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We're all going to hell

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Can someone turn this into a proper link and post it on the Wrath and basically everywhere on the internet please, cheers

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That. Is. FUDGING HILARIOUS!And to think a bible bashing Ipswich fan would tend to be the epitome of all i reserve my objection and scrutiny for in this world. I frickin'' love this!

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The lad obviously has issues in his life and in all seriousness those issues are plain for all to see.I for one would be very surprised if he was not under some sort of parental or Social Services supervision.For permitting him to be the subject of ridicule those looking afer him are the idiots.

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[quote user="TIL 1010"]The lad obviously has issues in his life and in all seriousness those issues are plain for all to see.I for one would be very surprised if he was not under some sort of parental or Social Services supervision.For permitting him to be the subject of ridicule those looking afer him are the idiots.[/quote]

I agree that he obviously has issues but he has enough about him to post on You Tube so if he can give it he will have to take it!!!

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You have to look at his other posts and you get a bit more of an idea about him.

He''s boasting that he managed to buy something from poundland.

http://www.youtube.com/user/ipswichcrazy#p/u/4/9qhqejecNWs (there are actually follow up videos with all the great stuff he bought!)

and if you look in the comments of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZFWdVXrTvo he has posted how the illegal license key worked for him (after posting his face in numerous videos!!)

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[quote user="Nexus_Canary"]Jokes aside, I think this guy is actually retarded :-/Dont poke fun at the mentally ill guys :([/quote]You''re either Nexus... or you''re against us...(assuming you don''t watch WWE because you have a life)Brilliant clip.  "Yes, you, Grant Holt.... and YOU, Delia Smith!"I''m pretty sure this is the whole reason why the internet was invented.

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Love to see the WWE muppets have a pop at Roy Batty !![img]http://www.hecklerspray.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/roy-batty.jpg[/img][img]http://ih0.redbubble.net/work.2466480.2.fig,black,vneck,ffffff.nexus-6-replicants-v3.jpg[/img]I take Nexus from the film Blade Runner where the model of cyborgs Harrison Ford has to hunt down is "Nexus Six" unfortunatly ( and I had to research this)  a co-worker (ironically a binner as well )complemented me on my cool Wade Barret T-shirt ?!?! I was a bit confused as my shirt is a film nerd Tshirt.So then I googled Wade and found he was a WWE wrestler then cried as I saw the silly Nexus gang.Now I keep getting people quoting "Your either Nexus or against us" as I use a version of Nexus as a online handle for about everything from forums to X-box to Pc Gaming :(

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What''s wrong with wrestling? I''m looking forward to the Rumble next weekend!

My street cred has now diminished.....

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[quote user="Largey"]What''s wrong with wrestling? I''m looking forward to the Rumble next weekend!

My street cred has now diminished.....[/quote]LoL, I have met Michael Hickingbottom. And will say if you get the chance to see the WWE really do it !  I was lucky enough to get tickets for a Raw taping when living in the USA :)Tbh, wrestling sort of lost its spark when WcW went down the pan, WWE has no competition so it does not have to be very good !TNA was amasing until they bought in all the old farts and took the emphasis away from the X division and onto the main event meat bags.For example Paul Birchill, look at him or what he was in the WWE, then stick his name into Youtube and find the indy British stuff he did.I havent paid attention to any wrestling for about 4 years now ! Lost the spark for me

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Grant Holt (the real one) has just tweeted: ''Sorry people won''t be playing sat. I''m going to hell. God has just knocked on my door. Ha. Class''

The internet is a wonderful thing

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