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    Time to cash in?

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    Is tomorrow the optimum time to cash in on our young (and  some free) talents? Should we actively seek clubs for the likes of Godfrey, Aarons, Lewis, Cantwell, Buendia, Pukki et al, and try and get them to sign contracts with bigger clubs, ready to go in January?

    We'd be rolling in it, come February 1st. 

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    9 hours ago, Crabbycanary3 said:


    We'd be rolling in it, come February 1st. 

    Joking aside, why do we need to be 'rolling in it' on February 1st?

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    25 minutes ago, Crabbycanary3 said:

    It was purely tongue in cheek SR 😉 

    Mind you, on that game alone (against some of the best strikers in Europe) Godfrey added £10M to his price.

    By all accounts, Amadou was the star at the back, I wasn't there, what do others think?

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    It's an interesting discussion point, and not as clear-cut as people would make out. Arguably a number of our players have the potential to reach the very top of the game. But it is also possible that some are overachieving right now and might drop away without fulfilling that potential. It is also important to remember that players only really develop fully when exposed to first team football so the success of the current group will prevent the next generation of young players from breaking through without at least some of the incumbents moving on.

    So, what's the best case scenario? We keep all our young stars and somehow manage to continue to improve around them, bring in new young players to replace the natural attrition as older and lesser players reach the end of their contracts. Eventually we will have to start paying them higher wages to match their ability (and what they could be earning elsewhere). With agents in their ears and 'bigger' clubs circling, would we be able to keep the team unity and workrate which has been central to our success? Either we will have to become a top 6 club, or we will eventually have to let some of these players move on to bigger things.

    Only time will tell if we (or the young players) have peaked, or if this is just another rung on the ladder of untold future success. Injuries can quickly curtail careers and hindsight is a wonderful thing. However, everyone has their price. I trust the club to sensibly weigh up any offers and only sell if it is too much to turn down. We're in a great position in that we are financially secure. If the right offer comes in, and the club thinks we can unearth a replacement then we might see someone move on sooner rather than later.

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    13 minutes ago, Petriix said:

    It's an interesting discussion point, and not as clear-cut as people would make out. Arguably a number of our players have the potential to reach the very top of the game. But it is also possible that some are overachieving right now and might drop away without fulfilling that potential. It is also important to remember that players only really develop fully when exposed to first team football so the success of the current group will prevent the next generation of young players from breaking through without at least some of the incumbents moving on.

    So, what's the best case scenario? We keep all our young stars and somehow manage to continue to improve around them, bring in new young players to replace the natural attrition as older and lesser players reach the end of their contracts. Eventually we will have to start paying them higher wages to match their ability (and what they could be earning elsewhere). With agents in their ears and 'bigger' clubs circling, would we be able to keep the team unity and workrate which has been central to our success? Either we will have to become a top 6 club, or we will eventually have to let some of these players move on to bigger things.

    Only time will tell if we (or the young players) have peaked, or if this is just another rung on the ladder of untold future success. Injuries can quickly curtail careers and hindsight is a wonderful thing. However, everyone has their price. I trust the club to sensibly weigh up any offers and only sell if it is too much to turn down. We're in a great position in that we are financially secure. If the right offer comes in, and the club thinks we can unearth a replacement then we might see someone move on sooner rather than later.

    What you're talking about is the natural evolution of the squad, every Club has its own way of dealing with this. 

    The big Clubs spend a fortune, pay top wages and in a couple of years time, buy the next multi million pound superstar to replace them. 

    In our case, the best players will move on, they always have, the trick is to find a player to replace them with a limited budget, or a promising youngster, not easy but DF/SW have had more hits than misses.

    Last year the side evolved as result of injuries mainly, this year it's not been much different. However, take Klose for example, when he got injured last year, many thought we'd struggle, we didn't and he moved down the pecking order. 

    This season is a right off for Timm, he's been desperately unlucky but will we have sourced better options by the time he comes back?

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    I just hope that option to buy Amadou at the agreed amount is absolutely watertight. At this rate he could be worth £40 million plus come next summer.

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    One possible aspect I don’t think I’ve seen raised is about how important our coaching methods are on an ongoing basis. Our coaching staff clearly have a real ability to bring out the best in players with as yet unrealised potential. What if one or two of our young stars move on, and they flop? It will look like they rely on our coaches, and the value of those players left with us could drop.


    So I think it’s best if we try and sell them all in one go, and avoid the risk of damaging their value.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2

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    Was listening to Don Hutchinson on Radio 5 last Friday night (yes, before the Man City game). He was raving about Cantwell and saying that one of the Big 6 clubs should be going in for Cantwell with a bid of £25 - 30 million in the January transfer window. Hutchinson's logic was that it would be a good idea to 'nick' him for that price now, because by the end of this season he may well be worth £50 million. 

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    Maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread that features our Transfermarkt sheet with the current player values and see how it changes during the season. Pukki, for instance, was valued at 6m until last week (his 30 goals last season added a ridiculous 3m to his value)  and they slapped another 3m to his estimated worth about a week ago, so now he's valued at 9m (!!) I think if anyone would approach the club with an offer like that they'd laugh their heads off.

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    3 hours ago, canarydan23 said:

    I just hope that option to buy Amadou at the agreed amount is absolutely watertight. At this rate he could be worth £40 million plus come next summer.

    £8million after 1 game, £40 million after 5 games, what on earth will he cost after 6.😁

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    On 15/09/2019 at 06:17, City 2nd said:

    Is  your real name ROBERT CHASE?

    Delia has cashed in on players on many more occasions than Chase ever did.

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    17 minutes ago, Big Vince said:

    Delia has cashed in on players on many more occasions than Chase ever did.

    Still below the number of trolling posts from “Big” Vince.

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    14 minutes ago, Big Vince said:

    Delia has cashed in on players on many more occasions than Chase ever did.

    Yeah right. I must have imagined that time when Chase was in charge and you could make an entire 11, and not just 11 names but a proper team, with a goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and strikers, of players we had sold for vast amounts of money to top flight clubs in England, or in a couple of cases (Chris Woods for example) in Scotland.

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    3 minutes ago, PurpleCanary said:

    Yeah right. I must have imagined that time when Chase was in charge and you could make an entire 11, and not just 11 names but a proper team, with a goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and strikers, of players we had sold for vast amounts of money to top flight clubs in England, or in a couple of cases (Chris Woods for example) in Scotland.

    Delia has sold more than a complete team of players to other clubs for much higher amounts of money (in many cases to cover the mistakes she has made such as poor managerial appointments that have led to poor performances on the pitch which in turn led to losses on the balance sheet). 

    Chase actually used player sales to: balance the books, improve the ground, buy Colney and develop it from scratch; and buy quality replacements for those sold. Who would argue with player sales if it means you can bring in the likes of Crook, Bowen, Fleck, Townsend, Linighan, etc? Chase also continued the flourishing youth system (Gordon, Sutton, Fox, Eadie, etc) started under Sir Arthur, whereas under Delia this was allowed to rot for more than 20 years before getting rediscovered under the boy Webber.

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    1 hour ago, Big Vince said:

    Delia has sold more than a complete team of players to other clubs for much higher amounts of money (in many cases to cover the mistakes she has made such as poor managerial appointments that have led to poor performances on the pitch which in turn led to losses on the balance sheet). 

    Chase actually used player sales to: balance the books, improve the ground, buy Colney and develop it from scratch; and buy quality replacements for those sold. Who would argue with player sales if it means you can bring in the likes of Crook, Bowen, Fleck, Townsend, Linighan, etc? Chase also continued the flourishing youth system (Gordon, Sutton, Fox, Eadie, etc) started under Sir Arthur, whereas under Delia this was allowed to rot for more than 20 years before getting rediscovered under the boy Webber.

    Delia has been in charge for a lot longer Pig Mince.

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    Vinnie, why have you got no support for your trolling this season? Where have they all gone?? Where are they???

    🎵Where have all your followers gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all you followers gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all your followers gone?
    Back to Delia every one
    When will you ever learn?
    When will you ever learn.....

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    17 hours ago, nutty nigel said:

    Vinnie, why have you got no support for your trolling this season? Where have they all gone?? Where are they???

    🎵Where have all your followers gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all you followers gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all your followers gone?
    Back to Delia every one
    When will you ever learn?
    When will you ever learn.....

    Where has wailing Lincoln gone, long time passing?
    Where has whining Keith Scott gone, long time ago?
    Where has whingeing Highland gone?
    Gone off whimperingevery one
    Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?
    • Haha 1

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    2 hours ago, lappinitup said:
    Where has wailing Lincoln gone, long time passing?
    Where has whining Keith Scott gone, long time ago?
    Where has whingeing Highland gone?
    Gone off whimperingevery one
    Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?

    Only Vinnie hangs around, should be passing

    Wishes Chase could still be found, (was a) long time ago?

    Hates to see the SS charm...

    Thinks they've got tattooes under their arm

    When will he ever learn, when will he ever learn?

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    23 hours ago, Big Vince said:


    Chase actually used player sales to: balance the books, improve the ground, buy Colney and develop it from scratch.

    Balance the books you say so why were Barclays Bank knocking at the door to recover the short term unsecured loans he took out. As for improving the ground The City Stand was Norwich Union insurance money following the 1985 fire and The Barclay was a Football Trust grant. As you also mention Colney is that the same Colney that had to be virtually shut down after he was ousted because we could not afford to run it ?

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    I'm more concerned that we could lose Farke than I am about a player. 

    The players values are increasing nicely but losing a manager like Farke who has just masterminded us beating Man City is a real possibility. 

    It won't have gone unnoticed and it won't be long before we see the next managerial casualty and if its a big enough club that comes calling!? 

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    Rich, this is the biggest concern. A player can be replaced easier than a top, top class coach.

    one thing also of concern is that I understand DF family have never moved to the UK.

    could mean a top German side could take him back home...

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    I wouldn't worry too much, the ink is barely dry on Farke's contract and Webber has only just signed. Neither are likely to go all 'Billy big chips' over beating Man City. 

    The chance of either jumping ship for some basket case big Club doesn't stand up to me. The usual suspects, Villa, Newcastle etc are already under new management as are Brighton and Watford. 

    This is a project, that they started from scratch, it's only now starting to bare fruit, I'd be amazed if they walked out at this point. 

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    From John Bond, through Mike Walker and onto Paul Lambert the route to the supposed "big time" is paved with dangers and failure  ... and that's just in the experience City's past managerial superstars.

    Player-wise, it's been mostly a case of success stories, with may be the Murphy's being slight exceptions in recent times, but then once a player is instilled in the "Norwich Way" he is destined for better things in any case.

    Edited by BroadstairsR

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