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Norfolk Mustard

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Everything posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. I'm not surprised Gibraltar have complained! Political chanting by Spanish players whilst the eyes of the world are watching represents an opportunist cheap shot to me. I have family living & working on the Rock; after 38 years there, my Norwich-born brother & his family are now Gibraltarian citizens & I get to hear a fair bit about the border shenanigans. Thankfully, he's pretty laid-back about it all. Unlike some of the Spanish folk!
  2. Gareth needs to win a World Cup to match, never mind beat Sir Alf! Euro's don't count anywhere near as highly...
  3. I doubt this shirt was manufactured ahead of knowing the designated sponsor - it looks really clunky...
  4. Oh, I'd love a player with that decisive attitude - didn't do Christoph Zimmermann any harm did it?
  5. Where has it been reported that Lotus may withdraw their sponsorship? MD Matt Windle sounded pretty buoyant about the NCFC/Lotus marketing alignment when he spoke at a business event I attended at CR a year or so ago.(A lot could change since then of course). If true, are we talking shirt sponsorship, or the 'LTC' (Lotus Training Centre) too?
  6. I used to visit the Allcock family home when I was a teenager; I played football for Thorpe St Andrew school & also St John's with his son Peter. I fondly remember Peter & I playing Led Zeppelin albums at high volume - figured Terry might tell us to knock it down a notch, however he never did! He got a me a ticket for Wembley '73 too - I'm hugely grateful for that experience. Lovely family - RIP Terry.
  7. I've lived in both these locations - he could do a lot worse! 'Thorpe End Garden Village' is particularly nice however (imho) it lacks soul. Had a few NCFC players as neighbours when I was there in the '90's...
  8. Dean Smith came with a decent reputation?
  9. Guilherme Montóia is a LB - aged 20 & halfway through his 2-year contract.
  10. Ginger Pele's long diagonal balls to Darren Huckerby also spring to mind! I suspect JHT will be seeking younger CB's who are masters of their craft playing accurately and fast on the floor...
  11. Absolutely, Chris is the stand-out replacement...
  12. That's often the case isn't it? The bookies odds mean next to nothing - it's a complete circus!
  13. Same here initially @Wroxham Bridge, however I restarted the process, updated the basket & it allowed me to purchase the seat next to me. (I'd already bought 3 for our regular ST places).
  14. With advice from employment law specialists, NCFC will have decided by midday Tuesday how DW should best proceed. Given the club's tolerance with Flynn Clarke, I expect they'll remain congruent and support Shane Duffy in a similar manner...
  15. An unconvincing 1-1 and we depart unsure whether we've got what it takes to join Ipswich in the top league...
  16. Any excuse to watch this back! I can see myself in the crowd waving a blow-up canary celebrating Russ's goal #4 with my son. What a sensational night...
  17. I've always rated McClean highly. Lots of good points already made on this post; yes he has a mistake in him most games, likewise Nunez & Sara. Kenny is a class apart at Championship level & an excellent back-up utility player in the Premier League should that occur next season. As it stands, he's getting my POTS vote....
  18. Precisely this! Emotionally, Sainz is the weakest link in the Norwich team. Ipswich & the rest of the Championship teams will targeting him even more now. As would we, if he was playing against us!
  19. Should Leeds get promoted, my hunch is DF would seek an upgrade on Patrick Bamford...
  20. Where was that pic taken? Great shot to get Knapper, Delia, Michael & Attanasio Snr in one frame!
  21. I accept DW is a nice guy doing his best. He deserves to be given a shot at getting to the play-offs (although it's frustrating to watch some rather odd coaching decisions being made!). He may scrape to position #6, however I doubt he'd be allowed to coach Norwich in the top league should a proverbial miracle happen. Either way, a talented young coach like Carlos Cuesta at Arsenal is probably being lined up for next season...
  22. I've zero awareness of anything Kyle Walker may have done. tbh, I quite like it that way!...
  23. Andrew Surman has recently joined as u-18's Assistant Coach too (I'm connected with Russ on LinkedIn - saw it announced on there).
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