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    Spurs need defenders so I don't there would be much chance of a loan back. I actually think Ben is better than Zimm.

    £30m would pay for the city stand extension as well. Can't see us turning it down or Ben saying no.

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    3 minutes ago, Capt. Pants said:

    Spurs need defenders so I don't there would be much chance of a loan back. I actually think Ben is better than Zimm.

    £30m would pay for the city stand extension as well. Can't see us turning it down or Ben saying no.

    Money isn’t everything to the club or I’d guess Ben . Why go to Tottenham ? And so what if they want to triple his wages . 

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    I worry every time we give away a corner or free kick we are not very good at defending.If Spurs or anyone else offer anything like what is being touted for any of our young defenders I think we should take the money.Also please no more zonal marking.

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    1 minute ago, CANARYKING said:

    Lucky to get £5 m after tonight’s performance, somebody needs to teach him how to defend

    Might as well give him away on a free. Reactionary bullsh*t much?

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    Can’t really see Spurs (or Jose anyway) being that interested. Mourinho likes defenders who can defend. I’ve not seen anything from Godfrey this season that suggests he’s anywhere near good enough defensively to be at a top 14ish prem club, never mind one of the “big 6”. 

    Yes he’s good with the ball, and he’s young, but I’m just not sure he’ll ever defensively be good enough to be anything more than a centre back at a struggling prem/top championship club. He just lacks the natural defensive instincts, positioning etc. That a top top centre half should have.

    That said, if Spurs make an offer we like, he’d be mad to stay. 

    Edited by Aggy

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    26 minutes ago, Yellowhammer said:

    He will want to leave judging on tonight's performance 

    We will want him to leave judging by his performance tonight. Godfrey will be one of the best centre backs in the country in a few years time, but to stay up we need a top centre back now. 

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    11 minutes ago, Feedthewolf said:

    Might as well give him away on a free. Reactionary bullsh*t much?

    Do you have an argument against this criticism or are you just not allowing anyway to give a credible opinion? Godfrey has done extremely well, mostly, since he got his chance but he isn't learning too quickly from his mistakes. The reason we are conceding from set pieces is because our centre backs are not winning their headers - can you argue against that or do we just forgive Godfrey because he's only 21, and not suggest that we should cash in on such an offer (if it's real)?

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    8 minutes ago, sgncfc said:

    Do you have an argument against this criticism or are you just not allowing anyway to give a credible opinion? Godfrey has done extremely well, mostly, since he got his chance but he isn't learning too quickly from his mistakes. The reason we are conceding from set pieces is because our centre backs are not winning their headers - can you argue against that or do we just forgive Godfrey because he's only 21, and not suggest that we should cash in on such an offer (if it's real)?

    Well said, still think he would be better at DM

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    5 minutes ago, sgncfc said:

    Do you have an argument against this criticism or are you just not allowing anyway to give a credible opinion? Godfrey has done extremely well, mostly, since he got his chance but he isn't learning too quickly from his mistakes. The reason we are conceding from set pieces is because our centre backs are not winning their headers - can you argue against that or do we just forgive Godfrey because he's only 21, and not suggest that we should cash in on such an offer (if it's real)?

    Winning headers from set pieces is a weakness of Godfrey's that has been a recurring issue, I agree. But because he's young, of course you have to make allowances and try to coach him out of it. If he had no weaknesses in his game at all, he wouldn't be playing for Norwich. He's an incredibly talented young footballer with immense potential, and we need to support him rather than blurting out stupid reactionary stuff when he makes mistakes (as any young player will). He's had three games with an experienced defender alongside him this season, and in the first two he's done well. I'm not suggesting he's beyond criticism, but can we not just go easy on him a bit?

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    2 minutes ago, Big Vince said:

    Why anyone would want any of our defenders beggars belief. 

    Have you got your Christmas tree up yet, Vince? Or is there no point because it's already guaranteed that it's going to come straight back down again?

    • Haha 1

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    1 minute ago, Feedthewolf said:

    Have you got your Christmas tree up yet, Vince? Or is there no point because it's already guaranteed that it's going to come straight back down again?

    There is no point even putting it up in the first place as I am working Christmas Day. 

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    1 minute ago, Big Vince said:

    There is no point even putting it up in the first place as I am working Christmas Day. 

    It was a rhetorical question.

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    Just now, Feedthewolf said:

    It was a rhetorical question.

    I thought it was an allegory on Norwich City Football Club. 

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    1 minute ago, Big Vince said:

    I thought it was an allegory on my fatalistic outlook on Norwich City Football Club. 

    Fixed for accuracy.

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    On 04/12/2019 at 10:20, hogesar said:

    I can't see him staying here if Spurs offer £30m. At the least it will have turned Godfrey's head, shortly.

    It may already have turned his head, given his performance last night.

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    Godfrey was good today.

    Mousset came into the game in good form having scored 5 already this season, but Ben had him in his pocket. So much so that Mousset limped off after 65 minutes having had no impact at all on the game. 

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    17 minutes ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

    Godfrey was good today.

    Mousset came into the game in good form having scored 5 already this season, but Ben had him in his pocket. So much so that Mousset limped off after 65 minutes having had no impact at all on the game. 

    Godfreys distribution is so slow, laboured and telegraphed, we lose all momentum

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    32 minutes ago, Alfie54 said:

    Godfreys distribution is so slow, laboured and telegraphed, we lose all momentum

    What on earth are you talking about? He constantly made the right decision when in possession today. If nothing was on he went sideways or backwards and didn't try to force it in a dangerous position - it it was on he passed it forward. I can only remember him giving it away once in the whole game. 

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    50 minutes ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

    What on earth are you talking about? He constantly made the right decision when in possession today. If nothing was on he went sideways or backwards and didn't try to force it in a dangerous position - it it was on he passed it forward. I can only remember him giving it away once in the whole game. 

    Absolutely this, 100%. When back to Krul was the logical step, he took it. He also stepped inside/outside tackles and fed the ball forward a number of times too.

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    He had a decent enough game. One awful mistake in the first half nearly gifted them the lead though.

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    3 minutes ago, JF said:

    He had a decent enough game. One awful mistake in the first half nearly gifted them the lead though.

    Yes - he did make a big mess of one defensive header when he misjudged it in the wind, but he won more than his fair share of headers overall. 

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    2 minutes ago, Thirsty Lizard said:

    Yes - he did make a big mess of one defensive header when he misjudged it in the wind, but he won more than his fair share of headers overall. 

    agree, he did ok today.

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    He's the best of a bad bunch out of our back 4. His distribution is no problem at all, if anything it was Zimbo who was lumping it up. Don't think he did his usual lap round the ground after today's game as like most of the players other than Krul, they were fairly sharpish of the pitch. 50/50 whether he'll be here after January. 

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    Let's be honest, it would be a fantastic move for him. 

    A plus side to our strategy of limited investment is that we can attract ambitious top young talent to the club. Players want to join us as they know they will get a chance.

    Aarons, Godfrey, Lewis and Cantwell have all had incredible starts to their careers that they would not have got by joining a premier league team. Having so much experience at this point in their careers is invaluable. 

    The downside to the strategy, is that unless we show a willingness to take the club to another level - we will more often than not be seen as a stepping stone to bigger things. I suspect none of the four mentioned players will be at Norwich come 2022.

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    On 04/12/2019 at 20:26, clever trevor said:

    I worry every time we give away a corner or free kick we are not very good at defending.If Spurs or anyone else offer anything like what is being touted for any of our young defenders I think we should take the money.Also please no more zonal marking.

    And why is it we cannot defend corners or actually score from corners? We have plenty of opportunities this season from corners but we are rubbish at capitalising on them. 

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