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Everything posted by KiwiScot

  1. I read it's going to Mauritious but the base remains under a 99 year lease. We should have more of them. Was a good idea with Hong Kong as well. Basically another island we took over that didn't belong to anyone, but with modern transport is close to someone for them to have it now. Removing all those islanders previously though.
  2. Can't wait for a version of squeeze box
  3. I hear Noel Edmonds might have a new show. But what the people demand is needed. Andi Peters.
  4. The reports of friction within the people running the show and the people who think they should be is concerning and I'm talking of minsters not backbenchers. I don't think you have a point with the later outside of wider personal conduct from social media and changing times, but large parties with a wide range of views is hardly a call for PR. This issue is more people can't shut up when it's good for them. Infact the trans argument is a minoritiy issue and with PR so often minority parties bring these issues so a goverment is formed. With the resulting fall out as the majority don't think it's worth the time and money. Which comes back to how people with wide ranging view work together and if the people ain't got it, then it doesn't matter how they are elected.
  5. Her principles don't seem to have transferred into something useful once she became an MP of goverment though, with her explanation coming across as very naive and vindictive. The only thing she is acheiving is to further the lefts hope of a power grab and as a result destablise the country. The chalk and cheese element merely highlights the naviety on her part versus starmers more strict/cautious approach in trying to get and then govern. MPs, PMs getting free stuff and invites. Well I never. Media whipping up a storm and Labour MPs panicking basically.
  6. Rosie Duffield what is the point of you? Resigning so soon on so called moral reasons, but not your seat. Staking your claim early for the throw Starmer under the bus group and helping to destablize a goverment where stability is one think the country needs. Carry on Sir Kier, never mind the danger. Edit: Just saw her Interview. What a self important snowflake.
  7. I suppose you can get the playoffs with a good defence and god knows we've been looking for that for years, but goals make your championship so how are we doing if we remove Sainz from the equation?
  8. Seen both. Good Films especially Kenny.
  9. Who has ever seen the Aussie film Wake in Fright?
  10. Just shows people up really after a goverment that's only been in power 2.5 months. That annoyed with the situation that no one's going to get a chance. Basically they've stopped a benefit and were given some clothes. Take to the streets man.
  11. It's not tatical voting. It's simply voting.
  12. Cambridgeshire quoting wings fits quite nicely. Not a chance the SNP are going to back Salmond mob and Regans one woman mission to be a right pain in the ****.
  13. The only thing Trump has got going for him now is that he's not the incumbent. Which usually helps, but in 2020 they wanted a better choice than trump/biden and they still voted for Biden. Now while not brilliant it's an improvement with Harris in the mix. Trump is not sharp anymore and has baggage.
  14. Aye the dirty pedo should have got the jail.
  15. President Vance it would be then. AK47 found at scene - Automatic weapons now.
  16. Another concussion for Tua Tagovailoa.
  17. Ah no matter the goverment the problems soon start adding up. Pensioners to die after cancellation of WFA. Labour MP is Slum landlord. Freed prisoner sexually assaults women on day of release. England banned if football regulator setup. Starmer makes late declartion of donations. She is watching Sir Kier-
  18. Todays exactly how Kiwi wants it. No one with ownership of the match thread and others given a chance to post it.
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