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    Not saying he is the answer, has to be worth a few starts given the current form of our front line? He must be pretty poor in training if the others are getting in ahead of him. Seemed to do ok in the league below and his other former Leeds team mates would have some idea of his movement\strengths,or maybe I''m just clutching st straws. But then again what have we got to lose. Would also like to see Redmond play in a front 2 on the shoulders of the opposition defence, turn them with some pace, could be interesting, although I doubt I will see this anytime soon.

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    How could Becchio possibly be any worse than RVW?

    as he has produced a sum total of one goal this season, pretty sure if RVW hadn''t cost a club record fee he wouldn''t have got near the first team, when you take in consideration transfer fee and wages he must be the biggest white elephant ever to [dis] grace the green and yellow, ands yes I am old enough to remember Dean Coney, for this transfer alone Hughton should be sacked,but if you compare us with the commitment of Crystal Palace I really cannot understand why he is still in a job.

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    Hughton''s mind is made up, no point moaning on here. RVW is going to be starting pretty much every game this season remaining, if not him, then Hooper will get the nod. Even if they both continue to play awful, they get the nod. He doesn''t rate Becchio, get over it.

    It''s another stick to beat him with when he gets sacked in summer. Frustrating as fans that we can''t do anything about it but hell will freeze over before Becchio is considered.

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    Wouldn''t be so bad if he was the only one who was terrible, Howson and Tettey had absolute shockers today, impossible for our away form to get any worse, the only way is up!

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    How long can this team carry rvw has done nothing to justify his fee we paid .cannot hold the ball up cannot run past players I just cannot see him turning into the striker we so need.hooper has to start from now on and maybe becchio why not he cannot be any worse .I do like rvw closing down and energy but its about creating and scoring where as a striker you will be judged. Otbc

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    Becchio playing and scoring would now be the final nail in Hughtons coffin. Imagine Hoolahan and Becchio linking up to bag a brace at Fulham - not going to make Hughton look clever is it.

    He simply can''t play Becchio even if it is right for Norwich City.

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    No chance - apart from the fact that Hughton has favourites, Becchio had the temerity to publicly express his frustration. I suspect that whatever he does in training, his misdemeanour has not yet been been forgotten .

    Why have the strikers failed so badly. Several people, I included, were saying that the service to the strikers was slow and poor. I now feel that it may have improved a little, but it is still slow and poor often. In this case why is Becchio any more likely to score? Perhaps Hughton is right to ignore Becchio.

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    Becchio should be pleased he is not playing because if he was playing his reputation from Leeds would be completely ruined in the same way that an £8.5M Dutch international and a free scoring player from the Scottish Premiership have had their reputations ruined by an attacking system that does not work.

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    FCC - Interesting take on the situation, never thought of that as being a factor in Becchio not get the slightest nod to play for us.

    But i think it''s a valid point, it''s possibly not in Hughton''s interest for him to come in and start scoring at this point.

    If that''s how he''s thinking then it suggests he (Hughton) doesn''t see himself as manager here come next season. Boy i hope that it''s not true, as it''s total negligence.

    Personally, i think becchio would''ve yielded five times the goals RvW has, purely for just being in and around the area. The one thing which would bring goals for Becchio, is probably the same thing that Hughton dislikes, and that''s that he would rather be concentrating on getting goals than plastering himself out in all positions. But Hughton will never understand that concept.

    He goes into every game covering our weakness and trying to combat the oppositions strengths, whereas he should be concentrating on our strengths, and their weaknesses to the same degree.

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    For f*** sake he''s pants

    Why is it that a player doesn''t play (I.e fox, the bennetts, hoolahan etc.) that they are the answer to our problems when they aren''t.

    The answer is get rid of the manager. Install belief back into the players with a new manager who knows what he''s doing and we will be fine

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    [quote user="alartz"]For f*** sake he''s pants

    Why is it that a player doesn''t play (I.e fox, the bennetts, hoolahan etc.) that they are the answer to our problems when they aren''t.

    The answer is get rid of the manager. Install belief back into the players with a new manager who knows what he''s doing and we will be fine[/quote]
    So why did we buy him then and not give him a decent chance?

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    [quote user="alartz"]For f*** sake he''s pants

    Why is it that a player doesn''t play (I.e fox, the bennetts, hoolahan etc.) that they are the answer to our problems when they aren''t.[/quote]
    I don''t think anyone is saying he''s the answer, it''s just that right now, when it feels like we''ve been going through the same merry-go-round of swapping out RvW with Hooper and vice versa with Elmander popping in and out on the throw of a dice, a little shake-up can only do some good, competition for places etc.  Change of scenery, i could throw many cliche''s around! ;)
    Becchio, as a goal scorer, may come in to the team and be less willing to work his cockles off running the channels etc. and instead stay in more goal threatening areas.  He''s bigger than Hooper, and can hold it up much better than RvW, so when we''re playing at times where the forward is isolated, he looks on paper to be the better option.
    We''re paying him wages, so give him 15-20 minutes here and there to see what he offers come match day.  It''s quite sad to think that if Hughton bought Holt he would probably be sat on the bench in the same position based on what he does in training.
    I get proper angry thinking about it now! I''m gonna go crush a grape.  lol

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    Becchio isn''t the answer in the long term but nor is he as bad as some people make out.


    While I still won''t write RVW off you''d have to say that too often he isn''t strong enough whereas Becchio is much more of a presence.


    On the few occasions he was called upon last season he never let us down. Infact he generally played quite well but Kamara scored before he did and so Hughton stuck with him.


    I know people will say he''s been rubbish in the U21''s or whatever but clearly to have made it this far in professional football he''s better than that.



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    Ahh yes. The more players sit on the bench, the better they get.I remember when Dani Pacheco came on loan to us for the final few months of our promotion from the championship. Many Liverpool fans were outraged that he was going on loan, as they thought Dalglish should be picking him for a struggling Liverpool side.Pacheco currently struggling at the bottom of the Spanish 2nd tier for a team called Alcorcón, playing in front of 3,000 to 5,000 people.I''m not saying Becchio is that bad. What I am saying is that when a team is struggling, not playing usually enhances the reputation better than actually playing.

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    [quote user="hurricane"]Not saying he is the answer, has to be worth a few starts given the current form of our front line? He must be pretty poor in training if the others are getting in ahead of him. Seemed to do ok in the league below and his other former Leeds team mates would have some idea of his movement\strengths,or maybe I''m just clutching st straws. But then again what have we got to lose. Would also like to see Redmond play in a front 2 on the shoulders of the opposition defence, turn them with some pace, could be interesting, although I doubt I will see this anytime soon.[/quote]

    you need a straight jacket

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    [quote user="The ghost of Michael Theoklitos"]I''m not saying Becchio is that bad. What I am saying is that when a team is struggling, not playing usually enhances the reputation better than actually playing.[/quote]
    I think generally there''s a poor opinion of Becchio based on his reported form in training and U21 inclusions, i don''t see anyone touting him as a saviour - Just that we have him at our disposal, we''ve watched players like Kamara and RvW being played before him for long durations now and honestly, the job that''s being asked of our forwards is more suited to his play and he''s got a proven goal record in this country - the only forward who has strangely enough!
    I fail to believe that he wouldn''t have scored more than one goal if he had the same play time as RvW this season.  There''s something that ticks in my mind at the thought of Becchio, Snoddy and Howson linking up. 

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    It may no longer be the case, but Howson, Snodgrass and Johnson have played with Becchio. They know his movement, where he wants the ball and he can link with them. It worked well enough at Leeds, all be it a Division lower.

    I recall Becchio linking with Howson against West Brom last season.

    I think he''s worth a punt - but I don''t believe he will get a chance.

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    Exactly my thinking, what''s the worst that can happen, he doesn''t score and we then realise he is on a par with the other strikers? He does seem to be the kind of striker who would push up and stay up front and not drift around the park and into midfield, perhaps that''s why he doesn''t get any game time as he won''t do the tracking back defensive stuff?

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    I can''t understand why Becchio is constantly overlooked either. The thing that is frustrating me the most is Hughtons insistence on playing Johan ''the goal machine'' Elmander!!!!

    The man has done absolutely nothing, and yet continues to do nothing week in week out. For all that is not going right for RVW the boy does put a shift in. I also believe that once he gets one he will be much more of a handful.

    The problem for the strikers is the system. Negative, defensive, cautious, not one of these is conducive to goalscoring.

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    [quote user="Carlos Valderrama"]I can''t understand why Becchio is constantly overlooked either. The thing that is frustrating me the most is Hughtons insistence on playing Johan ''the goal machine'' Elmander!!!!

    The man has done absolutely nothing, and yet continues to do nothing week in week out. For all that is not going right for RVW the boy does put a shift in. I also believe that once he gets one he will be much more of a handful.

    The problem for the strikers is the system. Negative, defensive, cautious, not one of these is conducive to goalscoring.[/quote]Hughton could play a front 3 of Messi, Negredo and Robben with his system and they''d all look ordinary.......

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    [quote user="Reggie Strayshun"][quote user="Carlos Valderrama"]I can''t understand why Becchio is constantly overlooked either. The thing that is frustrating me the most is Hughtons insistence on playing Johan ''the goal machine'' Elmander!!!! The man has done absolutely nothing, and yet continues to do nothing week in week out. For all that is not going right for RVW the boy does put a shift in. I also believe that once he gets one he will be much more of a handful. The problem for the strikers is the system. Negative, defensive, cautious, not one of these is conducive to goalscoring.[/quote]

    Hughton could play a front 3 of Messi, Negredo and Robben with his system and they''d all look ordinary.......


    In fact if Maradona, Cruyff and Pele were pulling the strings for them I reckon we''d still get tonked by everyone....


    Stupid posts.


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    nope, don''t think he''s a goal scoring saviour for next week after all.........!

    who will play up front v Fulham? RVW should, as today''s selection was just as useless.. put him in the shop window now as we will be wanting someone else in the championship. Perhaps Becchio could do a job for us v Doncaster and Millwall etc

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    So how many minutes of game time has that given him compared to the other strikers? But yes, he could be handy next season if we are relegated.

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    only time will tell if Becchio will get a chance under another manager... it does seem that Hoots hasn''t rated him from day 1 despite signing him...From the games he has played it has looked like he isn''t the answer.

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    Was pathetic the way fans were shouting for him to come on and the over the top cheers when he did. He then touched the ball......about twice.

    Not saying he''s no good, just fed up that he''s the ammunition fans are using to berate Hughton some more. There''s a reason he''s not playing. None of our strikers are getting the service and when they do they''ve not been up to it.

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    Personally I think that Becchio is no good for us and that he will leave this summer regardless of whether we stay up or go down. If we get relegated but still manage to keep Hooper or RvW I do believe that they will score quite a few goals in the Championship next season

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