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  1. Well, there’s a strong chance he’ll get a chance to play there this year, given the various transfer rumours.
  2. Love the cleanness of the collar, but feel it’s a bit too yellow. I like lines and designs, but it’s a fine balance. Too much design and it looks like that awful blocky Aviva shirt. Too little design and it’s just a training top. If your design had the green and two stripes collar from the 80s, along with matching sleeves edging… perfecto mondo.
  3. We won’t get fooled again. On a serious note, I was hoping from a sustainability point of view (financial and material) that we’d revert back to every two years. Those were the days when it was really worth buying it. Oh well.
  4. There’s always a risk with a new and inexperienced coach. For every Mikel Arteta, there’s a Peter Grant. But would you rather an experienced coach on the decline (which we’ve just had) or an enthusiastic newbie with new exciting ideas? The latter has the much higher ceiling of success (to coin an American saying) and gives a chance to acquire a calibre that we wouldn’t attract had they’d been successful elsewhere, beforehand. The key for me is a winning ethos, a willingness to compete and an ability to motivate and inspire. Bring on the new regime, and let’s go for it!
  5. The fact Duffy is even in the squad is a sign of how pathetic our management is. Get wasted as a pro athlete, drink-drive, smash up a few parked cars… then smash up our play-off hopes too. Wagner, Duffy, Knapper, Smith and Jones… one big “Get in the bin!”
  6. Ever wondered what a manager has to do for a team to turn up to a play-off semi final like they couldn’t give a ****? I hope they film the dressing room masterclass and learn from it.
  7. He doesn’t look fully fit at all. Another great decision by our soon to be former manager (praying to the gods).
  8. Gives a reason to start again next season with a manager that can tactically influence a game, particularly when it’s clear a passive system isn’t working?
  9. Lose badly to Leeds, and he’s gone. Some of the away performances this season have been a shambles.
  10. This is an utter disgrace! If we were going to play like this, then they should let everyone know in advance or let the fans in for free… as this isn’t a correct attitude for competitive sport. I’m embarrassed.
  11. It really is, isn’t it? I’m glad I couldn’t go to this one, as the body language of our players is so lacklustre and casual. I feel for our fans who travelled there. If we should somehow go up, then the manager needs to spend this summer at the School of Tactics & Motivational Skills… or be replaced. Our approach away from home is just wrong. And if it doesn’t change in the second half, we’ll have to play Leeds. Not great.
  12. I’m hoping West Brom drop points and we finish 5th (which sadly looks unlikely, against Shef Wed and Preston). We’ll happily take Southampton home and away, then look forward to the Binners having another mental collapse against us, at Wembley.
  13. If we win today, we should hopefully keep 5th place until the end of the season. Will certainly help, not playing the team who finishes 3rd. I’m still hoping for a Wembley final against that other team down the road.
  14. Why are we so cr** away from home, yet so solid at home?! Feels like the 2001-2002 season again. It has to be the manager’s tactics and motivational skills.
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