn''t move quick he would probably be having stitches in his face now, no he didn''t go to ground either. Sorry Barton falls in to my Thugg list along with that other Scouse at Manure.  

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I''m with you on this Pete; barton made the aggresive move, yes he was fouled, but so what? Also Warnock stated that Brad went down and conned the ref - he did neither. he stayed on his feet and then tried to give barton some back - take a look at the pic on F365.com - link belowhttp://www.football365.com/match/3408535/report

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Bradley Johnson should sue Colin for slander. To call him a cheat based on that evidence is ridiculous. It looked like Johnson was trying to play it down rather than get Barton sent off. Grow up Colin!

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[quote user="Excited Canary"]"Cheats never prosper" "Johnson dived down" "Not surprised by Bradley Johnson, seeing him fall down".He didn''t even go down you *![/quote]God I hope they highlight this on MOTD, comedy gold.

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It''s a very funny interview. I thought the red card was harsh but Barton moved his head and shoulder forward. Johnson didn''t go down and Holt was actually arguing against sending him off. But Colin won''t let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Performance wise, I thought we were solid. Couple of great saves from Ruddy to keep us level - Ayala had another classy display, Lappin was solid without being spectacular, Bennett good. All round a good 3 points from a club who are going to struggle to survive despite their money - Mr Fernandez has a decision to make about whether to keep Colin in a job......

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Why appeal it when Colin can use this victimisation as an excuse for the next three games poor results? With the three they lost today that''s 12 points that Colin can blame on other things than QPrses ineptitude on the pitch.

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Ridiculous that he claims that if Barton was on the receiving end he would not have reacted like Johnson did!! Well just look at Bartons reaction when Gervinho nudged his head at him in that Newcastle v Arsenal game on the opening day. Barton went down like he''d been shot and then rolled around, preceded to get up and tell the ref "he hedbutted me". Far worse than Johnson''s reaction today, he merely took a step backwards and whiped his face. Barton is a cu#t and im delighted he got sent off today. Cheers Joey you brainless ideot. Brilliant captian.

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Clown says he wants to move on and enjoy taking six points of us next season.............I think you will find Colin that it''s SUFFOLK you will be hitting next time round............silly boy!

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Very harsh red card for Barton but he walked into it by agressively walking up to Johnson and moving his head towards him agressively!


Colins a legend yet again with his post match interview!


For a start Johnson didn''t make a meal and didn''t go down. Yes he got agitated but most pro footballers would be after Barton go after him agressively.


Barton went down like he''d been shot against Arsenal when he was still at Newcastle so thats another of Warnocks theories out of the window!



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".I think you will find Colin that it''s SUFFOLK you will be hitting next time round" *I can''t see QPR getting relegated to League 1 ... unless they have been up to some of the ''funny'' contract stuff again

* unless the lardy Jewell gets the heave ho around the time Colin is shown the door and the paupers appoint another manager with a history of promotions

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On looking at it, it does seem a weird passage of play and a wee bit harsh, but we''ve seen worse go against us and it is just the way things are, he certainly touched heads at least. I certainly can''t believe the follow-up coverage on the beeb, which seems to let Colin''s rant go as if quoting fact (ie ''over reaction''/'' went down'' when in reality BJ was pretty restrained), and quotes Barton''s tweets about it all as if the dirty little shite is some sort of sage.

Of course, had they decided they could have easily shown his disgusting behaviour at newcastle juxtaposed against colin''s rant......

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