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Row D Seat 7

McNally resigns

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[quote user="Mr Sausage "]Lambert is coming back hurrah thank the Lord

Just need the stow market 2 to go now[/quote]Dream on Waveney. [:D]

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Just amazed so many put last Summers happenings solely down to him. Its well known now what actually happened, so why people blame DM   to me is utterly stupid. I have had plenty of moaning about  the players on match days this season, also the shortcomings of the manager, but have continued to applaud DM and the Board for what theyve done the past 5 or 6 seasons, and continue to do!Really hope this is untrue, losing DM would indeed be far worse than relegation, and could have the club on a downward spiral for a long time to come.

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[quote user="Row D Seat 7"]Pathetic[/quote]Not really. Certainly unprofessional, just shows hes human and  can make blunders, like the rest of us.

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[quote user="AmericanNorwichFan"]Quite embarrassing frankly. For him and us.[/quote]

I think I can live with that, I''m pleased he''s staying 👍

It''s been a roller coaster during McNally''s tenure, not a car crash.

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Very disappointing if he actually did do this, I have me doubts that it was him that did it. Even if he was pissed, which he''s quite entitled to be, he would surely have enough sense not to do something like that, a man in his position. If I''m wrong on this then he''s an idiot.

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It was him that did it and he has since withdrawn his comment

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@Its_RobsonWby I take back what was said earlier. I remain fully committed to NCFC and to Delia and Michael,&I''ve not resigned. My apologies

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If those tweets are from him then he should be sacked. Unprofessional and not the behaviour of a man charged with running a premier league (for now) club and being paid a million quid plus a year. I think he lost the plot about three years ago.

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danielsroundabout wrote the following post at 07/05/2016 10:58 PM:

Football and football finance has little in common with building and running a conventional business. And even less in common with matters discussed and dealt with at the Treasury.

Balls''s experience is that of a career socialist politician, a background that appeals to Delia but is totally inappropriate to the advancement of NCFC.


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For anyone who hasn''t seen the tweets

@davidmcnally62 Get out of our club, we are going down because YOU didn''t invest enough for better players in the summer #McNallyOUT

@Its_RobsonWby that''s ok and I understand your view. I''ve resigned tonight and I hope that the club can now progress

@Its_RobsonWby I take back what was said earlier. I remain fully committed to NCFC and to Delia and Michael,&I''ve not resigned. My apologies

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What non of us know to be fair is what has been going on inside the club during the past few seasons. Has Mc Nally been given a free hand in which case he has been totally accountable for the many many mistake made or have the other members of the board blocked or disregarded his advice. Has this something to do with his tweet and subsequent withdrawal ?

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[quote user="Yorkshire Canary"]What non of us know to be fair is what has been going on inside the club during the past few seasons. Has Mc Nally been given a free hand in which case he has been totally accountable for the many many mistake made or have the other members of the board blocked or disregarded his advice. Has this something to do with his tweet and subsequent withdrawal ?[/quote]

Our owners worship the ground he walks on. No chance they''ve been blocking him in fact probably the opposite.

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Thanks JF

What can you say about that, good job it wasn''t one of the players...........

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It''s only Twitter! He cares, he''s had a few, he''s sick of idiots slagging him off and said he''d resigned.

Delighted he hasn''t, and as a club we need stability and to get rid of the blame culture.

Last season Alex did nothing special because he had a Premier League team in the Championship. This season he is useless because he hasn''t signed 11 players as the same players are now Championship players playing in the Premier.

Look at the cost of the Newcastle and Villa squads - it gives a clue as to the phenomenal amount of money it would take to become an "established" Premier League Club. It will always be difficult for us in the Premier.

Let''s stick together, show some backbone, prove we''re not Glory Hunters, and support each other through the tough times.

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[quote user="norfolkbroadslim"][quote user="TIL 1010"][quote user="Jim Smith"]If true then the only concern I would have about it is our boards ability to appoint an adequate successor.

Other than that I would not be upset if this news was true. He screwed up hugely in the summer and whilst at one time he was what we needed I have heard more than enough from several sources in recent years to make me question whether his presence and influence was still a "positive" for the club.[/quote][Y][/quote][Y][Y][/quote]

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What''s more pathetic is our "fans" acting all cyber-hard on Twitter and thinking it is okay to abuse players, staff and management just because we aren''t quite good enough for the Premier League this season.
I think Twitter should come with an IQ Level test.

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[quote user="Vanwink"]danielsroundabout wrote the following post at 07/05/2016 10:58 PM:

Football and football finance has little in common with building and running a conventional business. And even less in common with matters discussed and dealt with at the Treasury.

Balls''s experience is that of a career socialist politician, a background that appeals to Delia but is totally inappropriate to the advancement of NCFC.

Ed Balls is one of the world''s most respected economists, and his experience will be invaluable in challenging and questioning all decision making surrounding how the club is run as a business.  His appointment is entirely appropriate to bring scrutiny to the dealings of our club in all financial matters including the way we manage our transfer dealings.
I would encourage you to look at the man''s qualifications and not at the party he supports.

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I think it would have been better to air our dirty linen in private.

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I''m glad McNally thinks this is a time for pi$$ing around on twitter if this was a badly misjudged joke.

....unless of course it was a genuine resignation which was then seemingy revoked a few hours later.


However uneasy we may have been at the thought of McNally leaving and the "better the devil you know " element to it the fact remains that after 2 relegations in 3 seasons it would be only right the people at the club should be brought to some sort of account.

We all know one of the major reasons for our impending drop this time and if the person at the club who''s job it is to oversee new signings and negotiations is under scrutiny ,then that would seem quite reasonable to me.

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