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Wagner and (difficult) decisions

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The sky interview spoke volumes, he will argue that Sydney was a bag of slugs but this match was not Wagner’s fault. He took this team as far as it was capable of. 90 odd points wasn’t happening with this squad.  

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He just said he has already talked with the board about next season….which isn’t what I wanted to hear as it suggests they want to stick with him 

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The team ran out of legs down the stretch. Injuries and a lack of depth caught up with them, and they were running on fumes from after the Preston match. Some big decisions lie ahead, and we do need something of a rebuild, so let's hope we can get some players in and out early on so they're in the house for the early stages of pre-season.

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2 minutes ago, TheGunnShow said:

The team ran out of legs down the stretch. Injuries and a lack of depth caught up with them, and they were running on fumes from after the Preston match. Some big decisions lie ahead, and we do need something of a rebuild, so let's hope we can get some players in and out early on so they're in the house for the early stages of pre-season.

when i looked at the bench and thought to myself theres only one player i would want to bring on and he should of started then i knew we are fooked

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1 minute ago, mastoola said:

when i looked at the bench and thought to myself theres only one player i would want to bring on and he should of started then i knew we are fooked

Rowe underperformed tonight

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2 minutes ago, Dean Coneys boots said:

He just said he has already talked with the board about next season….which isn’t what I wanted to hear as it suggests they want to stick with him 

That would be a very dangerous decision, one that would split the fanbase. It's not a basis for moving forward.

We have to start afresh and a new Head Coach has to be involved in the decisions for developing the squad.

At the moment he can leave with dignity and is a good man, but most of the fans don't like his rather negative tactics or his team selections.

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1 minute ago, Deptford Yellow said:

Rowe underperformed tonight

should not of been on the pitch at the start

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3 minutes ago, mastoola said:

when i looked at the bench and thought to myself theres only one player i would want to bring on and he should of started then i knew we are fooked

Expect Sydney Van Hoojdonkey to become the Dutch Harry Kane and get 50 International caps now that he's flopped this hard for us, its written in the stars.


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9 minutes ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Agree, he's met realistic expectations.

But I still want a new manager for the rebuild.

I think he’s exceeded them the squad is a lot worse than last season and the league is better. Yet we made the playoffs.

But I agree time to face the reality of life without parachute payments.

Wagner can leave with his head held high and is likely to get another stab at the championship if he wants it something which never would have happened if he was sacked after Blackburn 

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The team that Farke built never was absolute pace, more technical ability. So can’t see what ability we should build when outdone by a Farke team that he never had with us!

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If keeping Sara, Sainz, Rowe, Sargent and Nunez meant keeping Wagner….would you stick with Wagner?

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1 minute ago, Deptford Yellow said:

Rowe underperformed tonight

He’s clearly not been completely fit since his injury, but we had a choice to make as to whether he started or came on.  Same for Sargent.  With the potential of extra time my thought was that starting them made more sense..clearly given how it went that all became a bit moot.

It does seem a bit unfair to castigate Wagner too much for the hard choices he had to make. It’s all very easy with hindsight.

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13 minutes ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Agree, he's met realistic expectations.

But I still want a new manager for the rebuild.

Thing is I just dont buy into Wagner's philosophy. Sure he believes deeply in it. Something he and Klopp spoke long into the nights about when rooming. But Im just not convinced that I've seen anything to make me believe in it.

It's a new direction for me

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He hasn't got it tactically,  farke totally did him tonight and it could of been 8 or 9 . Any decent team beats us with this set up. I want to see someone come in with fresh ideas and to give us hope. After leaving the ground tonight I don't feel sad or angry,  just nothing, because this manager is taking us nowhere. We aren't a team and our players aren't individually improving under him. 

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1 minute ago, The Great Mass Debater said:

Thing is I just dont buy into Wagner's philosophy. Sure he believes deeply in it. Something he and Klopp spoke long into the nights about when rooming. But Im just not convinced that I've seen anything to make me believe in it.

It's a new direction for me

I'm just not convinced that he is the right person to bring through the likes of Tomkinson, Kamara, Shipley, Reyes, he's not shown any sort of track record for successfully transitioning kids from U21 to senior football, other than Rowe (who might just be a freak of nature)

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3 minutes ago, unique said:

If keeping Sara, Sainz, Rowe, Sargent and Nunez meant keeping Wagner….would you stick with Wagner?

Unfortunately that's not happening, we will need to raise 30 million to have a small amount to rebuild. That's 2 of Rowe, Sara and Sargent. 

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2 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

He hasn't got it tactically,  farke totally did him tonight and it could have been 8 or 9 . Any decent team beats us with this set up. I want to see someone come in with fresh ideas and to give us hope. After leaving the ground tonight I don't feel sad or angry,  just nothing, because this manager is taking us nowhere. We aren't a team and our players aren't individually improving under him. 

 I don’t think tonight is on Wagner. He could have played more defensively and stuck Barnes and Rowe on the bench. But we were never coming back from 2-0 once Gunn the saviour so often this season made two mistakes 

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2 minutes ago, Sufyellow said:

Unfortunately that's not happening, we will need to raise 30 million to have a small amount to rebuild. That's 2 of Rowe, Sara and Sargent. 

Think you missed Tzolis and Idah out there at least.

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1 minute ago, TheGunnShow said:

Think you missed Tzolis and Idah out there at least.

And flogging Kamara to Portsmouth for £1.2m would be the most Norwichy thing to do.

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I could write pages about this, but I shan't. All I'll say is Wagner has come through some very difficult times and deserves immense credit for that.

However, a number of the difficulties he's faced have been things he's caused himself. That's probably the thing that does it for me.

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30 minutes ago, Dean Coneys boots said:

He just said he has already talked with the board about next season….which isn’t what I wanted to hear as it suggests they want to stick with him 

Of course they do. Cheapest option as always 

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9 minutes ago, Ulfotto said:

 I don’t think tonight is on Wagner. He could have played more defensively and stuck Barnes and Rowe on the bench. But we were never coming back from 2-0 once Gunn the saviour so often this season made two mistakes 

Every time they attacked it was 3 against 4. Farke pushed 4 players onto our back 3 , he did us totally down both wings , we play the same every game and we change nothing when it doesn't work. Gunn made 2 bad errors, he also saved us 4 or 5 times. 

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Southampton boss Russell Martin has told his players to "attack the game until you can't any more" ahead of their Championship play-off semi-final second leg against West Bromwich Albion.

words you’d never hear from Wagner 

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We always sack people six months too late. No way does he go having made play offs -even through that’s more to do with sarge than him. We will wait until we have allowed him to spend the little we have and gone on another 12 game losing streak. By which time all the stars will have gone or will want to. That’s just the Norwich way I’m afraid! 

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6 hours ago, Ulfotto said:

 I don’t think tonight is on Wagner. He could have played more defensively and stuck Barnes and Rowe on the bench. But we were never coming back from 2-0 once Gunn the saviour so often this season made two mistakes 

Of course it’s on Wagner as has been our shambolic defending for most of the season. In fairness he does have some utter carthorses to deal with at the back (and neither full back is great defensively either) and STILL no CDM (his choice though) but his system is too easy to play through and will always be exposed by a decent side (of which thankfully there aren’t that many at this level). 

The only way he managed to stop the shambolic defending at one stage of the season was to stick every single man behind the ball but even then they still left players unmarked in the area regularly,

Ironically, as we lost the game, the blueprint for how we should have played last night was the away league game where he changed the formation and we dominated for long periods and had control of the game for long periods. An unusual occurrence for us away from home.

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7 hours ago, unique said:

If keeping Sara, Sainz, Rowe, Sargent and Nunez meant keeping Wagner….would you stick with Wagner?

100% every fan would surely

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7 hours ago, unique said:

If keeping Sara, Sainz, Rowe, Sargent and Nunez meant keeping Wagner….would you stick with Wagner?

No. Time for a new start. I would not be too sad if all or any of the players were sold tbh.

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