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Hung out to dry

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Definitely not a red card, if anything Pearson should have had it

3rd goal, no question, offside.

Bournemouth persistant cheating

Ref & linesmen have give us nothing

11 v 11 and we would have p*ssed it

Can only be retribution for us getting promoted today

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Grubby little club in the same type as Sheffield United.....hope they get stuffed in the playoffs!

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Haven't ever been able to stand stand bmuff just one of those grotty little tinpot clubs with egos far bigger than the club its attached to.

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Never a red card. But we do need to work out more of a plan should this happen again. In hindsight, we should have kept Kieran on and taken Todd off (as I’ve seen more intensity and desire in a dog on tranquillisers). And what on Earth did Placheta offer in this game? A sad result, ruined by the ref, but it should be used to plan out a better strategy in the future.

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Absolutely gutting. We bossed them all the way until the red card, scored one of the goals of the season and looked like it was a question of how many. It was all set up to be a perfect promotion-capped performance.

But sadly that has really killed the mood - for the evening anyway.

Giannoulis was mightily unfortunate to get sent off I thought. I’m not really 100% where he could’ve planted his foot in that split second but it certainly wasn’t intentional and Pearson sure did fly in from nowhere - leaving Giannoulis no time to adjust. I wonder what would’ve happened without Pearson’s screaming and playacting?

And that third goal was clearly offside, it looked very clear when it happened too....

Just really killed the mood of the evening, particularly with Bournemouth’s gamesmanship, similar to Watford with their fouling, playacting and ****housery, I have found myself spending the entire game seething at their horrible players...

God I hope they get knocked out of the playoffs in the most horrible way.

Edited by Hank shoots Skyler
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Hucks said their first would have been offside by var.  Their third did definitely look dubious, too, but they managed the game after half time and would surely have won anyway.

Edited by Branston Pickle

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11 v 11 would certainly have been a good game. Pearson is the kind of player opposition fans hate and home fans love. Fact is he got the ball. If Gianni hadn't seen red, either Sorensen or Maclean could have done for equally silly tackles. Well beaten tonight, but understandable. 

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We need to get smart before next season. If teams are as 'professional' as Bmuff we always seem to struggle, getting drawn into sendings off, losing our composure, etc.. Yes Bmuff are a grubby little bunch of cheats, but they know how to get under the oppositions' skins, as do most PL teams.

Edited by Sooty57
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7 minutes ago, Robornio said:

Never a red card. But we do need to work out more of a plan should this happen again. In hindsight, we should have kept Kieran on and taken Todd off (as I’ve seen more intensity and desire in a dog on tranquillisers). And what on Earth did Placheta offer in this game? A sad result, ruined by the ref, but it should be used to plan out a better strategy in the future.

Todd ran his socks off and did so much chasing. Its baldricks what you say.

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11 minutes ago, Robornio said:

Never a red card. But we do need to work out more of a plan should this happen again. In hindsight, we should have kept Kieran on and taken Todd off (as I’ve seen more intensity and desire in a dog on tranquillisers). And what on Earth did Placheta offer in this game? A sad result, ruined by the ref, but it should be used to plan out a better strategy in the future.

Don't know what game you were watching,but I thought Cantwell worked his socks tonight!!

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16 minutes ago, NFN FC said:

Good job that Graham Scott isn't a prem ref.... Oh wait 

A Ref who was actually 'bourne' in Bournemouth......

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Just now, Mello Yello said:

A Ref who was actually 'bourne' in Bournemouth......

A perfect match

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8 minutes ago, My spoon is too big! said:


Well done Bournemouth.

**** me you only writ three words and you had to edit the post.....🙈

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1 minute ago, Van wink said:

A perfect match

Some Tinker changed it from born in Oxfordshire to B,****.....and I fell for it....

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20 minutes ago, sgncfc said:

11 v 11 would certainly have been a good game. Pearson is the kind of player opposition fans hate and home fans love. Fact is he got the ball. If Gianni hadn't seen red, either Sorensen or Maclean could have done for equally silly tackles. Well beaten tonight, but understandable. 

But he was more out of control than Giannoulis. Ref didn't send Kenny off was , more than likely, because he knew he had fooked up first half

Edited by Crabbycanary3
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4 minutes ago, Mello Yello said:

A Ref who was actually 'bourne' in Bournemouth......

Born in Oxfordshire. His Wiki account was altered this evening.

Edited by TIL 1010

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Just now, TIL 1010 said:

Born in Oxfordshire. His Wili account was altered this evening.

See above post from me.....

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Just now, TIL 1010 said:

Born in Oxfordshire. His Wiki account was altered this evening.

Well it's a lot nearer to Bournemouth than Norwich so it's good enough for me

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10 minutes ago, Mello Yello said:

Some Tinker changed it from born in Oxfordshire to B,****.....and I fell for it....

No worries, we’re up, that’s all that matters 😁

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14 minutes ago, Wrathofthefarkely said:

And... Only an utter tinpot tw*t would belive that Wikipedia thing. 

Shows how people belive such utter  rubbish as covid scams, the NWO, and god. 

I'm tinpot.....and David Icke is the new Messiah......You Lizard!

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Worst thing is the equaliser was initially (correctly) given offside and then overruled, but they still managed to miss their third.

Really irritating, but not the most important event of the day!

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