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rock bus

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rock bus last won the day on December 3 2021

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  1. He’s coming home, he’s coming home, Cantwell’s coming home! 😂
  2. I think they should go all out to get klopp. They won’t of course and it will be Potter or if we’re lucky Howe
  3. According to cov supporting mates he has got a £2m signing on fee at shef United. Possibly still a bargain but given expected wages still an expensive addition. They loved him at Coventry and contract situation led to him not playing. but he’s done the dirty on them really by refusing new contracts and going on free. Excellent player but I’d still prefer Sara or Sainz over him
  4. Does anyone know if he is actually any good? I was surprised to read he was 20, by now truly exceptional talent would have had more first team exposure surely? He seems to have been built up due to Wagners refusal to give him a go and how he has appeared to bully a great contract out of us by threatening to leave and rumours of bigger clubs being interested. I doubt the latter as no promise of first team football would make a young player refuse a bigger contract at a premier league club. genuine question if anyone actually thinks he’s good enough to be our main deputy to Sargent?
  5. He’s a decent keeper and good enough for us and the championship but probably not premier league quality. one thing I’ve noticed (and he did it again last night) is that he seems to frequently get a hand on a ball but pushes it back into the danger zone. Maybe he’s just unlucky but other goal keepers have a better ability to push the ball outside the 6 yard box or around the post. Probably just me and something I’ve noticed so I now watch out for it. But again that’s an example of why he is just short of being premier league quality.
  6. I know, I can’t believe they haven’t appointed Wayne Rooney I mean his playing career was brilliant. oh wait, maybe they want to appoint someone based on football management ability rather than their playing career…..madness !!!
  7. There’s already a Cantwell thread, no need to start another one 😂
  8. I love the club but dont expect to be in the starting 11 when the new season starts! but at 51 still think I could match Onel's contribution in terms of goals and assists over the last couple years. I love the guy but we definitely need to move on.
  9. said it before. lets just give him the captain canary suit to wear....still have my concerns if he would win in a mascot penalty shoot out though!
  10. I'm one of the few who rates Gibson, yes prone to a mistake but the only one who has the ability to make a pass. His probably the centre back I'd have wanted to keep. Took some ridiculous abuse here and at the ground which is even worse when you think of the recent personal issues he has had to deal with.
  11. Exactly - no issues with us having some experience in the squad but they should also have the footballing ability to deserve a place in that squad (and certainly if in the starting 11). Barnes just seems like a carthorse who is capable of winding up the opposition but little else. I'm not convinced by the argument that Sargent needs Barnes to be effective - I'm sure there are more talented players who can do this. The decision to play an unfit Barnes rather than Sainz in the game against Leeds demonstrates in a nut shell why Wagener had to go. If there is any chance of getting rid of Barnes before next season then we should do (even if paying him off).
  12. I’d hate to see him go and we’ll definitely struggle to replace him, even if we get good money as we won’t blow it all on a striker. Must admit though I think he’s one of those who will fail in the premier league and either end up back in championship or at a non premier league class European division. Hes got loads of brilliant qualities but as already highlighted his poor first touch means he will struggle to make it in the top leagues (although hope I’m wrong as he seems a decent chap).
  13. Oxford, just because close enough for me to go!
  14. Sorry I thought you meant us developing players that Arsenal wanted to buy! Agree I've no desire to see us being used to develop other teams academy players whilst on loan.
  15. If we're developing players who are good enough for Arsenal I'd see that as being great!
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