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Everything posted by KiwiScot

  1. Can get my screen grab to show....http://www.thesackrace.com/managers/neil-adams
  2. Saw this and laughed. Maybe an Omen. Btw I think what we need is a manger who has bulid up a club and taken them to the premier league, only to get sacked a few seasons. Like Gary Monk, but I can''t think of any except Paul Lambert who wasn''t sacked also.
  3. [quote user="morty"]Is Whittaker fit?[/quote]He played tonight.
  4. The Snow Leopard 3 way mating fight was good. Totally insane how she is trying to mate while still raising a cub.
  5. No to Strachan for manager, not the greatest tactics with Celtic. As for the game we tried and all that stood us apart was the individual skill of the England players, more sharp, more quick, more precise. We had did plenty to show a better team would outplay England we just don''t have the skill. Also hope we never play in pink again..
  6. Ian Holloway back in charge at QPR. I didn''t care much until I saw his first game is against us. Oh dear we don''t need this with our current form.
  7. Cod, Chips, Peas and Carrots. Later for the match beer and something else.
  8. Big Sam....He might be sick managing struggling premier league teams and fancy winning games in the championship.
  9. Setup the 2nd goal and a great pass and involved in the first by taking the free kick with a long lob. Slow game though so he isn''t under a lot of pressure.
  10. Interesting and good stuff. Strangely makes me want to watch Nuns on the run with Eric Idle and Robbie Cotrane.
  11. Think Hughton will have our number? He should be looking forward to this one.
  12. Leeds had made a lot of changes as well, it seems to be the accepted norm nowadays to "give" players a chance rather than play your best team. I do agree with the OP that we did not take this game seriously enough. Brady, Tettey, Dorrans, and Josh Murphy, Ruddy, Bassong, but a few more established players were needed tonight and it clearly showed.
  13. 1)Surprised we took off Tettey tbh. Scrappy game needing a bit more experienced players on the park. Both Dorrans and Tettey would have been more effective.2)Everyone''s going on about the defense, but the amount of times the attacking side got the ball and immediately gave it away was shocking. No hold up the ball, trying to make super passes straight away. So many opportunities wasted.
  14. Hoping there would be one or 2 more from the 1st team, especially at least on the bench to make it stronger.
  15. Don''t think Whittaker will play, he''s in training following recovery from stomach surgery so might not be ready for a match.
  16. I think a win for Leeds and that its important more of the previous cup team play. Bassong, Whittaker etc. We should be up for it, however I just have this feeling from recent results that Leeds will get it. Really Hope Im wrong,
  17. Maybe we should try for Martin O''Neill or Worthington if we are going for ex-mangers?
  18. Would Lambert come back given our board don''t like to splash the cash as often as they should and the best we are likely to get is mid table premier league. His ambition took him away. Should we allow him to rebulid his reputation here?
  19. No, No, No. How many Scottish internationals do we want.
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