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stratton canary

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  1. Taxi for Duffy.... all the youngsters can "thumb a lift" 😊
  2. So true fella, that's just getting to work for me
  3. No new cards for me & my son, sure it said when renewing to hold on to your season ticket card? 🤔
  4. Always club over country 💛💚 as a good old Norfolk boy
  5. Get back under that large stone you've been hiding under for the last 20 years!
  6. Any decent mountains that way so his mate can pop over for a long weekend? 🤔
  7. Let's hope they HELP come up with a better design then last seasons rag, my opinion only of course!
  8. So in that case why are there different prices for different ages, standing or sitting because as you say you are taken up the same spot standing or sitting
  9. I'm not saying that, I said it use to be cheaper to stand then sit!
  10. Prices across the Barclay & Snakepit are still the same seated or standing, it use to be cheaper to stand not now!
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