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    One hell of a gamble

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    To appoint Farke.

    Hopefully he will be a success, but if he doesn''t hit the ground running I''m sure many on here will be going mad at the Club for this appointment.

    I think it''s very brace personally, and hope he''s a roaring success but he has to be given time to sort the playing staff out!

    Hopefully the future will be bright 😁

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    [quote user="Ginja"]Who would be your choice then to guarantee promotion?[/quote

    ]Roman Abramovich

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    [quote user="daly"]Roman Abramovich[/quote]
    Fairly certain you''d still find some fans complaining even then [;)]

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    It feels right.  A club with lots of talented youth, a modernised system of management, the clear out of established and expensive players and we finished the season strongly with a bit of pride intact.  Finances in good order, a committed season ticket take up, it all looks good gong forwards and the appointment of a go ahead coach from a terrific club with a fabulous ethos would be the icing on the cake. Let''s hope it''s a done deal and the new era can start straight away.

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    [quote user="Faded Jaded Semi Plastic SOB"]Any appointment will be a gamble, there is no guarantee a known "name" will get us promoted.....[/quote]Agree completely. It''s why sticking with a manager when things aren''t going to well is sometimes a sensible thing ... although we left it too long with AN

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    I agree with Lakey ! Let''s get the new "tenure" started , let'' get behind the new guy and support our club

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    Exactly AN did it in his first season then went and forgot everything that had got him to Hero status and it all went downhill from there !

    the only way you will ever know if a manager is good enough is to get him here

    someone who has had success before aka wagner does not mean he can do it here

    its a gamble it has to be the right manager right time right club and right players

    Lambert had it with us and has not found it since

    Give this man a break he is coming from a great European club so lets see what he can do for us here !

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    Who ever the new coach is, let''s get behind him, and hopefully drive our club onwards and upwards.


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    [quote user="Baldyboy"]Ginja, what a dumb question! There is no one guaranteed to get promotion[/quote]Whoosh...

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    [quote user="Baldyboy"]if he doesn''t hit the ground running I''m sure many on here like me who will be going mad at the Club for this appointment.[/quote]Just thought I''d correct that for you Baldy. [:D]

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    I see this as far less of a gamble than the Adams and Neil appointments. Coming from a club such as Dortmund you would expect his knowledge and approach to be spot on. Given that Dortmund want to keep him and that there seems to be interest from other German clubs then he seems to be held in high regard there

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    The new structure means this is less of a gamble than it would have been just appointing Farke as the manager.

    If he doesn''t work out the club can remove him and bring in another coach with a similar philosophy and put him in place without much upheaval.

    Ultimately Norwich are going to need to roll the dice a little in order to push for promotion. This is a calculated risk, rather than a large gamble.

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    As has been said, all appointments at this level are a gamble.

    Other factors have to fit as well and this explains why some managers with success behind them at one club then fail at another, and versy vice.

    I see this appointment as probably less of a gamble than the appointment of Lambert (reasonable success in the lower leagues nothing more) or of Neil (success at a Scottish backwater.) Whilst the one was a complete success the other could not maintain his encouraging start.

    Lambert had a fair wind (decent finances by comparison and the Grant Holt and Wes Hoolahan factors) whilst Neil''s "other factor" was that he was unable to fathom the demands of the Premier League to any great extent, did not have a Grant Holt and eventually the subsequent loss of direction became terminal.

    There is an Italian style, a Spanish/Portuguese style, a French style and a Dutch style. By the same token the German style has been successful for decades and has probably been the most resilient, epitomised by continued success on the international stage.

    Let''s hope this particular "style" brings success to Carrow Road.

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    "Let''s hope this particular "style" brings success to Carrow Road."

    Because, let''s face it we are probably getting the whole package and nothing but the whole package:-

    D of F, Head Coach, probably a decent few of his "staff" and possibly some useful German players a la Huddersfield.

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    [quote user="BroadstairsR"]"Let''s hope this particular "style" brings success to Carrow Road." Because, let''s face it we are probably getting the whole package and nothing but the whole package:- D of F, Head Coach, probably a decent few of his "staff" and possibly some useful German players a la Huddersfield.[/quote]


    Well, my philosophy is that if you''re gonna go for it, go all the way....

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    Of course it''s a gamble but then every appointment is. The last manager we appointed with extensive high level managerial experience was Glen Roeder, that didn''t go so well.

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    [quote user="Baldyboy"]Ginja, what a dumb question! There is no one guaranteed to get promotion[/quote]

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    Exactly Bethnal, the whole point of this new system is to minimize risk and maximize success. Given that the new role will simply be Head Coach, not a manager we are therefore after a whole different kettle of fish. We don''t need someone that can manage, that is Webber''s job, we need someone who can coach well, is tactically astute and can get the best out of the players. If Farke is that, then it''s all good with me.

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    Good to see one of the forums kn0bs, Lappinitup, being totally wrong about how I feel with regards to this appointment if it happens!

    I spent over 7 years in Germany and watched Borussia MG home games so I feel very positive about it 😁

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    Mindless stupidity

    Can anyone explain to me his expertise in getting out of the second tier of English or even any understanding of English football

    It is not a gamble it''s incompetence

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    [quote user="They call me the Chihauhau"]Mindless stupidity

    Can anyone explain to me his expertise in getting out of the second tier of English or even any understanding of English football

    It is not a gamble it''s incompetence[/quote]I''m not too worried about lack of English football experience. It''s the experience of German football that is the concern.
    Liking German football is a bit like prefering a loud plump woman. Some men like her, some don''t. Some prefer a slimmer and more refined lady for example.

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    [quote user="They call me the Chihauhau"]Mindless stupidity

    Can anyone explain to me his expertise in getting out of the second tier of English or even any understanding of English football

    It is not a gamble it''s incompetence[/quote]I know you''re only trolling and you''re not capable of rational debate, Waveney, but this raises an interesting point for people with some semblance of intellectual capacity.What is ''the English way''? Maybe an overreliance on trying to play ''English football'' is the reason England is so far behind Germany and Spain in terms of technical ability? Maybe the reason that ALL of the top six clubs have continental managers is because, y''know, English football isn''t actually very good? Maybe the 50+ years since we last won a trophy are due to parochial arrogance and the fact we sat on our backsides while France and Spain produced fantastic footballers through outstanding academies such as Clairefontaine and La Masia, and Germany completely restructured their national game after their failures in France 98 and Euro 2000?Maybe part of the reason Norwich have not been able to sustain ourselves in the top flight is because we''ve never had a non-British manager, and the best years we''ve had in the last 20 were under a manager who took inspiration from Ottmar Hitzfeld?This is an outstanding appointment for this football club - and what''s better, a lot of the transfer targets and scouting will be overseen by a man who has overseen an outstanding upturn in fortunes for a club playing in... yes, you guessed it... the second tier of English football. He''s also been at Wolves, where he oversaw promotion from League One, and was working alongside Damien Comolli at Liverpool by the age of 25.If you can read all the information above and still tell us we''d be better off with a seasoned second-tier stalwart like Mick McCarthy, Kenny Jackett or Neil Warnock as a solo manager, god help you.

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    [quote user="Len"]
    [quote user="They call me the Chihauhau"]Mindless stupidity

    Can anyone explain to me his expertise in getting out of the second tier of English or even any understanding of English football

    It is not a gamble it''s incompetence[/quote]I''m not too worried about lack of English football experience. It''s the experience of German football that is the concern.
    Liking German football is a bit like prefering a loud plump woman. Some men like her, some don''t. Some prefer a slimmer and more refined lady for example.
    [/quote]What crass, ignorant horseshít.Read these and educate yourself.https://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/sep/05/germany-football-team-youth-development-to-world-cup-win-2014http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1799021-how-germany-have-evolved-under-joachim-loew

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    [quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Len"]
    [quote user="They call me the Chihauhau"]Mindless stupidity

    Can anyone explain to me his expertise in getting out of the second tier of English or even any understanding of English football

    It is not a gamble it''s incompetence[/quote]I''m not too worried about lack of English football experience. It''s the experience of German football that is the concern.
    Liking German football is a bit like prefering a loud plump woman. Some men like her, some don''t. Some prefer a slimmer and more refined lady for example.
    [/quote]What crass, ignorant horseshít.Read these and educate yourself.https://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/sep/05/germany-football-team-youth-development-to-world-cup-win-2014http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1799021-how-germany-have-evolved-under-joachim-loew[/quote]All you are doing is trying to prove that the loud plump Fraulein is superior or preferable.

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