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Wings of a Sparrow

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Wings of a Sparrow last won the day on July 28 2024

Wings of a Sparrow had the most liked content!

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  1. That was a good night. Never seen so many away fans. About 9000 I think it was, and what a racket they made, never stopped singing. (The only time I've ever bought a half and half scarf).
  2. I had to look back a page to see who had resurrected it. No surprise really.
  3. Leeds v Millwall (probably) in the 4th round. That should be fun.
  4. Such a shame, used to be my favourite day in the football calendar.
  5. I knew you'd done something, but I couldn't remember the name...
  6. Is he still driving that Renault Megane? Yeah, can I just read you something from Top Gear magazine? No, it’s alright, I've got it here, I've got it here. “With a mere 90 brake-horse-power available, progress is too leisurely to be called fast, but on the motorway in 5th gear the Megane's slow pace really becomes a pain. Uphill runs become power-sappingly mundane, while overtaking National Express coaches can become a long, drawn-out affair.” Not my words, Carol. The words of Top Gear magazine. Hello?
  7. Great memories! What a fantastic time to be a Norwich supporter 👍
  8. A couple of tenuously football linked songs from criminally underrated band The Enemy.
  9. Just to say, what a brilliant game that was! Think this may have been discussed and posted previously on here somewhere.
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