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Keith Scott

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  1. International football has never been weaker. Which makes Southgate's failures even more damning. During his 8 year tenure the likes of Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Brazil etc have had nowhere near the great sides they have had in the past. Meanwhile England have had arguably it's most talented squad since the golden generation. Give a Robson, Venables, Hoddle, 8 years with this group of players in this current international climate and they would have won one of these competitions. Unfortunately we've wasted these last 8 years on a manager who would struggle to get a job in the championship. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  2. Achieved the bare minimum, which granted is more than some England managers have done recently. But the bar is very low (which many on the pinkun/norwich fans revel in). Beat the minnows and teams we should beat comfortably. Had the easiest draws of any England manager. Lost everytime it really mattered against a decent team/manager. Good man manager but tactically woeful. Nice guy, a man of integrity. But not a winner, never has been, never will be. Needs to find a new career. The fact the F.A gave him the option to stay and fail for a 5th time shows just how weak, lazy and out of touch they are. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  3. As long as it doesn't involve picking players, coaching players, substituting players etc. He might just find someone he's good at. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  4. This thread is a pinkun' masterclass on mediocrity 🤣 All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  5. Southgate has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in 4 tournaments. A born loser. No wonder he's so popular on this forum. All the best. Big Keith Scott
  6. Sat back after scoring. Southgateball. More glorious failure 👏👏👏 All the best. Big Keith Scott l.
  7. Kane offers nothing. Any other manager would have him off. Not 'pinkun's favourite Southgate though. Clueless. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  8. Good effort OP but Ramsey, Robson, Venables all superior. Hoddle probably would have gone on to win something if it wasn't for the witch hunt. However Southgate FINALLY got it right tonight and made the right subs when necessary. Will he get it right against the Spanish? History suggests not. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  9. Southgateball 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 All the best. Big Keith Scott
  10. Both these teams are levels above 'dull as ditch water' Southgateball. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  11. Slovina???? Or do you mean Slovenia? Who we also didn't play? You've really lost it now. Get offline and get back to your kids. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  12. Netherlands are a good, exciting attacking team. Very well managed. Will beat Southgateball if there is any justice. All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  13. Ah the ol' binner/scot routine. I guess when all else fails.... Surprised you went to Germany be honest. Pretty sure you're the wet lettuce who was afraid to go to big bad Leeds cos you were terrified there could be a little bit of trouble. Pretty bizarre to be spending so much time posting on here when you should be enjoying the day with your kids isn't it?.... Anyway, enjoy Southgateball. Now probably best you get back to your children... All the best. Big Keith Scott.
  14. Fair point on the emoticons. Keep up the good work 👏👏 All the best. Big Keith Scott.
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