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Advising fans not go because of potential trouble. Absolutely pathetic. If there are empty seats in the away end cos fans are too scared to go, Norwich City supporters will be the biggest laughing stock in football. 'City Elite' my ****. Football ain't for you.

All the best.

Big Keith Scott.


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Little old Norwich, grow a pair good job you weren't about in the late 70s & early 80s 

West Ham away in the F A Cup comes to mind & many others! 

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3 hours ago, stratton canary said:

Little old Norwich, grow a pair good job you weren't about in the late 70s & early 80s 

West Ham away in the F A Cup comes to mind & many others! 

West Ham at home comes to my mind.......

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6 hours ago, Keith Scott said:

Advising fans not go because of potential trouble. Absolutely pathetic. If there are empty seats in the away end cos fans are too scared to go, Norwich City supporters will be the biggest laughing stock in football. 'City Elite' my ****. Football ain't for you.

All the best.

Big Keith Scott.


I’m going and I’m presuming you’ll be there to protect us Keith. Maybe get Big Vince to come along as well!

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Soft as City Elite. Wear stoney you gota be up for it otherwise don’t be a dresser as they say. 

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7 hours ago, stratton canary said:

Little old Norwich, grow a pair good job you weren't about in the late 70s & early 80s 

West Ham away in the F A Cup comes to mind & many others! 

Yeah the good old days , which all led to Hillsborough 

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9 hours ago, Keith Scott said:

Advising fans not go because of potential trouble. Absolutely pathetic.

If there is anybody who doesn't want their ticket for this game, please at least walk into The Murderers tomorrow night and shout "ticket for sale". Sure there's a good few in there who fancy a ticket now who would give you your money back, and the more what you would call 'football lads' going to the game the better, if Leeds fans are bringing it then best for all concerned if we've got a decent quota of fans who can give a little bit back, and will help keep them away from the kids, women and normal scarfers.

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7 hours ago, stratton canary said:

Little old Norwich, grow a pair good job you weren't about in the late 70s & early 80s 

West Ham away in the F A Cup comes to mind & many others! 

Bernie Patterson would be turning in his grave, he passed away last year. Original Barclay Top Boy.


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You realise that thugs using football as an excuse to have a punch up with people you don't know from a completely different post code is utterly daft and pathetic right?

If those chaps are so big and brave they'd put their energy in to doing something tough for the right reasons like the London Marathon to raise money for charity, or the forces etc.

People trying to imitate that bit of the past now are just sad. It was an international embarrassment back then. Even more so now.

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Both Clubs will end up paying for it if this gets out of hand. The FA are right on that one at least. The fans should act responsibly and the Clubs themselves should reflect same.

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9 minutes ago, chicken said:

You realise that thugs using football as an excuse to have a punch up with people you don't know from a completely different post code is utterly daft and pathetic right?

If those chaps are so big and brave they'd put their energy in to doing something tough for the right reasons like the London Marathon to raise money for charity, or the forces etc.

People trying to imitate that bit of the past now are just sad. It was an international embarrassment back then. Even more so now.

Bet it will all be an anti-climax with stringent and effective policing. Just don't show your colours if walking alone or in a small group back to a car somewhere, and don't try and go into the city centre for a drink. Those going on coaches or trains will probably get an escort.

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2 hours ago, Sufyellow said:

Yeah the good old days , which all led to Hillsborough 

Perhaps in terms of fans being caged. I guess that’s what you mean. 

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6 hours ago, Sufyellow said:

Yeah the good old days , which all led to Hillsborough 

The only thing that led to Hillsborough was thousands of drunken scousers thinking they didn’t need to buy a ticket to watch a semi final 

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Posted (edited)

Sad that football seems to be heading more towards tribal warfare again. I hope I'm wrong, as there has always been that element present.

Puts off the families and the people who are the real supporters.

Immature crap!

Gangs of thugs shouting obscenities/chanting inanely at each other and kicking the ****e out of somebody,

just because they support a different football club, just 'aint bravery. The emphasis is on gangs.

Edited by BroadstairsR

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7 hours ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

If there is anybody who doesn't want their ticket for this game, please at least walk into The Murderers tomorrow night and shout "ticket for sale". Sure there's a good few in there who fancy a ticket now who would give you your money back, and the more what you would call 'football lads' going to the game the better, if Leeds fans are bringing it then best for all concerned if we've got a decent quota of fans who can give a little bit back, and will help keep them away from the kids, women and normal scarfers.

So you are advocating a punch up are you? How sad, but as others point out sums up where we are today sadly 

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, MC_NCFC said:

Soft as City Elite. Wear stoney you gota be up for it otherwise don’t be a dresser as they say. 

I assume it's just me who didn't understand any of that, so I Googled the bits of it.

I still don't.

Edited by Scrivvy
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1 hour ago, Fen Canary said:

The only thing that led to Hillsborough was thousands of drunken scousers thinking they didn’t need to buy a ticket to watch a semi final 

Just keep reading the Sun, it'll sell you nothing but the truth according to someone's @rse.

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1 hour ago, Fen Canary said:

The only thing that led to Hillsborough was thousands of drunken scousers thinking they didn’t need to buy a ticket to watch a semi final 

That is patently untrue and you know it. If it were the ONLY thing why were their so many other near misses, including Norwich in the away match at West Ham that same season?

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1 minute ago, chicken said:

Just keep reading the Sun, it'll sell you nothing but the truth according to someone's @rse.

The police handled it badly and were wrong to try and cover their ar$e, but ultimately if the scousers hadn’t tried to force their way in it would never have happened so they’re as much to blame as the police in my eyes. It’s not as if it’s a one off with them either.

Unfortunately the ones killed were the ones who had behaved properly, bought tickets and got in there on time

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11 hours ago, MC_NCFC said:

Soft as City Elite. Wear stoney you gota be up for it otherwise don’t be a dresser as they say. 

Who says that 🤔

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There does seem to be a bit of egging going on from certain members of our fan base, who presumably be nowhere near Elland Road tomorrow night.

I haven't seen so much fuss since my elderly aunt couldn't get her coat on.

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8 hours ago, essex canary said:

Both Clubs will end up paying for it if this gets out of hand. The FA are right on that one at least. The fans should act responsibly and the Clubs themselves should reflect same.

I'm sure Zoe's salary would cover the fine, so.... All good m'lud 

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21 minutes ago, Commonsense said:

That is patently untrue and you know it. If it were the ONLY thing why were their so many other near misses, including Norwich in the away match at West Ham that same season?

Norwich v Chelsea at Carrow Road in 1971 wasn't a lot different. Nothing really to do with the crowd at Hillsborough. The issue was a broken system. It should have been a huge wake up call to the powers that be. The latter are always in denial though. Just look at Covid, Rwanda, the Post Office case etc. 

When the First World War broke out they said it would all be over by Christmas. They didn't make clear they meant Christmas 4 years later.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, TheBaldOne66 said:

So you are advocating a punch up are you? How sad, but as others point out sums up where we are today sadly 

No, I'm advocating not leaving loads of empty seats in the away end, the players need the support. If you are too scared to go, sell or give your ticket to somebody who isn't. 

Edited by JonnyJonnyRowe

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17 hours ago, stratton canary said:

Little old Norwich, grow a pair good job you weren't about in the late 70s & early 80s 

West Ham away in the F A Cup comes to mind & many others! 


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Fen Canary said:

The only thing that led to Hillsborough was thousands of drunken scousers thinking they didn’t need to buy a ticket to watch a semi final 

What is wrong with you?

Unless you are illiterate, severely educationally challenged or a hermit, you know that the causes of the Hillsborough disaster were identified by both the Taylor Report and the Hillsborough Independent Panel as safety design issues at the stadium, but largely gross negligence by the police and ambulance services. The stories about drunken, aggressive fans were fictious excuses made up by those who failed as a desperate attempt to evade responsibility.

If your post had described Black people, Jews, women, gays or other similar minority groups instead of “scousers” you would be on very shaky ground as regards hate speech. I see little difference in practice.

People like you who perpetuate hatred, in particular based on lies, are beneath contempt.



Edited by Nuff Said
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Bring back national service. Short back n sides. Proper shoes. Proper trousers. 

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