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essex canary

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About essex canary

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  1. Probably because they pay good money to watch them.
  2. In relation to GDPR how does producing generalised banded information about Shareholders which you have undertaken on here differ from producing generalised banded information about season ticket concession categories? Logically there can't be a difference.
  3. When considering the European Competition opportunities that the teams in countries like Scotland and similar get it is disappointing that there aren't more opportunities for provincial Clubs in larger European countries.
  4. How much training does anyone need to be a Steward? Is it an Old Codgers only profession?
  5. Numerous clubs seem to be taking this dual approach usually though with more modest opposition. Perhaps that is why it is all a bit low key and St.Pauli a more serious workout? More European opposition matches would be good.
  6. Then again Long Term Capital Growth isn't such a bad thing. Is MA likely to follow S&J's strategy of achieving none in 22 years?
  7. The first paragraph does seem sensible. Then again the Club doesn’t want to help encourage the youngsters who might want to earn a few quid as stewards or offer them attractive admission prices when aged 21 to 24 so the good work of attractracting the youngsters in the first place falls by the wayside.
  8. The Football is as good as the person power and quality of resources input to produce it allied to a reasonable balance between continuity and change. Money does make the world go round though only when accompanied by good organisation. We maybe improving but we could hardly be worse than post pandemic to now albeit that Wagner clearly improved post last AGM when they had no inclination for a change.
  9. You complain when I provide too many responses and when I give too few so clearly there is no winning with you.
  10. Only time will tell whether Thorup offers more than Wagner., we can hope but we dont know.10 years ago people would have backed Gary Monk, now he manages Cambridge United. He could still start succeeding again. It was only at the last AGM that MA told us that it is crazy to keep changing the Head Coach and that they wouldn't do that with such frequency at the Brewers.
  11. ..and the average position in the first 4 of those seasons was 15.75 as against 24.5 in the last 10 seasons. Resource usage was also much more modest in those first 4 years eg. 48% Wages to Turnover ratio in 2012 as against 88% in 2022. These are vast differences in pound for £ outcomes.
  12. Come On the Top 17 mantra first used under McNally was revived again recently. Why did they sack Wagner after he achieved the target if 26 is the answer?
  13. If they don't tell us we can only guess. Informed guessing isn't that difficult in this case.
  14. Why should such data be denied to shareholders yet provided to some who are not thereby potentially disadvantageous to shareholders in relation to AGM questions? This cannot reasonably be considered commercially confidential in any respect to a wider audience either. From 22,000 shareholders there surely can't be more than 2,000 aged over 75? Of these surely only around 1,000 would be sitting in seats in which concessions would apply (ie. Not the City Stand Lounges or Blocks K,L and M of South Stand). That saves around £45,000 if the concession is axed. If it is to be applied on a phased basis, for only those who don't receive it already, upon reaching 75th birthday then about 10% of £45,000. Why should you have the right to be critical when in possession of superior information? My guesstimate can't be that far adrift because pure demographics essentially provides the answer rendering the Club's claims to confidentiality even more absurd.
  15. Perhaps the Narcissistic nature belongs to a Football Club that believes it can be a permanent member of the Top 17 in English Football but has only actually achieved it twice in the last 29 years?
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