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4 minutes ago, Soldier on said:

It’s a question of integrity though this happened whilst representing Norwich and the community of Norwich. He should be sacked .

I agree. There's no excuse for being three times over the limit. Unacceptable.

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2 minutes ago, lincsy88 said:

Whether we play Duffy/Hanley/Sorenson or Batth at CB I don't think it'll make much difference given Leeds attacking threats.  

A Gibson-Sorenson pairing and Joel Piroe will have a field day. 

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So much for bringing in experienced players to set a good example and add leadership.

He could get a prison sentence, if found guilty.

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Hopefully he's jailed for the maximum possible time (6 months?) if found guilty. Stupid ****.

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With advice from employment law specialists, NCFC will have decided by midday Tuesday how DW should best proceed. Given the club's tolerance with Flynn Clarke, I expect they'll remain congruent and support Shane Duffy in a similar manner...

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, lincsy88 said:

Ashely Barnes is different, he was charged whilst he was at a different club, he wasn't representing the club at the time, if he had been at the club my thoughts would have been the same as I have for Duffy

Ashley Barnes wasn't just 'charged' whilst at a different club, he was convicted. Surely you understand the difference?

Just feels like you are being a bit selective with your moral stance and applying arbitrary rules to what you choose to be outraged by.

So if you were a Charlton fan you'd be fine with Charlton signing Duffy this summer, because his drink driving happened at Norwich? That might make sense to you, doesn't make any sense to me, must be because I'm a huge moron. May I humbly suggest that drawing this distinction might be, well, a bit moronic?

Again, we signed the best mate of a well known alcoholic who is well known to have been a massive p&sshead himself, who has twice gone on pro-IRA rants on twitter, and then act all surprised when he turns out to be a w@nker. He was in the paper in December for cheating on his Mr's while out on the beers as well. 

Edited by JonnyJonnyRowe

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Just bin him off. We're better with Kenny at CB anyway. What an utter clown. 

102/35 is certainly well over the legal limit. 

To be fair he's not the only one at the club who likes a drink according to rumours I've heard.

Shame Duffy.


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7 minutes ago, Norfolk Mustard said:

With advice from employment law specialists, NCFC will have decided by midday Tuesday how DW should best proceed. Given the club's tolerance with Flynn Clarke, I expect they'll remain congruent and support Shane Duffy in a similar manner...

PFA are just too powerful to get away with sacking anybody.

They'll use the Flynn Clarke case as precedent, and we'd end up owing him a 7 figure sum like Derby did with Richard Keogh.

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My theory on things like this if it was an exceptional player, the club would fine him, say its unacceptable and he takes full responsibility and then play him and all would be forgotten in a week or so. Duffy, for me, is nowhere near good enough to hope it blows over and this is a legit excuse to get him out this summer without any financial hit. He shouldn't play in the play offs and his time with the club should probably be over.

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1 hour ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Its despicable.

But we aren't winning the play-offs with Hanley whose legs have well and truly gone.

Arise Sir. Baath to make himself a hero then? 

What’s your evidence for this? His brief cameo recently? Or when he first played again, but both he and the club recognised he’d come back too early?

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1 hour ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Should we drop Ashley Barnes for the play-offs as well then?

Burnley footballer Ashley Barnes fined £13k for drink-driving - BBC News

We can sack off Duffy in the summer, right now we need do whatever it takes to get promoted. 

Duffy hasn't been convicted yet, he's just been charged. Sack him when he's convicted.

 I’d dump them both irrespective of their personal problems 

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5 minutes ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

PFA are just too powerful to get away with sacking anybody.

They'll use the Flynn Clarke case as precedent, and we'd end up owing him a 7 figure sum like Derby did with Richard Keogh.

Yep, that's my expectation too...

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4 minutes ago, Worthy Nigelton said:

and this is a legit excuse to get him out this summer without any financial hit. 

No chance we could sack him before a conviction and the wait for most trials is 2+ years now.

So if he pleads not guilty at magistrates and takes it to trial, which is agent will 100% be telling him to do, then no chance, can forget about this.

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1 hour ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Whilst this is not an excuse, every time I go to Norwich it's a complete f%%king nightmare trying to get a taxi, Uber or otherwise, there is definitely a severe lack of taxi drivers in Norwich.

That said, never an excuse for drink driving, and you're a bloody Norwich player in Norwich mate, about 50% of random strangers with a car would agree to give you a lift in exchange for a quick selfie and a tidbit of gossip so they can boast about it to their mates for a few weeks.

No such thing as Uber in Norwich! Doesn't exist here. 

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1 minute ago, Norfolk Mustard said:

Yep, that's my expectation too...

Plus wouldn't be able to sack until convicted anyway, and he'll definitely look to get it taken to trial to kick the can down the road a couple of years, wait for a trial is currently 2-4 years, huge backlog.

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18 minutes ago, KeiranShikari said:

Hopefully he's jailed for the maximum possible time (6 months?) if found guilty. Stupid ****.

You’ve more chance of seeing us playing in Europe than that happening 

Some smart arsed lawyer will find a way to get him off

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1 minute ago, BobLoz3 said:

No such thing as Uber in Norwich! Doesn't exist here. 

I thought you could use the app and they had a partnership with Canary Taxis? So its like booking an Uber, but a Canary cab turns up, unless they no longer do that.

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If we do drop Duffy, which looks likely, I would put McLean at CB and play that way. We could get Rowe back in and have him and Sainz as wingers. Sara moving back to midfield position. 

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Ashley Barnes wasn't just 'charged' whilst at a different club, he was convicted. Surely you understand the difference?

Just feels like you are being a bit selective with your moral stance and applying arbitrary rules to what you choose to be outraged by.

So if you were a Charlton fan you'd be fine with Charlton signing Duffy this summer, because his drink driving happened at Norwich? That might make sense to you, doesn't make any sense to me, must be because I'm a huge moron. May I humbly suggest that drawing this distinction might be, well, a bit moronic?

Again, we signed the best mate of a well known alcoholic who is well known to have been a massive p&sshead himself, who has twice gone on pro-IRA rants on twitter, and then act all surprised when he turns out to be a w@nker. He was in the paper in December for cheating on his Mr's while out on the beers as well. 

Whether anyone is surprised makes no difference to the fact it has occurred and the club should act appropriately to their employee, during a working week, with training likely the following day, and certainly a huge match that week - drinking a lot, illegally getting in his car, allegedly damaging the property of others.

There should be sufficient example set following police charge (this isn’t allegation - this is him found to have been in charge of his vehicle while comfortably over the alcohol limit - but the damage to other property will indeed have to be proven yet). 

Just because you feel he’s a better player than others at our disposal (a low bar I’d suggest) doesn’t mean the club should overlook the message that playing him would send out to the squad, to the fans and to the community. 

We know enough already to know that he should not be considered for selection this weekend. 

Edited by S_81

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4 minutes ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

No chance we could sack him before a conviction and the wait for most trials is 2+ years now.

So if he pleads not guilty at magistrates and takes it to trial, which is agent will 100% be telling him to do, then no chance, can forget about this.

He blew 102 I think we could quite comfortably sack him this instant. Can’t see what world he gets off unless breathalyser hasn’t been checked recently .


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1 minute ago, S_81 said:

There should be sufficient example set following police charge (this isn’t allegation - this him is found to have been in charge of his vehicle while comfortably over the alcohol limit - but the damage to other property will indeed have to be proven yet). 

Yes it is an allegation. A charge is an allegation until it has been proven. The police allege that he was drink driving, now it is the job of the CPS to prove that he committed that crime.

You may be confusing the words accusation and allegation.

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He literally lives half a mile from the pub and it's just one road. He obviously thought he could get away with it.

I would suggest from his better half's  shouting that this isn't a one-off and his appearance in our local pubs is certainly far, far from a one-off occasion. I'd argue this is one of his more sober sessions.

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Just now, Soldier on said:

He blew 102 I think we could quite comfortably sack him this instant. Can’t see what world he gets off unless breathalyser hasn’t been checked recently .

Loads of ways.

There is a solicitor in Norwich called Nicholls who specialises in getting people off the hook for drink or drug driving in exchange for a large fee, he's one of the best in the country.

They scrutinise every element, every procedure has to be followed to the letter, every piece of paperwork done to 100% accuracy, and if those things don't apply then you can get off on a technicality.

I would support the club if we did sack him, but I would also fully expect us to be paying his full salary + legal costs down the line when the PFA take it up, just like Derby did with Richard Keogh. The PFA fights everything.

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Just now, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Loads of ways.

There is a solicitor in Norwich called Nicholls who specialises in getting people off the hook for drink or drug driving in exchange for a large fee, he's one of the best in the country.

They scrutinise every element, every procedure has to be followed to the letter, every piece of paperwork done to 100% accuracy, and if those things don't apply then you can get off on a technicality.

I would support the club if we did sack him, but I would also fully expect us to be paying his full salary + legal costs down the line when the PFA take it up, just like Derby did with Richard Keogh. The PFA fights everything.

Well we should suspend him then. Either way he shouldn’t play for us again.

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2 minutes ago, Soldier on said:

Well we should suspend him then. Either way he shouldn’t play for us again.

Yeah fair enough.

Webber abandoning his no d!ckheads policy to sign Duffy, Hwang and Barnes has got us into the top 6 thoughÂ đŸ¤£

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Can see why people would be citing Keogh in this discussion however he was a passenger & was sacked whilst the driver and other passenger were not. Quite a different scenario I'd say.

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1 minute ago, JonnyJonnyRowe said:

Loads of ways.

There is a solicitor in Norwich called Nicholls who specialises in getting people off the hook for drink or drug driving in exchange for a large fee, he's one of the best in the country.

They scrutinise every element, every procedure has to be followed to the letter, every piece of paperwork done to 100% accuracy, and if those things don't apply then you can get off on a technicality.

I would support the club if we did sack him, but I would also fully expect us to be paying his full salary + legal costs down the line when the PFA take it up, just like Derby did with Richard Keogh. The PFA fights everything.

Simon Nicholls retired recently. And he was no more a specialist than any other criminal defence lawyer. The procedural issues that plague drink drive prosecutions are being clamped down upon by Courts and you can expect that unless some significant irregularity has occurred that it is likely you will be convicted. There are unscrupulous lawyers that do trade on the reputations of challenging drink drive allegations on the basis of everything you could possibly think of, but these are very rarely successful. 

But as has been said - he is innocent until proven guilty. 

Even if guilty, it will not be sufficient to sack him. And neither should it be. People make mistakes and when those mistakes are criminal in nature, they should be punished by the Courts. We don't know the circumstances or mitigation behind this and it may well be there are reasons behind this that may justify us to support Duffy rather than chuck him out.

I suspect if this were Rowe or Sainz or Sargent the majority would be exhibiting a different reaction.

Nonetheless, I suspect he will lose his place in the team. We need players at 100% for this play off fixture and I suspect Wagner will go with someone he knows will be fully focused. 

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12 minutes ago, Soldier on said:

Well we should suspend him then. Either way he shouldn’t play for us again.

Why? If he's done it, it's very silly on his part, but in what world do we end a player's career at the club (or any person's career) for one mistake, especially when the circumstances and background are not known? 

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2 hours ago, shefcanary said:

From the overnight thread on this, my thoughts:

Given the news is now out there, strangely the original thread contained nothing that is now not in the public domain. 102mg of alcohol is a solid session, but it always amazes me that millionaires like him cannot plan an evening with their Uber app charged and ready. No one would have begrudged him letting his hair down, but trying to drive just mirrors his ineffectual participation in our build up play - a veritable accident waiting to happen. Hanley back for Sunday?

It’s completely unacceptable, but particularly so for someone of his means. The only reason he did this is arrogance.

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2 minutes ago, Terminally Yellow said:

Why? If he's done it, it's very silly on his part, but in what world do we end a player's career at the club (or any person's career) for one mistake, especially when the circumstances and background are not known? 

He was what 3 times over the limit ? Very silly more than that he could quite easily have killed someone. Sure allow him to access any help he needs but this type of behaviour has followed him around throughout his career.

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