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  1. Not the talented bunch Sky TV would have us believe. Absolutely comical - unless you’ve forked out for a ticket.
  2. Wouldn’t miss European or International football. I would imagine the Premier League would blink first - imagine no Champions League for them. The Government should push on unless the EPL give a hell of a lot more money to the EFL. I don’t recall UEFA being that interested in state intervention when the Soviet block existed though.
  3. Transition - not sure any other club would accept a season of dross in the hope of better the next year. 12 months on will we be in transition as Sargent and Sainz leave? Play-offs last season, no idea this. If the plan was to be uncompetitive for a season, reflect it in the ticket prices. I wouldn’t pay for a theatre ticket and get to watch a rehearsal. I’m still not convinced that Webbers worst signing won’t turn out to be Knapper.
  4. Knapper is all in on this. It’s his master plan. We still appear to sign weak players, who are not quick enough, lack vision, and have very limited passing ability. We can’t afford the players to play like Arsenal, so I wish we’d stop trying and come up with a quicker more direct style of play.
  5. I just felt so sorry for him. He’s a great bloke and we need to get behind him during what is a very tough time.
  6. What if Marseille went bust? Would we get the player back, and the obligation to buy vanishes, or is the transfer fee claimed by us against the receiver and they keep the player?
  7. Yes. Would love to have him back.
  8. In my view, he needs to ditch his principles immediately. He can’t play the football he did in Denmark and we can’t afford the players to make 4-3-3 work. We need to fight our way out of this league, with strength, pace and directness. Same for Knapper, tippy tappy works with hugely talented kids in games with nothing at stake. They need to wake up, and we need to win matches.
  9. Not his fault, but what on earth was Knapper thinking.
  10. Maybe he advised that you can’t play that formation and type of football in the Championship. Then gets taken off when what he knew what would happen did.
  11. You certainly need pace and aggression to have a chance of it working. This squad has neither.
  12. What respect does he deserve? Massively out of his depth.
  13. No pace, no desire, no clue. Knapper is a massive problem for us now.
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