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  1. Exactly this. How tragic have we become.
  2. Disagree. My interactions with him has always been positive and supportive of my own ideas. He’s always engaged and given answers.
  3. Can’t disagree with much of that. Hopefully this evolves to something like the shadow board. We could do so much more as a club with our fan base involvement. I do believe Elliot King has good intentions and is one of the good guys though.
  4. Read the pinkun article from Paddy with the title about a bust up. But there was no content in the article about any kind of bust up? Has paddy reach Cambridge levels?
  5. All the best to the new representatives. I’m sure they’ll represent the fan base in a fair and progressive way.
  6. So are you saying that Knapper talks to us like we are foreign because he essentially views the Norfolk accent as a foreign one? That’ll get some going on here.
  7. I did alway think his appointment was a strange one. He was brought in to head up innovation and started by talking about how our new partnership with Joma was innovative. How trying to find 1% from the shirt materials hardly got me excited. Considering most shirts are made of the same cheap materials. Anyway his replacement will be a big appointment and MA and BK will be both making this decision.
  8. I expect she doesn’t get much of a chance in the Webber household.
  9. Very true! Much rather well thought out answer against the ill thought manner that Webber delivered with
  10. Women tend to look more closed off because of the need to cross their legs when wearing a dress. I wouldn’t look at it any more than that.
  11. Not a criticism, just an observation in communication style.
  12. Has anyone else noticed that his communication style involves slowly breaking down the syllables when he speaks, like someone would when speaking to someone whose first language isn’t English?
  13. Those that went. How did they perform? Any insights that will help us understand the upcoming strategy?
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