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Gordon Bennett

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  1. An awful lot of people doing an awful lot of worrying on pre season threads. These are friendly matches getting minutes into legs, chill your beans.
  2. Agree with both. Sometimes the other team is just better.
  3. Was lolling at the 'all over' and 'finished for us' when there's 20 mins left really. If we've learned anything from this tournament its that it's not done when we go 0-1 down.
  4. I'd have thought another young centre half is the last thing we need! I'd keep Hanley personally, far too much experience, know how and influence to get rid of during a transitional period IMO.
  5. Many people will recognise the name but more importantly the voice of a legendary broadcaster from this part of the world who has died at the age of 81. Since the 1970's he had been the voice of King's Lynn speedway as the announcer at Saddlebow Road/ the Norfolk Arena as well as reporting on the Stars for Radio Norfolk and commentating on Posh matches for BBC Cambs. A Norwich City fan too. Condolences to his family and friends.
  6. I'd be very surprised if Rowe is here at the beginning of the season.
  7. Thise two have been in good form, the others haven't. Correct call IMO.
  8. Like most foreign players I suspect he would have been much better in his second season over here had he been able to hang around. Good for him that he's doing well.
  9. I think you're right, although anyone who did that would have been a Silly Billy after a few weeks of a long term project.
  10. This all feels exciting. Young coach, new approach, fresh ideas and a strong liklihood that plenty of young players will get their chance. What it is going to require though is patience, of that there is no doubt. Wouldn't be surprised if we have a Farke-style mid table first season. But we shall see.
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