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cambridgeshire canary

Kenny Mclean; Having a press conference

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I don't think there is anything unusual in this, in the past there was always a player interview as well as the head coachs' presser before the weekend's match. I just think they seemed to have been dropped since Farke's time in charge. Maybe one of the first efforts of the club to "reconnect" with supporters, to give a more rounded view and potentially a different take on things at Carrow Road and Colney. 

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I hope he's going to be wearing the mayor's tricorn.

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I hope Kenny leans into the mic and whispers "The walrus was me", gets up and walks back out again.

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I think it's clear the club sense an opportunity to really use these last 13 games.

All for it

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He'll turn up at the wrong time or in the wrong room, put his hand up and apologise to everyone 

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I'm calling it now.

Kenny McLean will be groomed and slowly positioned as a future Norwich manager in waiting, doing his badges all the way up to Pro level over the course of the 2.5 years he has left on his contract.

The fans would despair at that thought and he'll leave under a cloud a year early after the fans decide he has outstayed his welcome.

Then he'll go and get some rival team playing like prime Barcelona, by which point the fans will realise that maybe he would have been a good option after all.

Russell Martin mark II.

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16 minutes ago, Number9 said:

He'll turn up at the wrong time or in the wrong room, put his hand up and apologise to everyone 

You'll spend the build up talking about how rubbish his presser will be. It'll obviously then be voted presser of the year by a professional panel but You'll spend the next year promising you're right and all these people in the industry don't have a clue....😃

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1 hour ago, Feedthewolf said:

I hope he's going to be wearing the mayor's tricorn.

Maybe he'll down a bottle of Mad Dog 20:20 too 

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34 minutes ago, BobLoz3 said:

Maybe he'll down a bottle of Mad Dog 20:20 too 

Came here to say this. The disconnect ends here!

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I bet he was excellent at pointing to the person he wanted to ask the next question. And I bet some of his answers to tricky questions from people at the far end of the room hit the target perfectly, but his answer to a simple question to a person in the first row fell short.

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Unless I missed something, strange that he wasn't asked about the booing. Was it off limits? I assumed the point of the presser was to try and build some bridges between the players and fans.

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This stood out for me.

KM on longevity to his career playing CB: “I hope so. We’ll see how things go. I’ve spoke to the manager about it and he said that he sees me there in the long-term. I still prefer playing in the middle, but I’ll play anywhere.”

Gibson is going to have to work hard to get his place back then?



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6 minutes ago, shefcanary said:

This stood out for me.

KM on longevity to his career playing CB: “I hope so. We’ll see how things go. I’ve spoke to the manager about it and he said that he sees me there in the long-term. I still prefer playing in the middle, but I’ll play anywhere.”

Gibson is going to have to work hard to get his place back then?



Batth crying on the sidelines

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9 minutes ago, shefcanary said:

This stood out for me.

KM on longevity to his career playing CB: “I hope so. We’ll see how things go. I’ve spoke to the manager about it and he said that he sees me there in the long-term. I still prefer playing in the middle, but I’ll play anywhere.”

Gibson is going to have to work hard to get his place back then?


Gibson is out of contract and I can see him ending his career at Middlesbrough.

So there is clearly a vacancy for a left sided centre back next season.

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2 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Batth crying on the sidelines

He's right footed - his problems are bigger than worrying about the lefties, Kenny and Gibson. Although the salary he is earning to sit on the bench will be compensation enough, no doubt.

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12 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

Batth crying on the sidelines

Out of contract in the summer, will never play for us again unless we have an injury crisis.


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1 minute ago, hogesar said:

Out of contract in the summer, will never play for us again unless we have an injury crisis.


God forbid we play a defender who won player of the season at his last club.

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53 minutes ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

God forbid we play a defender who won player of the season at his last club.

Really makes you wonder who made the decision to bring him in. Surely it was Webber and not Wagner.

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18 minutes ago, Satriales said:

Really makes you wonder who made the decision to bring him in. Surely it was Webber and not Wagner.

It was obviously a bit of a panic signing once Big Andy left at the eleventh hour. Hence the short contract. 

The idea I expect was that we needed an experienced centre half just in case.

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1 hour ago, Gordon Bennett said:

It was obviously a bit of a panic signing once Big Andy left at the eleventh hour. Hence the short contract. 

The idea I expect was that we needed an experienced centre half just in case.

Clearly influenced by reading this forum, where people aren’t happy unless we have at least five, preferably six, centre backs, all of at least Championship quality.

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1 hour ago, Gordon Bennett said:

It was obviously a bit of a panic signing once Big Andy left at the eleventh hour. Hence the short contract. 

The idea I expect was that we needed an experienced centre half just in case.

Exactly what it was, I reckon. Especially considering that we've not exactly been strangers to an injury crisis at centre-half over the last few seasons.

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3 hours ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

God forbid we play a defender who won player of the season at his last club.

A defender who cannot in any way, shape or form play out from the back or suit any of our build up tactics. The fact he won player of the season at his last club is irrelevant.

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Just watched it on YouTube. He looks so young!

Great player and leader for us. Top man.

The fact he gets picked ahead of Batth says more about Kenny and what he brings to the team and how we play, not how bad Batth is. Wrong place, wrong time for him. Unfortunately it happens sometimes.

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I fully expected him to say “Now Cambridgeshire Canary has started a thread about me, my work is complete” and to vanish in a puff of smoke.

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6 hours ago, Gordon Bennett said:

It was obviously a bit of a panic signing once Big Andy left at the eleventh hour. Hence the short contract. 

The idea I expect was that we needed an experienced centre half just in case.

And then when we did the idea was not to play him. 

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1 hour ago, Grando said:

And then when we did the idea was not to play him. 

Wrong place, wrong time for him.

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6 hours ago, hogesar said:

A defender who cannot in any way, shape or form play out from the back or suit any of our build up tactics. The fact he won player of the season at his last club is irrelevant.

This has been repeated a few times. I'm not sure on what evidence; the guy has barely played. But assuming it's true, why do you suppose Webber bought him? 

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38 minutes ago, The Bunny said:

This has been repeated a few times. I'm not sure on what evidence; the guy has barely played.

I'm not sure where this comes from either as he seems no more a lump than Hanley or Duffy to me.  But it's hard to get a read on the limited minutes we've seen.  Clearly something Wagner doesn't like, though.

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