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Trevor Hockey's Beard

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Everything posted by Trevor Hockey's Beard

  1. Actually Will Smith was going for a "High Five" and Chris Rock deliberately put his face in the way.
  2. I thought that story was about Mike Gatting. Still it's such a good response it deserves to be used more than once.
  3. With the way things are going they are likely to be hosting Euro 2022 ... Euro-war that is.
  4. This is for a different message-board, but as you've raised this here I will have to challenge you on this. Biden is in a tricky position as Putin has already made several threats to escalate things to Nuclear War if NATO get involved, and Putin has shown that he is unstable and unpredictable. Yes the West should have acted more strongly when Russia annexed Crimea, which was on Obama and Biden's watch, but just be thankful that a few brave Republicans resisted the pressure to throw out the result of the 2020 election in the USA, because Trump, acting under influence from Moscow, was planning to withdraw the USA from NATO during his second term. In reality we are already fighting with Russia, it is just via a third party, the Ukraine.
  5. Somebody on here recently gave a link to an article about the indebtedness of the Premier League Clubs and Brighton were 6th with £ 306 million owed to their owner. While we would be over the moon to be 13th with 33 points they are certainly not an established Premier league Club and remain potential relegation candidates every season. I get that you, Bovril, are referring to their choice in type of managers, but I would argue that they are not doing that well considering how much money they have Sp*nked up the wall.
  6. I don't think that the yo-yoing is helping at all. I seems clear that doing well in the Championship is not a good indicator of how a club will fair in the Premier League. Under Farke we won two promotions playing attractive football which we all loved watching, but it was more in the style of a Man City without the elite players that billions in the bank can buy. This didn't prepare us for the physical battle of surviving against the mid table 7th to 17th teams. In both cases a number of factors have prevented us from recruiting to make us harder to beat; some signings have failed to meet our expectations, but more signings probably failed to materialise due to our wage structure; and even more signings were probably never a realistic proposition due to being less attractive than an established club, or just outbid. Mr Sainty is right: we cannot compete in the Premier League with this Model. Is the Model wrong? I hope not. I still believe in the Model, but being a believer currently feels like martyrdom as it comes with a lot of pain. Brentford spent a few years doing well, but missing out on promotion. Maybe we need to do the same, building a team around a strong physical core of players before seeking to add in the flair.
  7. I hope that one of the promoted teams stays up - of course I hope the most that it is us, but it seems unlikely - but if all 3 promoted teams go down this season it strengthens the argument for making the Premier League a closed shop.
  8. I think they'll need a box of Kleenex in the MOTD studio tonight as I'm sure the blinkered - so-called - pundits will be creaming themselves over that result.
  9. What had Maddison done to upset the Forest fans? They booed him every time he went near the ball (ok I'll own up that I watched on i-player and just jumped around for the goals). Forest fans can be pretty intimidating too.
  10. You have missed my point : Sumo Wrestlers are fat and fit. Jesus, have a think will you.
  11. Would you dare to accuse a Sumo Wrestler that he is fat to his face?
  12. Since it is the hope which hurts, we should at least thank the "current regime" for protecting us from hurt.
  13. You have to hope that he's better at Recruitment than he was as a striker.
  14. I don't know. Is it because Star Wars originally starred Harissa Ford and Curry Fisher? Yes, I know . Harissa is originally from Tunisia.
  15. Great - I feel even older than I did - Sargent looks about 15 and now he's a Dad.
  16. I thought Emi looked a rather forlorn figure. They certainly don't take any notice of him pointing to where he wants the return ball. It feels like he is not popular within the squad as he showed flashes of his undoubted abilities, but was underused by his colleagues.
  17. He couldn't be worse than Newman up front ( I still have nightmares about that Wimbledon game)
  18. That's just the kind of slack interrogating which leads to the CPS dropping cases.
  19. Smith has certainly come in and made us better, but his true value will be shown next season when we are back in The Championship. I think we will look back in future years and think that the big mistake was buying in quite so much to the idea of Farkeball, and that when we went up the first time under Farke we should have bought a proven goal scorer and not relied on Pukki so much. I cannot see us buying goals in January, so our ambition should be to not finish bottom again, so we are not the target of lazy critics.
  20. I seem to remember where we have had free kicks and the opposition player has retired about 3 yards and we've kicked it at them. it hits them and the ref says "Play-on". I do have the feeling that one day it will come out how the results are being managed to favour the big teams and to enhance the "Product" that the Premier League has become.
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